c h a p t e r 2

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When I finally got over the fall, I went straight to the lunch room.

"Where were you?" They both questioned me as I took a seat and got out my brown lunch bag, removing a sand which to eat.

"On the floor after roughly bumping into Luke" I rolled my eyes.

"What happened?" Katie asked

"I was walking from my locker to here and he ran into me. And then he told me to watch where I was going and then he didn't even apologize?" I angrily told them.

"That's shit." Katie had said.

"Well, he's shit." I told them

Lunch finally ended and we all got up, I threw all of my trash away and headed for my next class, math.

I was also in advanced math, considering I kept up an A+ all of last year, my grade not dropping a bit.

Once we learned about the angles of triangles, and parallel lines with corresponding angles, the bell rung and I was released from class.

I went to my locker, took out all of my books and put them into my backpack to take home to study. I decided that I would have to walk to the public library to get more books on the information for the science project.

The hallway was completely empty. The locker door echoed as I slammed it shut.

"Might want to me more careful next time goodie two shoes." I instantly knew who's voice that was. It pierced through me like a knife. I turned around, glaring at him.

"You're right. I am so dearly sorry. May I please walk away now, Mr. Brooks?" I rolled my eyes, walking away.

"What the hell is with you?" He asked, running after me following me.

"Me? What is with me? What's with you, you know how to take off a girls pants but you don't know how to apologize to one."

"I can find so many ways to apologize to you." he bit his lips as he walked closer to me, eyeing me down.

"Gross" I pushed past him, laughing at the idea that he actually thought I would give into him. I turned around to see him looking confused. Now he can say he's never gotten rejected.

Luke's POV:

I hated her. I didn't even know her name yet she sent flames through my body, making me angry. No girl's ever turned me down, especially not one like her.

When I got in my car, I slammed my door shut. Jai was already there waiting for me.

"I saw you talking to that girl today." he told me.

"The short girl with brown hair?"

"Yeah, she's pretty. You fuck her yet?"

"Apparently she's playing hard to get, but I'll get her soon." I told him.

"Bro, she turned you down?" his laughter began to get louder. "She's got standards then, all those other girls were class A hoes."

"Yeah, but they tasted just as good as candy." I laughed as I drove us home.


Madison's POV:

I finally got home after my walk and thankfully before Luke's car could drive past me.

"Hey mum" I said, kissing her on the cheek. I could still smell her perfume.

"Hey sweetie, how was school?" She asked, sounding interested.

"Awful. You'll never guess who's my new science partner!" I told her.

"Who Hun?"

"Luke Brooks mum, the guy who lives down the street from us. The one who's always got girls over, the one who's always screwing around!" I yelled.

"I'm friends with Gina, he's not bad Hun. You've got to get to know him."

"Mum, the last thing I want to do is get to know him. That means something else in his terms."

"Give him a chance. People will surprise you." Did my mum really want me to give Luke Brooks a chance? No way in hell.


I went upstairs and got out my mac. I began to do some research for the assignment. 4 hours passed and I wasn't nearly done. I knew that I was going to have to have Luke do some of the project, there was no way I could get this done by Wednesday. My stomach growled with hunger.

My mom knocked on the door and she came in with a big smile on her face.

"Guess what!" She asked me "I've got a solution to your problems!"

"What is it?" I asked her, afraid of what the answer would be.

"I've invited Gina and her sons to come over for dinner! Now you can talk things through with Luke! Get ready, they'll be here in 5 minutes!"

"MUM! What did you just do? Tell them I'm sick and that they can't come over mum why would you do that?"

"It's too late!!!' The doorbell rung and I shook my head. My mother ran down the stairs to greet them.

"Hello Gina! It's so nice seeing you again!" my mother hugged her.

"Thank you for inviting us, Mary!"

"Of course! Hello Beau, Luke and Jai!" she hugged them as well. "Madison's upstairs in her room, first door to the left!"

I heard my mother's conversation. I got my phone out and texted Katie and Mallory

You'd never believe who's at my house right now.

Who? -Katie

"Luke, Jai and Beau"

"No way! I'm coming over, tell Jai to to get ready for me" I hadn't noticed Luke was standing by my door as I began to laugh really hard.

"What's so funny?" he asked. I jumped and sat up, staring at him right in the eye before I broke the contact.

"Just this-" I remembered he didn't care. "Nothing"

"No really." he asked, coming closer.


"You know, if you wanted to see me you could've just told me. Didn't have to ask your mom to invite us over for dinner."

"Definitely. Next time I'll just ask." Funny that he actually thought I wanted this.

"I'll be waiting." he winked and bit his lip. I gulped and looked back at my phone again.

Send me a picture of Beau, I've heard he's hot!" -Katie I giggled and Luke took a seat on my bed.

"How's the assignment coming along?"

"About that, I actually am going to need you to help me tomorrow after school."

"Warming up to me aren't you?"

"No, I still hate you."

"The feeling's mutual." Just looking at him made me angry. Everything about him did, the way he always wore a smirk on his face, how he tried to make it look like he's got natural messy hair, the blonde tips, his arms. His lip ring, the way his nose ring shined, everything..

Jai and Beau came up to my room too.

"Hey guys" Beau said. I sighed, not wanting them in my room. "Cute room" he said jokingly. Could they all be jerks I wondered.

"Wait, what's your name? Jai asked me. Oh good, they're in my house and don't know my god damn name.

"Madison." I told them.

"Madison Brandon?" Jai asked.

"You don't know my first name but you know my last name?" I asked, confused.

"No, some friends at lunch were talking about how hot you were." People talked about me?

