c h a p t e r 4

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The touch of his lips still lingered on my cheeks, I delicately ran my fingers over the spot, and the sensation went away. I listened to the soft sounds of my shoes hitting the hard pavement as I made my way to my front door, keying the entrance and shutting the door behind me.

My parents were already in bed, so I quietly went to my room and tossed my drained body on the soft material of my bed. I got out my phone and my fingers quickly tapped on the screen, sending messages to Katie and Mallory.

Do you mind if I tell you something? Frankly, I was a bit nervous to tell them Luke had tried to kiss me, I didn't know how they would react.

Of course! Katie instantly replied.

Do you not know us well enough, you can tell us anything girl! Mallory responded as well.

So like you guys know, I went over to the Brooks's household to hang out with Jai, but he had to leave. I spent the rest of the day with Luke, and his mother, Gina, insisted that Luke took me home because it was dark. Before I got out of the car, he tried to kiss me, and I turned my head and he kissed my cheek instead.

DAMN! Why didn't you want to kiss back? -Mallory

I would've hopped on him, AGAIN! -Katie
I laughed at what Katie had said.

I didn't really want him to be my first kiss to be honest. Also, he hasn't given me much of a reason for me to actually like him.. lol

So? He's so fine -Mallory

Of course you think that, it's Jai twin!

Madz, he's really hot and you can't deny it -Katie
She was right. I wasn't emotionally attracted to him, but I wasn't going to lie, he had nice features.

Whatever! I'm going to sleep! Night.

Before I fell asleep, my phone buzzed, only to receive a text message from Jai.

Hey, sorry to bother you but did something happen with you and Luke? He's been bitchy ever since he got home from dropping you off. -Jai

Not that I know of.

You sure?

I don't know Jai. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Why was Luke being moody? Was he really upset that he couldn't kiss me? My eyelids began to feel droopy and I fell asleep, with Luke in my thoughts.


Luke's POV:

Once I got home, I sped to my room and slammed the door shut. Why the hell had Madison rejected a kiss from me? She was obviously the first to do so, and it pissed me off. If it were any other girl, I'm sure I wouldn't be as bothered, so why am I so hung up about it?

"You okay bro?" Jai's familiar voice snapped me out of my intense thoughts.

"Fuck off, I'm fine." I aggressively said.

"Obviously you aren't. Is it Madison?"

"No?" I said a bit too defensively. I got a pillow and threw it at him, motioning for him to get out of the room, even though we shared it.

I climbed up to my part of the bed and laid there for hours, just thinking about her. I wasn't sure why she was on my mind, but she was.


Madison's POV:

The next morning I was up by 6:45 a.m. I figured since I had more time to get ready this morning, I'd take a little bit more time in trying to make myself look nice. I leaped out of bed and walked to the closet, pulling out my Penola uniform and quickly put it on. I headed to the bathroom and decided in putting my hair up in a high pony tail, teasing the front just a bit.

I went for a neutral look on my makeup, a bit of cream eye shadow and thick layers of mascara, with a little bit of blush to give my cheeks some color.

By the time I was ready, it was 7:15 a.m. I had plenty of time to head downstairs and enjoy a nice breakfast.

"Good-morning!" I said with an enthusiastic voice.

"Someone's in a good mood!"

"Yeah! I am." I told her, walking over to the counter to pour some cereal into a lilac colored bowl, then poured the milk in. I sat on the table, and enjoyed my bowl of cereal. Once I finished, I put the bowl in the sink and grabbed my backpack, throwing it across my shoulder.

"Bye mum!" I told her, flashing a quick smile before I reached the door and threw it open.

"Have a good day!" My mom yelled behind me, I smiled before I left and walked to school.

"Hey!" I heard Katie call out behind me. "So tell me more about last night!"

"No! Nothing happened! He tried to kiss me and I turned my head. I told you guys I don't like him."

"Oh come on, you're blushing." Katie said which only made me blush even more. I wasn't sure why I was blushing, it was cute of Luke, but I didn't want to be his next victim.

"I've got to go into class really quick, I've got some questions. I'll see you girls in science." Katie said, as she closed her locker and headed off.

