c h a p t e r 9

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Luke's POV:

The fact that I had actually kissed Madison was unbelievable. I'm not going to admit that I liked her, but I had been dying to kiss her. The desire I had for her was completely freaking me out.

I was still dazed as I watched Madison back away from me, breathless just like me. I wanted to pull her in again, kiss her more, all I wanted was her. I had only hoped that she thought her first kiss was wonderful, because it wasn't my first and hell, it was the best I ever had. 

"I need to um- I can't believe you just- I-" I couldn't help but just smile, damn she was driving me crazy. 

"Of everything I can't believe you begged me to kiss you again." She instantly blushed.

"Oh shutup I didn't beg and even if I did beg, I wouldn't have needed too." She was right on the part. 

"Whatever you say." I laughed, turning around heading to my room. Before I entered, I stopped myself, realizing that Madison got back on the couch. I turned around and went back. "Jai's bed isn't in use, you can sleep on it and I'll sleep on mine." She nodded and got up, following behind me.

"Thank you. For letting us stay here." 

"You're welcome any time." 

"Why are you being so nice to me?" 

"I can't really explain it. You'll figure it out sooner or later." She blushed and I climbed up the bed, getting comfortable. 

The next morning I woke up with the image of kissing Madison in mind, it's like she never leaves. I knew winter formal was coming up soon, and I knew she'd want to go to that, and I guess thats where I'd begin with trying to get her to want me. (Not that I had to do anything more than kiss her)

I got up to stretch and realized she wasn't in bed. I took my shirt off and pulled down my sweatpants then entered the bathroom. 

"I'm-" She went to say but before I could stop, I had walked right in on her (luckily she was just washing her hands). Her eyes traveled down my stomach, straight to my package. 

"Is there something you like?" I asked her, smirking.

"No can you just- I'm- Leave?" She was blushing and I threw my hands up in the air, pretending to be annoyed.

"If I must" I laughed and before I left I caught her smile.

I went to the living room and found the girls awake, but the guys still passed out. 

"Goodmorning" They seemed to be caught off guard.

"Hey" One of them said. I couldn't exactly tell who was who. 

"I guess you're probably wondering where B is. She's in my room." 

"Why is she in your room?" 

"You can ask her." I winked and headed towards the kitchen. Both girls were completely left with mouths hanging open, which made me laugh at how gullile they were. I got some cereal and sat down.

"Goodmorning guys, can we just go home now?" Madison wore a wrinkly t-shirt with jeans and her hair was all over the place. Her left cheek had been marked from probably leaning her hand on her face throughout the night and her makeup had been slightly smeared. 

I don't usually notice any of that dumb stuff on girls, ever, but I have been on her. I notice the stupidest things and even through all of the imperfections I managed to notice, I still think she looks beautiful.

I needed to stop thinking like this about her. I shook my head and realized that the girls had left. I hadn't realized how deep in thought I was. 

I got up and returned to my room, went to my phone that sat on my desk charging and texted the first name that popped up on my messages, a girl named Mindy.

I'll pick you up in an hour and bring condoms. I texted and instantly got her response.

See you soon babe ;) 

 I hopped into the shower and then brushed my teeth. 

"Going somewhere?" It was Jai's voice. He was rubbing his eyes, I had been guessing he had a hangover.

"Gonna go meet some girl, why?"

"I may have drank a little to much last night, but I definitely saw you come in and kiss Madison bro, don't do it" Jai was completely wrong, I had to do this. I had to get her out of my head.

"Whatever, I'll see you later."

"Hey baby." Mindy's squeaky voice greeted me as she shut the car door and kissed me on the cheek. Mindy was your average stupid blonde girl with big boobs who got around at school. She had gorgeous blue eyes and the longest eyelashes, but guys like me wouldn't notice that. I'd say she'd even be half decent if she wasn't so absent minded and didn't wear clothes that seemed to fit her when she was 5.

I drove to an alleyway and parked the car. Mindy had been rubbing me the entire drive here and yet nothing. I couldn't seem to get hard. 

"You okay?" She asked me as she moved around to come and sit on my lap. She had been wearing a skirt, which made it easier to get to her.

I didn't have time to respond, before I knew it her lip-glossy lips had been glued to mine and I entered her mouth with my tongue, not even needing to ask for entrance. I slipped my hand under her skirt and rubbed her inner thigh as she began to slightly moan. She rubbed herself on me, but yet nothing. 

"Babe?" She stopped and looked down, pushing my hand away. "Is it me? Am I not good enough?"

"No, it's not you. I just. Fuck this, get off my lap." She rolled her eyes and groaned as she did what was told and returned to the passenger seat. Minutes later I had returned her home and was speeding to get to Madisons

This dumb girl who I had hated throughout the years, the girl who always ran into me, the gitl who was always so smart without trying and could never have any fun. The girl who rejected me, was the girl who I couldn't get out of my head. The girl who I could only think of being with right now. 

I had never thought I'd say this, but I like someone? I actually really like someone.

It was Madison Brandon.

Sorry this was so short, more will be coming now that they've admitted to themselves that they like eachother :-)

So I'll be doing this thing now where I'd like at least 20 reads and 5 votes for the next chapter :-) (It wont come out right away but the more reads/comments and votes I get the quicker I get my stories written!!)

Thank you guys for reading, new chapter out soon :)

Rookie (Luke Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now