"How exciting."

"Why would they even want too." Luke whispered to Beau.

"Next time you don't want me to hear anything, don't say it all. Please get out." I ordered. Luke smirked and got up and left.

"You know, Luke's been complaining about you all day about how you don't want to get with him." Jai said laughing.

"Finally he found a girl with standards" Beau said.

"That's what I said!" Jai said.

"Well, he was wrong to thing I'm easy, let alone that I want to actually get with him." I rolled my eyes.

"So what year are you in? I'm surprised you live so close to us and I didn't know a pretty girl lived here." Beau said.

"I'm in year 10. I'm 16."

"Yikes, too young" he said "Oi, you're good for her Jai."

"I've got a girlfriend, she can date Skip" Jai laughed. "She's smart and he's not, they'd be perfect." I wasn't sure who Skip was, but they were talking about me like I wasn't in the room.

"Please continue to talk about me as if I'm not in the room" It slipped out of my mouth.

"Sassy just like Luke. Hey you could get with him!" Beau said

"That would be wonderful." I told them.

"Dinner's ready!" I heard mum's voice from downstairs. I got up and went downstairs, Jai and Beau followed behind me.

"Where's Luke?" Gina asked. I shrugged.

"Outside I think. Go call him honey!" Mum said to me. I grunted and went outside. Luke was on the phone.

"Just open your legs and rub your fingers slowly, then moan my name." He had lowered his voice to sound sexier. I cleared my throat, trying to hold in my laugh. He turned around.

"Can I help you?"

"Dinner's ready." I said laughing.

"Let me finish her off, one minute." I laughed as I went inside.

"What was he doing out there?" Gina asked me once I took my seat at the table.

"You don't want to know." I told her, trying not to laugh.

Once Luke finally came inside, he took a seat next to me, which was arranged by my lovely mother. I rolled my eyes at her once she nodded towards Luke's direction to make conversation with him.

"So I heard you two are lab partners!" My mother said to Luke and I.

"Yeah, it's going to be the greatest pleasure working with your sweet daughter, ma'am." Luke said sarcastically. I kicked him under the table.

"She's quite the hardworker, you're lucky to have her as a partner!" my mother threw in.

"I'm sure she is." Luke said as he licked his lips.

Once the awful dinner ended Jai helped me put the dishes to the sink while everyone else went to the living room to hang out.

"You actually seem cool Madz." Jai told me. Had he just called me Madz? Only my friends call me Madz. "You should come over sometime. I know you and Luke don't really like each other but, don't get me wrong, I love Princess and I love my guy friends and brothers but sometimes I just need a friend who's a girl.

"You seem cool too jai, I'm glad you came over! Sure, that sounds like heaps of fun!"

"Here, hand me your phone." I did and he unlocked the screen. The conversation I had with Katie and Mallory was still there and Jai blushed.

"Who's Mallory?" he asked. I instantly took the phone from his hand as he had read what she said about him.

"Don't tell her anything. She's my friend who's had a crush on you for a while now wow okay this is awkward." I told him, laughing.

"No I won't! You should introduce us! Here, let me type my number up for you quickly." I closed out of the text messages and he put his number in and then texted himself to get my number.

"I'll see you soon!" I was stunned at what had just happened. Jai Brooks, bother of bad boy Luke Brooks has just asked me to hang out with him. Mallory's gonna freak when she finds out. I head over to the living room to find Gina and my mother alone talking.

"Where's everyone?"

"They said they were going to your room?" My mother looked at me.

I walked upstairs to find Beau sitting on the floor playing on his phone, Jai was using the bathroom and Luke was sprawled on my bed.

"What do you think your doing?" Luke's head poked up.

"Laying down?"

"No. Get up." he rolled his eyes and sat up. "I'm going to shower, goodnight now leave."

"Can I watch?" Luke licked his lips.

"Of course, it'd be so divine having you watch me shower, please do, I beg of you." I sarcastically said as I went inside of my closet to get my PJ's, a tanktop and some shorts.

"That's what you wear to bed?" He asked

"Good inference!" I told him, clapping.

"You're a sassy little bitch aren't you."

"I wouldn't have to be if you weren't so-" I was cut short.


"I was going to say agravating, but okay. Get out now guys" Jai walked out of the bathroom.

"I'll see you this weekend yeah?" Jai asked. I nodded and Luke gave him a stange look. They all left and I hopped in the shower, washing my hair and body.

When I got out, I wrapped myself in a towel and went to my room. I quickly changed into my white tank top with some short shorts, like the ones I picked out earlier.

Hey, you'll never believe what happened" I texted to Mallory


Jai asked me to hang out because I seemed "cool" and then he asked me for my phone to put in his number, and he saw our conversation earlier, about how you fancied him and he said I should introduce you to him sometime.


I know!!!!!!! I'm off to sleep! Goodnight! x

Before I went to bed, I got a notification on my screen from a text

Madison? -Jai

This is she

You should come over after school tomorrow! You can stay for dinner if you'd like! -Jai

Sounds good!

We can take you home from school if you'd like? -Jai


Alright. What are you doing? -Jai

I was about to go to sleep.

Oh! Okay! I'll see you tomorrow! Don't forget to introduce me to your friend Mallory! -Jai

I laughed and turned around on my side. My bed smelled like boy. It was probably from Luke earlier... I dozed off to the familiar scent before I fell asleep.


Hey guys! Let me know what you think of the story in the comments! 50 reads to unlock the next chapter!

Also, if you want anything to happen in the next few chapters, I'll try to incorporate your idea's if you comment! x

twitter: @gioskian


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