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When I finally got home from hanging out with James I began to get ready. I heard my parents fighting and tried to drown their noise out by playing music while I showered and changed.

"Mads, honey. Where are you going?" My dad knocked on my door before poking his head in and asking in a light tone.

"Out with Luke."

"I didn't say you could go out." 

"Look I'm sorry dad, but you lost your right to parent me the day you went behind mom's back and slept with another woman. You also lost my respect so if you could please give me some time away from home and from you, it would be great."


"Dad, please stop." He nodded in response and closed the door. I admit I did feel a little bad for the huge fight we had the other day, but he can't just waltz back in and try to be a father to me after what he did. I needed time and he needed to fix things with mom, even if that meant him leaving her or vice versa.

An hour later I finally finished getting ready and went downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen leaning over the counter waiting for something to cook, cup of wine in hand as she laughed at something my dad had said. I was honestly disgusted. 

When the doorbell rang I immediately got my purse from the side counter and went to open the door. Luke was wearing a normal graphic t-shirt with khaki pants and instead of his hair neatly spiked up, it was curly and all over the place, giving an edge to his look.

"Luke, it's great to see you honey." My mom greeted him with a hug. I mentally sighed, wanting to just get out of here.

"Nice to see you too, ma'am."

"Luke, nice to meet you son." My dad put his hand out and Luke shook it.

"You too, sir. I'm just taking Mads here out for some coffee at this place I know in town. I'll have her home by 11."

"Keep her out till late if you'd like, Luke. We trust you. Have fun." My dad put his arm around my mom as they waved goodbye from the door. Just yesterday my mom was upset about dad and now they're acting as if it never happened.

"Well your dad seems nice." Luke said as we got in the car.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Why am I just now meeting him?" 

"He's never around."

"Well he's around now. Don't take him for granted." I knew that Luke not having a dad really affected him growing up but everyone has problems.

"Alright." I said not wanting to say anything more or less.

"You want to talk about it?"

"Not really. I just want to enjoy our date and do cute things like hold hands and whatever it is people do on dates." He took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers together.

"Alright sounds good. I never told you how good you looked, today. Stunning as always." I blushed at his words. "Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Thank you Luke." 

When we finally arrived into town Luke pulled into a little parking lot to a restaurant called "Vinny's". It was modern, something I feel like you'd find in bigger cities like New York and the floors were wooden with great portraits on the wall. 

"This place is adorable. How'd you find it?"

"Mum took me here once when we were little and I just remembered about it the other day. Wasn't sure if it was still open so I had asked my mom and investigated and here we are."

"Yeah.. Here we are." 

When we were finally seated and eating, Luke and I had gone through many subjects of conversations.

"Can you believe we're about to graduate.. I mean us. Graduating, it's crazy."

"I know." He said, shaking his head. "Time flies. What do you think you're going to do after we graduate?"

"I really want to move to New York. Go to NYU and live it up. Get out of here."

"What's wrong with Australia?" 

"I love it here, but I want to expierence different things, meet different people see different places."

"I understand. Sometimes getting away is what we all need."

"And what about you?" 

"Not really sure. James, Daniel, Beau, Jai and I all decided on making some YouTube videos. We're always doing weird shit, so we might as well get it on tape, right?"

"That's really cool. You guys are going to upload it somewhere right?"

"Not really sure. Maybe YouTube."

"People will love whatever you guys do."

"I really hope so, I mean were all just a bunch of idiots and hopefully people would like to watch that."

"So about us. What are we really doing, Luke?"

"I'd like to say we're starting over. This would be our first date."

"Look, I really like you. Hell I think I might even feel more than that but I know you can't stay committed for longer than a week. And I don't feel like being your on and off girlfriend."

"You won't be. Just give me a chance, it's all I'm asking you."

"I don't know if people change Luke. My dad for example."

"How do you know if you won't give me a chance." I shrugged and looked at him. His eyebrows were furrowed and he tried to look hopeful but I could tell I was tearing him down.

"Fine. This is our first date. Everything from before is erased." 

"Perfect. Now are you ready to go?" I nodded and once we paid our bill we got up and decided to take a walk through the town. Hand in hand, Luke and I continued with our conversations, getting to know each other better and slowly falling for each other all over again.

"It's getting pretty late, I think it's time I took you home." The car ride home was silent, but nothing needed to be said. We were in a good place. 

When we arrived, Luke turned his car off and stared at me.

"Well, are you going to walk me to my door or stare at me like an idiot?" He laughed at my words. We both got out and made our way to the door.

"So, tonight was fun. I really want to take you out again. For our second date, I'm hoping it'll be much more eventful than tonight."

"I think we really needed tonight though, to tell each other how we felt and just clear things up."

"You're right. I had fun, Mads. I really like you and I want you to know that you won't regret giving me a chance." He whispered, his face slowly inching towards mine.

"I swear if you hurt me Luke, I'll kill you."

"That won't happen sweet cheeks." He said before cupping my face and gently kissing me. It was sweet and short and everything I needed.

Suddenly, I knew that we'd be okay. Luke and I always were. 

I think I'd really like to end it here and make a new story, a new book and have some things planned. A lot of foreshadowing in this chapter for the next book. I'll think about it. I know a lot of things are left unanswered but I honestly hate the way this story went. I kept changing Luke's personality a lot and I never meant to do so. It just happened.

Comment what you think about ending this story and creating a sequal. I have better plans for the sequal rather than continuing this. 

Also sorry for the long wait, been very busy this summer but I will go back to updating soon.

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