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I roamed the now empty hallways in search for my pencil pouch I dropped earlier. Everyone was at lunch, so I had really hoped no one stole it. 

I basically back flipped and hopped on the walls since I found my pencil pouch- if you know anything about a girl you know she keeps her makeup and all of her personal stuff in her pencil pouch, not something you'd ever want to lose. 

I opened the door to return to the cafeteria and before I knew it I was pinned against the side wall, thankfully hidden from the rest of the cafeteria by, surprise surprise, Luke. 

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Putting on a little show for all these wonderful Penola kids." He tried to kiss me but I turned my head and his lips landed right on my cheek. "So that's how you wanna play it?" His hand slipped under my skirt and began rubbing. 

"Ew get off of me!" I pushed him away and patted my skirt down, my breathing hitched as he got closer to me, towering me now. 

"You don't know who you're dealing with."

"Actually it's just you Luke. I do, so if you could give me some personal space that'd be just peachy!" I rolled my eyes and when I was about to walk to Katie and Mal's table, all eyes were focused on me. 

I could feel myself getting red as I took a seat, Katie and Mallory's mouths wide with disbelief. 

"What just happened?" Mallory asked.

"Yeah, you've got some major explaining to do." I honestly had no idea what to tell them, I mean there wasn't anything to tell, really. I just started from the beginning and told them all.

"You guyd made out?" Mallory asked, almost screaming.

"Shh! No, he never got to actually kissing me." 

"Holy shit, you guys so want each other." Katie said.

"The whole reason I'm in this is because I told him I didn't, and he's trying to prove something to me, and I don't want him!" 

"Look, don't kid yourself, alright? You guys got a thing, I don't think he's given a girl a second look since you." 

"Right, yeah, tell that to Candice." I snorted.

"Is that the sound of....jealousy I hear?" Katie and Mallory began laughing and I rolled my eyes as I noticed James and Daniel coming up to us. I quickly got up and ran to them both, hugging them.

"You guys are here! How do you like your first day?" I asked as they took a seat at our table. Katie was red in the face, probably from being around James, I'm pretty positive she's got a little crush on him.

"It's alright, at least I get to see you guys" James said, and with every word that came out of his mouth, Katie blushed even more.

You've got a thing for James!!!! HAHA HA HA i am gonna set you two up I texted her to her, and while she read it, she got even more red, something I didn't even know could be possible.

I do not! 

Do tooooo

Mads I'll only admit it if you admit to liking luke!

I don't like luke though!

Then I don't like James!!!

I shook my head in annoyance as I got up and slung my bag over my shoulder. "I need to go study or something." I winked at Katie, and blew a kiss to Mallory. Her eyes were wide open with surprise and when I turned around I bumped into something that felt like a wall, and when I looked up it was just Luke.

Rookie (Luke Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now