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I love Luke. Admitting to that feels so strange yet it's such a relief. 

"You're doing it again." Luke sat up and angled his sunglasses on his nose to look at me. After getting back from the grocery store we decided to go down to the beach with the rest of the group. I had a book in my lap and I was supposed to be reading it but my mind kept trailing back to Luke.


"You're glaring at your book. What are you thinking about?" 

"I.. I wasn't thinking I was just.. my mind sort of left for a while." I lied. I had a feeling he knew that I was thinking about him. Every time he was on my mind he always asked what I was thinking about. He just nodded, satisfied with my response and laid back down on his back.

"I'm going for a swim." I told Luke while getting up. James was in the water with Katie, Mallory and Jai were walking around somewhere, probably on the shore while Daniel and Beau were probably flirting with some pretty blonde somewhere.

Before I made it to the water I felt hands grab me and lift me up.

"Gotcha!" Luke yelled as he ran around with me in his arms and I squirmed in attempt to release myself from his arms.

"Luke put me down!!" I yelled and he laughed, running straight into the water and throwing me in. Luke had managed to throw me into the water yet not get himself wet at all.

"You are going down." I yelled, running out of the water and towards Luke.

"You get him tiger!" Yelled Katie from behind me which made me laugh. 

"Oh no please." He said in a girly voice as I pulled him into the water and pushed him. We were closer to the shore, so the water wasn't very deep and instead of trying to drown him, he grabbed my waist and pulled me down with him.

Our end position was me straddling him in the water. 

"I enjoy this, how about we not get back up?" He said with a wink.

"Gross get me off." I squirmed which only made him tighten his grip on me. "Stop it! Get me off!" I yelled which caused him to laugh hysterically.

"I love making you uncomfortable."

"Really? I haven't noticed." I said while getting up and crossing my arms.

"Aw is the little baby mad?" He asked and I turned away from him, getting out of the water. "Aw poor wittle baby Mads is mad." He said in a little girly voice while easing up behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Gosh, you're so freaking annoying." I turned around and put my hands on his chest to push him away. I hadn't realized how close we were which made me nervous.

"You're such a fatty you won't even move when I push you." I said quietly. 

"Insulting me won't make you feel better." I groaned which earned a smirk from him which caused me to internally groan. "What do I have to do to make things better?"

"Don't do anything, I'm angry and that won't change one bit." I pouted.

"I may have a trick up my sleeve to make you happy again." He whispered in my ear before softly kissing my jaw and moving his way up. He kissed my cheek and began to inch closer and closer to my lips. What a tease, he was making me even more mad! His mouth finally reached the corner of my mouth and he pulled away.

"Are you still mad?" He asked. Even though he pulled away, he was still very very close to me. I nodded my head yes and before I could even get a word out his lips were on mine.

Rookie (Luke Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now