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"Wake up." A familar voice said in a gentle tone. "Mads." I now felt something tapping my arm.

"Hm?" My eyes fluttered open only to find a messy haired Luke sitting by me with a grin slapped across his face. 

"Finally awake, it's already 10. We better get going before you burn out here. Plus people are staring at us weirdly." 

"Didn't think you were one to care about what others thought." My voice came out huskier than I intended which earned a smirk from Luke.

"I also didn't think you were one to like bad boys either yet here we are." He had already caused my cheeks to blush and I hadn't even been awake for more than 5 minutes. "Let's get going, I'm sure everyone's wondering where we are."

"Is Cici going to be staying with us then?" I said without thinking which made Luke glance in my direction. "I was wondering so I could.. so we could find a place for her to uh.. sleep." 

"Don't worry, I'm really hoping she won't stay but knowing her she will. It's also okay to admit your jealous if we're confessing here." 

"Oh shut up." I hissed while picking up the blankets from the floor while Luke grabbed the pillows.

"Feisty, I like it." 


"There you guys are! We were worried sick!" James said while running towards us and giving me a bear hug.

"Goodness James, we're fine."

"You stink, go shower." James stated while he plugged his nose.

"Dibs on the shower." I called behind to Luke as I ran up to the bathroom.

When I got to the bathroom I cringed at my reflection. My hair was beyond frizzy from the humidity of the beach and my cheeks were a little burnt, causing my whole face to be red. I had makeup that was smudged on the side of my eyes and I had a visible cut on my lip from constantly picking at them. 

Good thing last night was dark when Luke confessed to liking me, otherwise that whole little performance wouldn't have happened.

After I washed away the smell of the beach, Luke had been sitting outside the bathroom door, waiting for me.

"Took you long enough, what the hell were you doing in there!" He exclaimed while getting up.

"I'm sorry I actually clean myself unlike the filth that stands before me." I shouted while moving pointing to him with one hand while the other held up my towel. 

"I am not filthy, you're the one that looked like a hobo this morning!" 

"Um I'm sorry I spent the night on the beach on a blanket with clothes on from the previous day without having a chance to remove my makeup and shower before you're awarded with my presence."

"Don't act like you didn't have any fun with me last night, you're practically glowing."

"No actually, it's beads of water from my shower which makes it look like I'm glowing. Also the fact that I washed myself with soap..." I said hinting that I thought he was dirty.

"You had fun just admit it."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Did not."

"Did not."

"Did to. Ah crap. Look at what you do to me." I groaned in frustration while a smirk formed on his lips.

"That's not the only thing I do to you." He said with a wink.

"Ew cut the flirting will you." Another voice spoke from down the hall. "It's disgusting to watch." The voice joked which belonged to Jai.

Rookie (Luke Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now