c h a p t e r 5

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Just my luck, rain begins to pour down on me, and hard for that matter. I sigh and decide to ignore it, the day couldn't get any worse.

The Brooks did live near me, but not close enough to walk. It's been 20 minutes and I'm still far away from my house. I wasn't exactly sure why I was so moody today. I swear Luke would do anything in his power to piss me off.

More rain kept falling from the black sky, and by this point I was freezing my ass off, particularly because I was still in Beau's t-shirt. The noise of an engines car drove behind me, the light exposing my face as I turned around. I recognized the car, it drove up to me and I stopped walking, a bit afraid of who it was.

"Madison?" It was Luke's voice. Oh, wonderful. The night keeps getting better and better. "What the hell are you doing?" Beau's white t-shirt now hung tightly to my body, and I was soaking wet. My clothes from tonights dinner were tightly packed into a plastic bag, luckily they were saved.

"Just going for a walk Luke, how are you?" I had every right to be bitchy and sarcastic. I didn't want to hear his response about how his 20 minute hook up went. I continued to walk, leaving him there. Forgetting that he was in a car, he just drove forward, following me.

"Will you get in?" I ignored him, and kept walking. "Get in." It was now a command. "Madison, get in the fucking car." He thinks that by using foul language, it will make me get in the car, ha.

His car door opened and he slammed it shut. I was a bit ahead of him, but he walked up towards me, grabbing my body, warming me up. "Madison, get in the car?" he whispered against my ear. I shuddered, almost barely hearing him as the rain hit the floor roughly. I agreed, only because I was afraid I would catch a dreadful cold, hmph, I probably already had.

He took my arm and led me to the passenger seat, opening his car door and shoving me in. The air that came out of his ac only made my goosebumps rise even more, so I turned them off, crossing my arms around my chest, rubbing my arms.

Luke opened his door and sat in, he was also wet, but not like me.

"Damn it Madison, why the hell were you walking in this rain? Why'd you leave the house?"

"I didn't feel well."

"And you feel okay now?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the sarcasm in his voice. I looked over at him, examining his oh-so-perfect features. Wait, I did not just say that.

His hair hung to his forehead, he wiped his arm across it, moving it to the side. Droplets were formed on his eyebrows and eyelashes, I wanted to reach over and wipe them. His face was also wet, and his shirt clung tightly to his body, showing off his nicely toned body.

"Lets get to you your house, you must be freezing." I agreed as he drove off. I opened the bag that contained my clothes and took out my phone, I had a few messages from my mom.

Your father and I decided we would also go out to dinner tonight. With the rain though, we're afraid of driving back and we'll be staying in a hotel for the night (we went to a nice place an hour away) be safe on your way home from Gina's. Love you. Text me when you get home. -Mom

"What is it?" I hadn't realized I was frowning, not wanting to spend the night alone.

"My parents went to dinner somewhere like an hour away. They don't want to drive back because the rain's really falling hard, so I'll be spending the night alone."

"Oh. Alright, you still cold?" My teeth were chattering and my goosebumps still haven't gone away. I was beyond cold. I nodded and I could tell he felt bad.

Finally, we arrived to my house and I invited him inside.

"I'm going to take a quick shower, I'm freezing my ass off. Feel free to make yourself comfortable, you always do." I told him as I went upstairs.

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