c h a p t e r 2 9

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"How was the party, honey?" My dad asked as soon as I shut the door.

"None of your business" I replied. I wasn't usually such a brat to my parents but I knew he was cheating on my mom, still. It's been months and she's been putting up with a piece of garbage like him. Call me crazy, but I would've left the second I found out what he was doing.

"Excuse me?" 

"You heard me loud and clear dad. Must be hard having someone be angry at you, right?"

"What the hell are you talking about it?"

"Oh, dumb is so not a cute look for you. You know exactly what I'm talking about it. We all know you've been screwing your co-worker so why don't you cut the act and admit to it?" I yelled at him. It was about time that someone told him we knew.

"Don't you think for a second you're going to be able to leave the house now after disrespecting me. You know nothing! And you are grounded!" 

"I know everything! Mom may act like she knows nothing but we all know dad. It's embarassing that you think we don't. And as for me being grounded? You lost that right to parent me the second you betrayed mom and I."

"Madison, that is enough. To your room. Now."



"Both of you, stop it." My mom walked in with red eyes, obviously from crying.

"Mom, it's about time you left him. He doesn't deserve you."

"Madison, please stop that.You shouldn't talk to your father like that. This is between us two, not you."

"A family sticks together, he betrayed not only you but me. This family. He's embarrassed us and lied to us and if you think that for a second he deserves any respect from either of us than you need to open your eyes. And if you can't see that than why do you think he went around cheating on you? You don't care mom, about anything! I'm sick of this. Why do you think I'm never home?"

"Madison, enough of that you're hurting your moms feelings."

"Yeah but you broke her heart." I spat out at my dad before stomping up to my room.

Okay I admit I shouldn't have been so mean to my mom but my dad deserved it. He shouldn't even be allowed to live with us after what he's done. He's never home probably because he's busy living a double life as some twenty year olds boyfriend with a beer belly and a bald spot coming on. Get real.

The only thing I was looking forward too was going out with Luke. Until then I had to try and find something worthwhile to do to avoid my parents.

What are you doing? I texted James. I knew he was probably still at the boys house, but it was worth a try to see if he was up to doing something.

On my way home. Why, you ok?

Yeah I just need to get out of the house? Wanna do something?

Of course! Come on over and we can go catch a movie. Just come on in when you get here.

Be there soon. 

After I quickly showered and changed, I made my way over to James.

"James I'm here." I yelled. 

"Coming coming." he yelled back. He raced down the stairs and you could also tell he just took a shower. "Is everything alright?" He asked as he grabbed his car keys and we made our way to his car.

"Yeah, my parents are just driving me crazy, my dad actually. But it'll be fine."

"What's going on, if I may ask?"

"He's just been cheating on my mom and so I told him I knew and we kind of fought and I also lashed out at my mom. Just some crappy stuff and I needed out of the house."

"Alright, well no more questions asked. Lets go, I'll take your mind off of it for a little."

"Sounds good, thank you James."

"Of course. So I see you had fun at the party last night." He stated and I laughed.

"Yeah, it was fun living like that while it lasted."

"What do you mean living like that?"

"Being careless and being able to do what I want and say what I want."

"Well you can live like that everyday, you know."

"Well yeah, but the beauty of it was that while I lived that way, it was fun. I got to enjoy it more rather than take advantage of it. So when I do live like that it's not something I take for granted like most people. I know that was like way more deep than it needed to be, but it makes sense. Right?"

"Yeah no, I get it. Like eating food I guess. It tastes better when you don't always have that thing to eat."

"Yeah yeah, exactly! So what movie do you want to see?" 

"I'm not sure. I know that new Need For Speed movie just came out. Seems pretty cool, you interested?"


When we got there we bought our tickets and James even bought me Milk Duds and a large popcorn with Coke. Easy to say that my mind was completely focused on everything but my dad which was a great thing.

"That movie was great, thanks James!"

"Of course. There's some ice cream right next to this place. Let's go."

"I wanted my mind to be taken off my parents not to get fat!" I joked and he laughed. I noticed a cute little brunette girl was checking James out. Not little as in little girl but little as in short and pettite. She was definitely cute and I wouldn't mind being cupid for a little bit. "James don't look now but some girl's checking you out."

He smirked and after a few seconds turned around and looked. I knew he was checking her out by how his smirk had slightly disappeared. 

"Don't do be a dimwit and go over there and talk to her and get her number!" I said, pushing him towards her. 

"What about you? I came to spend time with you!"

"James all we have is time so go over there and charm her socks off."

In the meantime I found a little bench and took a seat on it.

How about we get some dinner and coffee tonight? Sound good? Luke texted me. I smiled and remembered him asking me out.

Sounds perfect! 

See you tonight ;)  I blushed at his words and found myself smiling. I've definitely come a long way from hating him and liking him and we've been through so much in such short time and I'm hoping that everything goes right this time.

"I'm always wondering what's going on in that brain of yours." James said as he sat down by me, smiling.

"I take it everything went well?"

"That you are right about. Got her number and we may go out tonight."

"Awww yay James, I'm so happy for you." I said while pinching his cheeks.

"I don't think I'm looking for anything serious, just some fun after Katie and all."

"I understand, go and have fun it's what we're supposed to do."

"So what's got you smiling at your phone like an idiot?" 

"Luke. We're going out tonight."

"So I take it you two are trying this dating thing again?"

"Well, I don't think we ever tried the whole dating thing till now, for us it's always been like desire to be with each other and that's it."

"True true true. Well you ready to go home? It's already 5 and I'm assuming you need to get ready and beautiful as always."

"Such an ass kisser." 

"Only for you." He said as he hugged me.

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