c h a p t e r 2 7

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The entire day at school I was anxious to go back to Jai's. I was excited to see what he was going to have in store for me and what the end result would be. It's Tuesday which means my makeover needs to be done by tomorrow and ready for Friday night.

"Alright so I was thinking we get Beau to get us the drinks as always and I mean we could probably get a DJ or whatever for cheap if we all pitch in." Daniel told me.

"Alright that sounds good. Food wise I think if we just put out some chips or whatever around the house that'll be fine too." I pitched in with an idea.

"Yeah sounds perfect."

When the time finally had come for me to go over to Jai's house after school he had been sitting on his bed and changed into something more approachable compared to yesterday when he was almost deadly looking in bed.

"I'm feeling a little better so how about we head to the mall?"

"Yep lets go!"

When we arrived at the mall Jai had already known exactly where to go. The first few stores we entered weren't even close to the kind of clothes I wore. Don't get me wrong I mean I wasn't like a nun but most of these stores consisted of extremely skimpy clothes that you would picture prostitutes in. 

"Okay I know this isn't really your thing but if you want to go for a full change you've got to try it out." He handed me a cream lace tube top that was probably the width of my bra and thin navy floral shorts. We continued exploring throughout the store and he found me more clothing. Most of the clothes were short little crop tops that could pass as a bathing suit and shorts that my butt practically hung out of.

"I don't think I can go through with this." I told Jai as he led me to the next stop. 

"Look you've got this. You have the outfits down, it's not even that bad it's just a change into something that will expose your body more. As a guy I love when I can see a girls curves without it being slutty and what we got today isn't."

"What if people laugh at me?"

"It'll be your party tell them to fuck off and just get on with life."

"Okay. Thank you Jai. So are we done?"

"Nope. Last stop in the mall is to get your done. We're going to change it up a bit as well." I was nervous for this one. I haven't changed my hair in years, actually I don't think I've ever done anything to it besides get it cut every few months.

"What are we going to do with it?"

"You'll see."

By the time we got home I still couldn't believe the enormous change I had undergone. My hair was blonde. Yeah, blonde. And I honestly do believe that I looked good! We were at my house now and I was trying on the clothes for Jai to see. I hadn't wanted to go to their house so that I could avoid Luke.

"You look amazing Mads." Jai said as I walked out of the bathroom wearing my new clothes. I had to admit, it did my body justice. It showed off what very little curves I had and some skin without it being to exposing. My body looked better with these tight clothes rather than baggy shirts or jeans.

"I just hope no one thinks I look stupid."

"I'm just going to be completely honest here and tell you I'm a hundred percent attracted to you right now. You look hot." I blushed at his kind words and went to hug him.

"I couldn't have gotten through this without you. You're amazing Jai thank you for this."

"You know I'll always be here for you, right?" I nodded. "We aren't done with your little transformation by the way."

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