c h a p t e r 6

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The weekend flew by as I spent the rest of it in my bed, cozy under my covers reading my favorite books and drowning myself in chocolate. I was dreading going back to school tomorrow, partially because I didn't want to face anyone, especially Luke.

After I kicked him out, he spent two hours sitting down on my porch knocking on my door, asking me to forgive him. Call me a bitch for leaving him out there in the pouring rain, but he didn't have any right in yelling at me.

I groaned as I heard my mother knock on the door for the twentieth time today, and it wasn't even the afternoon yet.

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been in bed all weekend sweety." My mom peaked her head in the door and faked a smile in my direction.

"Mom, I'm fine. I just don't feel like doing much, is all. If it makes you happy I'l get up." I told her, proving to her I was fine as I jumped out of bed and walked to my closet to change. Since I was getting up, I might as well go somewhere and do something slightly proactive. I picked up a flimsy white t-shirt and slipped on my most comfortable pair of leggings, threw on my converse, picked up my bag and left the house.

I looked at my phone, slightly suprirsed that Mallory had texted me, considering she hasn't even called after Friday night.

How are you? Jai told me what happened Friday, thought I'd give you some space. Everything good? I rolled my eyes at the text and decided in not responding. Not exactly sure what was wrong with me, I was bitching at everyone. I put my phone back in my bag and walked down to the park. Since I couldn't exactly get the alone time I wanted at my house, I might as well get it at the park.

I found a nearby bench by lanky tall tree and took a seat under it, admiring the red and yellow leaves.

"Madison?" I grunted, knowing exactly who's voice that was.

"Luke." I said plainly. "Is there something you need?" I looked forward and couldn't help but let my eyes scan his body. He was wearing dark skinny like jeans with brown leather clarks and a white t-shirt with a fall multi colored sweater. He had a hat on backwards and you could tell he hadn't shaven in a few days.

"Checking me out B?" I instantly blushed at his words and began to shake my head.

"As if Luke." I snorted as I noticed he was also taking a seat.

"Is that what you do for fun?" He asked, picking up a leaf that was on the floor, tearing it.

"Are you trying to hint to me that I'm boring?"

"If that's how you'd like to word it, then yes." He smirked

"You got your answer Luke." He laughed and got up.

"Come on, I'll show you what my fun is." I instantly knew this would end bad, so I politely declined his offer, but Luke kept tormenting me. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up, dragging me to his car, which by the way, I was deathly afraid of because of his crazy like driving.

"Where are we going Luke?"

"You'll see" As if that was going to make me feel better.

"Alright." I told him, shaking my head. He once again smirked and turned the car engine on and drove on, causing me to grip the side handle of the door for my life.

"I know I've said this before, but I am sorry about Friday night." He sounded sincere.

"I overreacted, it happens, it's whatever." His eyes were glued to the road. I knew he wanted to say more, so I just turned to my window and waited for him to say something.

"If that girl hadn't texted me, we would've kissed right?" A smirk grew on his lips and I couldn't help but blush.

"No way." I told him.

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