I turned around and saw Jai walking towards Mallory and I.

"Hey girls" he said, and I smiled to him. "So, I was wondering if you two would like to go out to dinner Friday night?"

"I'm good, you guys just go!" I told them, moving my eyebrows up and down in Mallory's direction, her face was as red as a tomato.

"No! I think it would be fun! We could double date, and go to my place afterwards?" Jai asked, insiting. I knew he felt awkward going out with just Mallory.

I sighed. "Fine. Who's going to be my date?" I asked him. I looked to Mallory and she had a smile spread on her face.

"Luke" Jai and Mallory said at the same time. How funny.

"No, really." I told them.

"I think it'll be fine. Plus Beau's too old for you anyways. Luke it is!" Jai said. I grabbed his arm and led him away from Mallory.

"Jai, what are you doing? I don't want to double date with Luke!"

"Please? Mallory seems really cool, and I need to get to know her better before I can take her out just us two, please Madz?" I shook my head and sighed.

"Only because Mallory likes you." Jai smiled and he hugged me.

"Thank you!"

I had only a few days to emotionally prepare for this distaster of a double date that would happen.


The rest of the week went by quickly, and it was now Friday, the night I'd be double dating with Mallory and Jai. Once I got home from school with Mallory, we threw our backpacks on the bed and she was jumping from excitement.

"I've been waiting all week for today!" She told me. I had already known this though, she wouldn't stop talking about it, but it was cute of her.

"I know! So what are you planning on wearing?" I asked her. She opened my closet door and began to rummage through. She then pulled out these abstract harem pants and black crop top with green utility vest and black platforms. I nodded in agreement, thinking it was cute as she ran to the bathroom to put it on. When she walked out, she had her hair up in a high pony tail, and some nude lipstick on.

I on the other hand, decided to wear something simple. I threw on a Burgundy body-con skirt and a black and white polka dotted long sleeved crop top. My hair was naturally wavy, so I just let it hang down. I then put on black ankle boots. As for my makeup, I put on a bit of mascara and pink lip gloss, I was ready.

"You look hot" I told her as she laughed.

"You do too, Luke's going to be all over you!"

"If he gets anywhere near me, hands will be thrown." I laughed.

"Ready?" I nodded in agreement and went downstairs as Mallory followed. We had to wait for Jai and Luke to come pick us up.

"Wow, you girls look stunning!" My mother said as she walked in the house. She worked a lot, and luckily on Friday's she got to get out early, and got the weekends off. She made her way to go hug Mallory and then she hugged me. "Where are you girls going?" Mum just got back from work, and I hadn't told her about my double date with Luke. This ought be good. Since she just back to from work, I hadn't really told her that I would be double dating. WIth Luke.

"We're double dating." Mallory said, quickly sneaking a wink to me while my mother turned to look at me.

"Ooh. Is my little girl going to get her first kiss tonight?" My mother said as my cheeks turned crimson.

"Mum no!" I told her, still blushing. "Jai's in loove" I emphasized the love part. "With Mallory. He asked if I could double date with them on their first date so it wouldn't be awkward."

"Who's the lucky guy who gets to take you out then?" my mother asked.

"Luke!" Mallory yelled, giggling.

"He's cute Madz!"

"Yeah, I'm sure that's what every girl in school thinks of his dic-"

"Madz!" My mother said. I laughed. "Okay. Have fun tonight, I'm going to bed."

"I'll try mum, hey where's Dad?"

"Another late night at the office." She said as I could tell she forcefully put on a smile. She kissed my for head then went up the stairs.

Here! -Jai

"The'yre here!" I told Mallory. I could tell she was nervous, her hands were shaking. "Don't be nervous, Jai likes you a lot." I told her, and she smiled.

We made our way out the door and to the car. The boys were being gentlemen and were out of the car, waiting to greet us.

I watched Jai as he examined Mallory, I almost had to tell him to stop staring otherwise he would've had to change his shirt from drooling.

"You look good Madz." Jai said, greeting me with a hug.

"As do you!" I smiled and walked over to Luke. He looked at me and licked his lips like I was meat.

"Can you not?" I asked him, walking to the passenger seat to get into the car, since Luke would be driving.


