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"Come on! Gina's waiting for us!" My mom yelled across the kitchen as I got a thin jacket and followed her out the door and into the car. 

You're probably thinking, why are they taking a car since they live across the street and well, walking is a damn pain.

I was dreading going to Gina's today, sure I was excited to see Beau and Jai but the last person I wanted to see was Luke and I'm sure my mom thought that's exactly what I wanted today, to be with him. 

"Why didn't you tell me you and Luke were dating?" My mom had a serious expression on her face, her eyebrows were furrowed but her concentration was still focused on the empty street ahead of us. 

"I guess it just slipped my mind."

"Well, I think you two are good together. He looks happy." I nodded, not necessarily agreeing with her but allowing her to think I was. 

When we arrived at the Brooks's, Beau greeted me with a warm smile and a bear hug.

"You're hugging me like you haven't seen me in ages." I told him with a huge smile on my face.

"Well, seeing each other doesn't actually count as hanging out or catching up!" 

"Pick me up from school sometime and we can go have lunch and talk." I told him before walking away to greet Jai.

"If it isn't Luke's girlfriend, how can I be of use?"

"I'm about to use you like a punching bag, are you crazy? Telling our parents that Luke is my boyfriend? What's gotten into you?" By this point I was yelling, completely furious at the fact that Jai had done this.

"I see the way he looks at you, Mads. And I see the way you look at him. Better start with a forced relationship than none at all."

"You do realize that he's only going along with this so that it's easier for him to get some, he told me yesterday." I told him, crossing my arms while proving a point.

"Well Luke's an idiot but I'm sure he's got a good reason for telling you that. Just give it a chance, will you?"

"Jai you really piss me off, you know that?"

"I know. But how about you get even with him? He said he wanted to get some right? Why don't you get some as well, Nick is dieing to give you some."

"Ahh I love you Jai, thank you!" He was right. If Luke had said that our little 'relationship' was fake for the parents, then that means I could get with Nick. Ever since that party when Luke caught Nick kissing me, Nick and I have distanced ourselves. We still have classes together and have occasional conversations about school but nothing goes farther than that, well not until now.

"Merry Christmas honey, come in! Luke's inside!" 

"Merry Christmas Gina!" I went inside, making my way to Luke's room.

"Merry Christmas asshole, get up. Your mom wants to spend today with you, you know."

"What an awesome hello! Perfect way to spend Christmas!" 

"Well you made it very clear that this wasn't going to be just 'awesome' so get your ass out of bed and in some clothes and meet me in the kitchen."

"Feisty, just how I like them." I groaned and slammed his door shut. 

Hey Nick. Miss u, lets meet up. I texted and instantly got a reply.

Miss u 2. Tomorrow for dinner?

It's a date. I smiled at my response. This was going to be perfect.

"I'm ready. Do you think you could try to get us out earlier, we can say we've got a little date? I'm meeting up with someone."

Rookie (Luke Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now