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(Not edited!)

I was majorly confused with who Cici was and why everyone was freaking out about her being here, I mean if she was such a big deal why wasn't Luke still with her?

"If she says anything, don't listen to her, alright?" Jai tried to console but I couldn't take in his words, I was too busy lost in my own thoughts. I nodded my head in agreement and returned inside, finding whatever I could to drink because my throat felt dry.

"Mads." Luke came in, he was scratching his head in a confused matter. I think he was trying to find a way to explain to me everything but knowing Luke getting an explanation out of him was hard. "Back there, what we did."

"Was great but you obviously have things you need to settle so don't worry about it!" I tried to give him my fakest smile, but I could feel myself tense up and my smile faded.

"Let me take you out." 

"Right now?"

"Right now. It's a date." I couldn't argue with him, actually let me rephrase that. I didn't want to argue with him.


"So where are you taking me?" I looked at him and examined him while he drove, his hands held on to the steering wheel tightly and his eyes were glued to the road. 

"It's a surprise."  

"Oh come on, give me a hint!" I cried out and he turned to look at me with a smirk. "Hey eyes on the road mister!" He laughed and I shook my head.

After a few minutes passed of us driving we had finally arrived.

"Mama's Milkshakes? Isn't that a weird name for a milkshake place?" I laughed and he smiled.

"It's ironic, yes but I assume the owner hadn't thought about what other generations might think of this." 

"So I have to actually tell you something." I told him while sliding into the booth, he looked at me with concern and a little bit of fear in his eyes. "I've never had a milkshake before." 

He gasped, which caught the attention of everyone else in the store. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen." Luke announced while getting up and standing on the booth. "The girl that sits before me has never had a milkshake. I repeat, she has never had a milkshake." Gasps were unleashed in the crowed and the waitress ran over to us.

"Sir, I need to inform you that this is a serious matter. We must get her a milkshake pronto. So what will it be?" She looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed, they were serious about this? 

"Um, I'm not sure. Something good?"

"I will get you the best, ma'am." The lady scribbled in her notebook and ran away.

"Okay, what the actual hell?"

"Once we came here with Beau and he hadn't ever had a milkshake either, so when the waitress heard, she announced it to everyone like I just did with you, and they got him 5 little milkshake tasters and the largest on the house milkshake. All free. So I thought, hey why not re-live this milkshake moment." 

I began to laugh which got a smile out of him.

"Thank you I guess, for being the one to introduce me to the milkshake life. I'll always remember you." He laughed this time and I couldn't help but laughing along with him. Everything he did was contagious.

"So I brought you here for more than just a date. I want to explain Cici to you." I sighed as her name was mentioned. "Look, we broke up years ago I swear and I didn't think she'd come to say hey, I had made it clear to her before I left a few summers ago I wanted nothing to do with her."

"Maybe she wants to be your friend?" I didn't want to sound jealous, I knew Luke would make fun of me for it and I definitely didn't want that happening.

"There is no way of being 'just friends' with Cici. Look it's complicated."

"Just tell me instead of saying it's complicated. We've both got time, obviously." I motioned to the booth and the location we were in. We were in no rush.

"When I was about 14 we always -" Luke was interrupted by the waitress.

"Here's your order ma'am." The waitress had brought a lot of little tasters, like Luke had said and a huge weird looking milkshake along with it. "It's all on us, enjoy it but please let us know what you think! It's important that mama's milk-shakers are enjoying her milkshakes!" I cringed at the name of the store and sweetly smiled to her.

"Thank you, I'll let you know once I finish." She nodded and I took a drink of the little taster which was blue.

"This is actually delicious." I moaned with delight and he watched me as I licked my finger.

"God if you keep doing that I'll have to take you right here." He said slowly and I watched as a new feeling of emotion flashed in his eyes; hunger.

I shrugged as I continued to lick my finger that I had spilled some milkshake on. "I don't know, you could always take Cici, I'm sure she's more than willing."

"Well, from our little session earlier, I know you're more than willing too." He watched as I began on my new milkshake taster. 

"I guess you're right. How about this, I'll give you one kiss for each minute you spend telling me about Cici."

"Looks Like I'll be talking real slow then, doesn't it?" He winked and I felt myself blush.

Soooo this is super super short but I really needed to just post something and I'm sorry it's been like a month, you wouldn't believe the amount of work I have for school, honestly thinking about everything I have to do tomorrow is stressing me out. 

Anyway, let me know if you want me to post more shorter chapters a lot more often or if you want longer chapters like every other week or so. I know people hate short chapters, but i'm so busy I don't know what do even do anymore!!!!



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