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"So it all begins back when I was 14. Cici and I had met and we instantly connected, before we were anything we were just friends. Best friends actually. It was also good for us both because my mom was close with her mom. Every time her family had invited us screw ups over, Jai and I would always hang out with her." He played with his thumbs as I focused on his eyes that stared down, trying to remember the memories.

He continued speaking. "The first time I realized I liked her was when I felt weird about her having a boyfriend. When I didn't like the fact that her boyfriend got to kiss her and be with her while I didn't. At that point I was 15. Even though Cici had plenty of boyfriends and I had plenty of girlfriends in the past years, I still always felt something towards her. A few months after her and her boyfriend had split, I decided to go in for it. She went along with it, and eventually I ended up losing my virginity to her and she lost it to me." I think this is the moment I'm supposed to realize I feel something towards Luke because the fact that Cici had been with him disgusted me beyond anything.

"After that night everything changed. We had decided to be together and I had confessed to her that I liked her all along. She didn't believe me and constantly told me she wished I had told her earlier so we could have been together. So you know, a year passes and now I'm 16 and Cici and I have been dating for a year now. I thought I was happy and I was in love with her. She was the only thing that kept me sane." His eyes met mine for a second and something I couldn't read flashed in his eyes. 

"My mom's job had relocated to close to where we live now and we decided to move so it was more convenient for her. I had packed, moved away and we had decided we would try the whole long distant relationship. Even though I live a few hours away, it wasn't like either of us could always go and visit each other every weekend." Luke sighed and took a breath. 

"I was coming to surprise her, she had no idea I was coming either. We were still together, and when I walk into her room I see that she's with someone else in bed. Boy did I surprise her. The guy had claimed to be her boyfriend. Turns out she was seeing that guy the entire time she was with me. She didn't really love me, ever for that matter. And I realized I was such a little pussy about everything and that's when I decided to change. If girls didn't respect themselves, why should I respect them?" I looked into Luke's eyes and anger was clearly what he was feeling.

"That's when I dumped her sorry ass, not that we were together really, it shouldn't have even counted since she was with someone else the entire relationship. The worst part is that once I began to ignore her and once she realized I was popular with the girls around school and around here she wanted me. Every time mum came back up to visit I would hump and dump her. I think she's still under the impression that I'm in love with her but that ended long ago. You also probably think I'm beyond stupid because I'm the way I am because of a girl, but shit happens."

"You know, I want to say I'm sorry but I'm not. You may not be the nicest person, no offense, but you're who you are today because of the things that happened in your past. And if people don't like your past, they have no right to like who you are today because it's apart of you. And you know what, shit does happen, Luke. It will always happen and it's something we've all got to learn to deal with." 

"I could kiss you right now, you know that?" 

"Then what the hell is stopping you?" He smiled and leaned across the table, gently kissing me making me want more. "Hmm, never thought I would say this but I had a great time on a date with you."

"Who said this date was over? We're not done lets go!" He threw a twenty on the table and grabbed my hand, dragging me back into the car for our next adventure.

"Don't tell me there's going to be more of Mama's Milkshakes?" I laughed as he took my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I couldn't help but stop everything and just stare at our hands. It all felt so right.

"Nope. No more Mama's Milkshakes for you. I guess I'll tell you where we're going then."


"No, hush up and let me drive." I shook my head as a smile formed on his face. Before we got there I had started to realize where it was he was taking me, to a beach.

"You know that in front of your house there is literally a beach, right?"

"Yeah, but I didn't want any distractions. You know, I just wanted to hang out. With you." A blush creeped on my cheeks as I turned away and looked out the window. "It's okay you don't have to be embarrassed, I know you want to spend time with me too because I'm so handsome and what not."

I playfully punched his arm and he laughed "Shut up, you know I'd rather do anything than be with you." He parked the car and looked over at me.

"Good luck trying to convince yourself that." Always a cocky prick.

Luke opened his back trunk which revealed a bag with blankets and pillows. 

"Were you planning on coming to the beach all along?"

"No you dimwit, I just forgot to take this out of the car earlier." I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not, but better leave it how it is.

He grabbed the bag and took my hand in his, leading me further into the beach. You could hear the loud roars of the waves hitting the shore and chatter of the people that were still at the beach, mainly teenagers along with a few adults walking around.

"Is right here fine for you?" Luke asked.

"Perfect!" I told him as I helped him set up the blankets on the sand and scatter the pillows around them. He plopped himself down and patted right next to him for me to sit there. I went and allowed myself to get comfortable as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I could get used to this." I told him.

"Get used to what?" He seemed confused.

"Being with you, around you. Having you hold me." His laugh caused vibrations as I turned my head to look at him, his eyes concentrated on the stars. "That wasn't supposed to be funny." I pouted.

"Aw poor baby." He said before softly kissing me. "I laughed because what you said was cute." I blushed as he pulled away, my lips on fire from his gentle touch. 

"Well laugh again and you're dead meat." I threatened which made him hold in his laugh. 

"Alright alright babe, you won't be able to get used to all this if you kill me." He joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever I could easily get used to not having you around." Now it was his turn to pout.

"I know you don't mean that. You like me and you want me don't deny it." I should really have him put money in a jar every time he acts cocky.

"Nah, I'm not denying it." He laughed and took my hand in his, examining it. 

"I could also get used to this to. Don't tell anyone but I kinda sorta like being with you too, princess." His words caused my breath to get caught in my throat and my heart to start. "Caught you by surprise, didn't I? Want to know the part that really scares me?" 

"Huh?" That was all I could manage to say.

"I mean it. Not one lie was said in that sentence. God I'm being such a girl." He got up, which caused me to also sit up. "I like you a lot. I don't want to just mess around with you god- nevermind. Look, I'm going to find a way to make everything right with you." He said which left me and my heart all over the place, jumping from thought to thought.

"Okay." Was all I said before I layed back down on my back.

"You're mad." He stated.

"I'm confused is all." I said in a flat tone. I don't understand why everything with Luke had to be so complicated.

"Do you trust me?" 

"Unfortunately." I laughed a little which caused him to smile.

"Then trust me when I tell you things are going to work out. That's all I'm saying about this tonight though, alright?"

"Sure sure." He layed back down as well, and took my hand in his. I turned to my side and he did as well, wrapping his arms around me.

"I like you, and that's all you need to understand, okay?" He whispered and I nodded. 

"I like you too." 

And that's how I spent the night on the beach with Luke.

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