"So where are we going?" I asked, after being in the car for 20 minutes.

"You'll see, B." I could only think of one thing, and it was why he was calling me B. I have a name?

"Mkay." I mumbled. I could hear giggles coming from behind us. The way Jai looked at Mallory gave me chills. I don't think I had ever seen a guy look at a girl the way he looked at Mallory. I had to admit, I was a bit jealous that a guy looked at her like that. I smiled to myself, knowing how long she wanted to go on this date for.

"We have arrived!" Jai said while Luke drove up the valet, parking out cars.

The restaurant was honestly, really nice. There were blue lights that spelled the name of the restaurant. There also were huge, thick white columns that you walked through to get to the door. I didn't even want to imagine how expensive a plate of food would be.

"After you" Luke said as he placed his hand on the small of my back to lead me through the crowd of people wearing expensive designer clothes, who smelled of Chanel no. 5. When Luke's hand touched me, I shivered. Skin to skin contact hadn't even been made, and he had that effect on me.

I felt breathing down my neck and then heard Luke's voice, which stunned me at first. "There's no need to shiver with my touch." He said, and I automatically knew he wore a smirk. I rolled my eyes in attempt to forget that his hands were still on my back, and that he was slightly closer to me, wich only made me go stiff, feeling awkward.

"Right this way, Mr. Brooks" The waitress, wearing a nice all black uniform led us to a secluded section of the restarunt. It was a private location, if that's what you wanted to call it. There were two seperate tables, two people per table. I, of course would be seated with Luke.

The tables were a good ten feet away from each other, why come on this date if I wasn't even going to sit with Jai and Mallory during dinner?

"Looks like your stuck with me, don't look too happy." Luke said which for some reason instantly caused me to break out in laughter.

"Isn't this place going to be extremely expensive?" I asked. I didn't want Luke to be paying for expensive food for me. Scratch that, I wouldn't let Luke pay for expensive food for me.

"Don't tell Mallory, but the owner owed my Nona a favor, no fees for us Brooks tonight." He explained before he lifted the menu up, covering his face with it.

I looked down, and chose something simple to eat, some steak and rice with mashed potatoes.

"You know what you're getting?" Luke asked and I nodded, returning my gaze to the menu.

Luke's POV:

I tried my hardest to read the puny words of the menu that sat in front of me. My mind continued to think back on the night Madison rejected my kiss. I was still caught up on that. Later, after dinner, I was meeting another bimbo to withdraw my thoughts, and yet I was meeting her for that reason only.

"You know what you're getting?" I asked her, she simply nodded and her eyes re-focused on the menu. "What are you getting then?"

"Just some steak with rice and mashed potatoes."

"Sounds good." I didn't know what to say. There was awkward tension that floated across this table. I was never one to be at loss for words, but around her I never had anything to say.

The waitress who's shirt was a little to low, exposing her cleavage leaned over to take my menu. Weren't we at a classy restraint? To get my mind off of Madison, which I still didn't know why I was still thinking about that, I licked my lips towards the waitresse's direction. Madison simply watched, and I couldn't help but smirk, it was my signature look. Once the waitress left, Madison's gaze was focused on me.

"Why are you looking at me that way?"

"Why are you flirting with our waitress?" I could tell she was annoyed, good, it was working. She rejected me, now she'd have to see me get with other girls.

"Last I recall, you rejected a kiss from me."

"Are you really still thinking about that?" Her tone came off as annoyed, obviously at me. "Last time I checked, I don't exactly remember you being the nicest guy, nor have you given me one good reason for me to be the least bit interested in kissing you. We've known each other for not even a week, and you tried to kiss me. I'm not exactly sure what you were expecting from me."

"Look, I'm sorry. Jeez, chill out."

"No. I will not "chill out". You have no right into thinking you can toy with me. Thank you for this marvelous dinner. I'll be waiting outside until Jai and Mallory finish their dinner and date. Don't bother trying to find me." She got up and threw her napkin on the table, walking away.

Madison's POV

Yes I was angry. Why, who the hell knows. I sat down on the little bench outside of the restaraunt. Luke was a dick, and he knew it. I was tired of being around him. I knew seeing him wouldn't end. Mallory would eventually get with Jai, and she'd want to have a friend there. Maybe Katie could go with them.

