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Slamming my locker door shut, I pretended to listen to every word that was coming out of Katie and Mallory's mouth. Something was wrong with me, I wasn't sure what, but something was. Ever since yesterday, I've been completely out of it. 

"Mads you okay?" Mallory rubbed my arm and asked as I snapped out of it and smiled.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Okay, as I was saying, I think Jai's asking me to the formal. You're going right Katie?"

"Yeah... I think so. I'm kind of hoping someone I know will ask me." She blushed and I couldn't help but smile, I still couldn't believe Katie had a crush on James. 

"James, you mean?" I giggled and she blushed even more, goodness it's one thing for Katie to have a crush, but constant blushing, she's falling for him.

"Um, Mads turn around." Mallory looked pale and when I did, right in front of me was Luke Brooks, yes I repeat, Luke Brooks holding these hideous looking flowers and what looked like a pound of chocolate. 

"Little miss B" he smirked and his face was a bit pink, was he blushing? "Will you go to the winter formal with me?" I turned back to look at Mallory and Katie and they were speechless, just as I was.

As I examined everyone looking, their mouths were hung wide open in awe.

"Uh y-yeah I w-will." He smiled, actually smiled and handed me the flowers then scratched his neck.  

"I'll see you around, B." I watched as he walked away, all eyes on him then they moved to me. I turned around and Katie and Mallory were smirking, they were learning so much from Luke.

"So I guess you're going to the formal?"

"I can't!" I whisper-yelled.

"How can you not? Luke just asked you with flowers and you're not going to go? He blushed. Madison, he went out of his way to ask you to go to the formal, since when has he ever done anything nice for any girl?" Katie was out of breath. 

She was right. The Luke I had always heard of was always caught with another girl, whether it was in the janitors closet, or wether it was him sneaking out of their house. Not once had he ever done anything nice, let alone as a girl to the formal.

Maybe he was changing, but there was only one way to find out, and that would be to go to the formal with him.

"I'm going." Katie and Mallory jumped up and down like little girls and hugged me.

The rest of the day passed beyond fast.

Luke winked at me whenever I saw him in the halls, and I blushed every single time. My flowers brought a lot of attention to me, which resulted in Candice and all of her skanky friends to give me dirty looks throughout the day.

When I had finally gotten home, mom was in the kitchen and looked completely surprised to see flowers in my hand.

"Did my daugher get a boyfriend?" 

"No mom! Just a date to the formal this Thursday." The winter formal marked the end of the semester, which marked a two week vacation for us, which I couldn't be happier for. The only problem was that I had two days to go get my dress. 

"And who's the lucky boy?" I shook my head as I took an apple from the counter.

"The infamous Luke Brooks." She choked on the water that she was drinking. 

"He asked you? I need to call Gina, oh my goodness!" My mother raced to her phone and began to dial Gina. I put my flowers in a fresh vase of water and took my chocolates up to my room with my homework. 

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