c h a p t e r 8

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The rest of the week went by painfully slow, I was only thankful that it was now Friday and I got to spend it with my two best friends.

"So have you and Luke talked?" Basically ever since my encounter with Luke, he had been completely ignoring me. I knew he would't be the type to ever actually try to be with a girl, and thank goodness I hadn't given him my lip virginity. 

"Nope. Still ignoring me. I must've scared him pretty badly." I laughed. I heard a phone ring and it was Mallory's. 

"Hello? Yeah. Hold on." She took the phone away from her ear and began to speak to us. "Do you guys want to go over to Jai's? Luke isn't there but two of their friends are." As much as I wanted to say no, I knew Mallory wanted to go and I'm sure Katie wouldn't mind either. 


"Yeah" Katie said and Mallory returned speaking on the phone. I got up and changed from my sweatpants to some jeans and a t-shirt. I didn't care about how I looked as long as Luke wouldn't be there.

"Let's go!" Mallory said. We decided in walking since it was pretty close.

"What's wrong?" Katie asked me. I hadn't realized I had looked any certain way. 

"What? Nothing! I'm fine, why?" By this point we were walking up their driveway and my hands were sweaty. 

"You just seem pretty upset. Is it Luke?" 

"No, I'm tired is all." It was funny how my friends knew exactly what was wrong. It's been a week and I should already take the message. He didn't want to talk to me so I am I so upset? I should've been expecting this from Luke anyway.

Beau answered the door and I greeted him with a smile. 

"Hey Beau." He pulled me in for a hug and I gladly hugged him back. He smelled like bacon which I couldn't help but laugh.

"Where have you been?" 

"Around" I told him as I went to go greet Jai. 

"So good to actually see you outside of school." He told me laughing as he hugged me. His hugs were always warm and made me forget about everything.

"I know. And Mallory too." I winked at him and moved to go say hello to James and Daniel.

"Thought I'd never see you again!" James told me as smiled, hugging me. Jesus, everyone here was a hugger. 

"I know! Glad I did though." I decided to go ahead and just hug Daniel, assuming that he would hug me anyway. I took a seat right next to James on the couch. Of them all, besides Jai of course, he was the easiest to talk too. 

"So you and Luke?" James asked.

"What? No!" I told him. "Me and Luke aren't anything." 

"Oh.." he told me.

"Why? Did he say anything?" 

"Well guessing from the way you just reacted, you're hoping he did?"  I shook my head.

"No. I just haven't spoken to him for a week now." I didn't want to make it seem like I missed him, or cared about why he missed me so I decided to drop the subject. "You should go talk to Katie" I pointed over to her.

"Getting rid of me so quickly?" he asked laughing as he got up and went over. I just watched as she instantly blushed. I was such a nice person.

"So guess what?" Daniel told me and I looked over at him. "James and I are transferring to Penola!" I was relieved and glad. I'd be seeing more of James and I could talk to Daniel more.

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