"Are you okay?" I rolled my eyes, already knowing who's voice was calling out to me. "Just hear me out?"

"What is it Luke?" He took a seat near me on the bench.

"I'm sorry. I am a prick. I didn't mean to be an asshole. I'm pretty sure you know this already, but girls don't reject me. And I am still confused as to why you did."

"I already told you, must I repeat myself?"

"No. You've actually got standards, so getting that kiss from you won't be the easiest. I'm sorry, okay?"

I felt bad. He went out of his way to apologize, something Luke Brooks would never do. I tilted my head, observing his expression. He seemed serious, he had a wrinkle on his forhead, still questioning whether or not I forgive him. I leaned in and softly kiss his cheek.

"You're forgiven, Luke." I shrug my shoulders, it was an act of kindness, and nothing more. Even though I was just trying to be nice, my lips tingled and he looked shocked.

"You two ready?" Jai and Mallory walked out of the restaurant, holding hands. I smiled, and got up, following behind them towards the valet, who instantly brought us our car back.

"So we're headed back to ours right?" Mallory and I agreed and we finally arrived. Their place was a bit familiar now.

I got out and walked in to find Beau spread on the couch taking a selfie.

"White girl caught!" I yelled as I ran over to be in the selfie with him. He laughed and we took a whole bunch of them.

"You all look nice, where have you been?" Beau asked, almost interrogating us.

"Double dating" I told him, while rolling my eyes and sitting next to him on the couch.

"You and Luke an item now?"

"Ha." I actually let out a laugh after that.

"Well I wouldn't be surprised, considering the way he looks at you."

"Can we not get into this right now?" I slipped off my shoes. "Hey, could I borrow a t-shirt?" Beau nodded and led me into his room. He had his own room, since he was the 'man' of the house. That phrase always made me chuckle, considering he still got grounded at the age of 19.

"This alright?"

"Anything will do, thanks."

"Serious question though."

"Ask away."

"The fact that I'm actually helping my brother get a pretty girl in which I could have for myself sucks, but Luke's into you. He may not show it, but the same way Jai has been ogling your friend, is the way Luke looks at you. Why don't you give him a chance?"

I didn't know how to react to that. Earlier I did want somebody to look at me that way, but I didn't know it would be Luke that would. That guy does not look at me in any way, and when he does it's like I'm a piece of meat.

"I need to go change?" I told him, changing the subject. I didn't want to have to take on the responsibility of answering his question. He shrugged the question away as I entered their shared bathroom.

I quickly changed out of my crop top and body-con skirt and slipped on the t-shirt. I had spandex on under it, but the t-shirt was long enough to cover it. Once I finished, I slipped out of the bathroom and walked to the living room where Jai and Beau were sitting with Mallory.

"Where'd Luke go?" I asked.

"He was going to meet up with some chick, the usual." Those words was all that it took to make my heart feel like it dropped straight to my stomach. I even felt light headed. I quickly took a seat, trying to cover up what I was feeling. I replayed Beau's words in my head, the one where he told me Luke looked at me the way Jai looked at Mallory. Yeah, I'm sure he's looking at something else the way he looks at me too.

"He'll be back soon!" Jai said. I smiled. Thank you Jai, that made me feel better, I thought to myself.

"I'm honestly not feeling to good, do you mind if I go home?"

"Do you need me to go with you?" Mallory got up and walked over to me.

"No! I'm totally okay, just tired and all. Stay here and hang out with Jai and Beau! Also, Beau I'll return you the shirt tomorrow."

"I can walk you?" He offered, but I knew he was just trying to be polite.

"That won't be needed, thank you though!" I gathered my stuff and waved them goodbye before I opened their door and left, making my way home.

The entire walk, I had to convince myself that I was okay with Luke screwing some other girl. I wasn't, though. Not one bit okay with it, to be honest.


Hope you've enjoyed this chapter! In the comments below leave what you thought of this chapter! Vote and share with your friends!

I also tried to make this a longer chapter, hopefully I did, it took me 4 hours to write this damn chapter! x

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