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It was the day of Luke and I's date. It's been four days since formal, and we were officially on a two week school break. Since tomorrow would be Christmas Eve, our parents thought it would be a marvelous idea for our families to have dinner at the Brooks's, making our date today.

I wasn't sure where he would take me, so I kept my outfit simple, a navy blue drop waist skirt, and nude flats, also keeping my makeup to a minimum and my hair up in a high pony tail. While I was getting ready, I heard chattering downstairs, which meant my mom was talking to Luke.

"Hey mom, Lu-" I was cut short, not because I saw Luke, but because I saw my dad, and my mom was taking her ring off. "I should go." Before they had a chance to stop me or say anything, I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. 

Merry almost Christmas.

My mother had finally caught my dad cheating, she didn't want to admit to it before, even though she had suspected something, but when I was out with Mallory, and my mother had gone out with her friends, she came home early to find dad and Hilary, yes her name was Hilary, in bed. I guess you can guess what they were up to. 

I knew the day would come when my parents would split up, leaving me in the spotlight to choose between living with my mom or my dad, but the choice was obvious, but it still hurt me to know that they would be splitting up and we wouldn't be a family anymore.

Luke was getting out of the car, I was assuming that he was going to try to be a gentleman and knock on the door to get me, rather than honking his horn. I blinked several times to allow the already formed tears to go away before I reached him. 

"What is it? What's wrong?" He had a concerned expression on his face and the last thing I wanted was to ruin our first date. (Can't believe I want this to actually work)

"It's nothing, we can talk later, lets go." He didn't look to convinced, but he went along with it. When we got to his car, he opened the car door for me and waited for me to get in, shutting the door. When he finally got in the car, and we took off, I was honestly very curious as to where he was taking us.

"So where are we going?" I turned my body towards him as he smiled and looked at me.

"Well It's a surprise, you'll have to wait till we get there, B."

"Oh come on!" I laughed and the car was quiet once again. After a few minutes passed, we arrived at an ice skating rink. I was fairly good at skating, but not the best.

"Ready?" He asked and I slowly nodded which made him laugh. "Come on, babe." My stomach flip flopped and I think I felt butterflies from his words. 

I got out of his car and walked along side him.

"I know it isn't cold, but in spirit of Christmas, I thought it'd be cool to take you here."

"Wow, the player can be sweet? Who knew!" I laughed and he slightly nudged me with his arm.

"So you know how to ice skate?"

"I am capable of moving around by myself at 2 miles per hour, yes, if you would define that as being capable." he laughed and I couldn't help but laugh as well, his laugh was contagious. 

"Well, lets get our skates." 

After minutes passed and we had our skates on, he held my hand and helped me get into the ice rink.

"You better not let me fall, doofus." 

"I'll catch you if you do."

He took my hand and he was basically doing all the work, dragging me around. I moved my feet along, the same way he was and before I knew it, he let go of my hand and I was moving by myself! I was doing it!

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