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I understand you are all waiting for me to update, but please realize that I am very busy with school. It has been taking over and you guys have no idea how much I'd like to write and allow my mind to wander through imaginary stories. I'm currently taking an SAT prep course offered at school during 0 period, which means before 1st period which means my class starts at 7:25 and that was the time I normally woke up at. And to add more to, I'm currently doing driving school online and have decided to be a mens lacrosse trainer as well. And the worst part is that I'm not in the writing mood.

I've got a lot going on and you have no idea how much I'd love to write, even though I'm uninspired.

I hope you can understand that my updates will be slower until lacrosse season ends. I will still update, they will just be slower as I said, but hopefully they will be a lot more quality.(Hopefully I will be able to update every other weekend, but please do not expect it and do not be angry at me! I have a life and school is much much more important!) BUT Do not worry because


Sorry you guys! Good luck!


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