Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 ~ Please don't leave me

Stephanie's pov

I looked up at Tim. He was awake and was staring at me in a daydream like way.

"Tim" I whisper.

He looks at me.


"What we slept out here all night?" I say shocked

"Yeah" He smiles.

He kisses me.

"We better get back though"

"I agree"

Both of us quickly get dressed and get out of the tree house. The sound of birds greet us.

We hold hands and I rest my head on his shoulder.

He rests his head on mine.

We arrive at the entrance to Wayne Manor.

He opens the door.

The house is full of people

"I thought the ball was tonight?"

"Me to" he says still holding my hand but walking across the floor. We finally reach the kitchen.

"Bruce what's going on?" Tina asks.

I turn my head.

Cass is crying hugging Jason who is also crying (ok Jason is crying now theirs something wrong)

Artemis is beside them also crying and Dick is in the middle.

"Sit down"

Bruce says holding our shoulders.

Wally was even crying.

"Is it Barbara" I cry.

Bruce looks at me "No she is fine"

"It's....Alfred he is really sick, he might not make the night"

Tim covers his mouth. I burst into tears.

"Where were you two last night?"

We both go bright red.

"It doesn't matter" Tim says leaning back into the chair. I lay beside him cuddling up.

He looks like he is trying not to cry.

"Its ok" I whisper "no one will judge" Tim looks at me and then floods of tears roll down his face and I lay my head against his shoulder.

"Sorry I'm late" a familiar voice says.

We all look up. It was Barbara she had a broken arm and it was on a sling but that was all. She had one black eye two but that was fire. I guess.

She looked at the couch their was no room. She leaned up against the wall.

Dick looked up at Barbara putting his hand towards his leg. She nodded at him and walked over and sat on his lap putting both her arms around his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She cuddled up close. Tears rolled down their faces.

I look back at Tim. He hugs me tighter.

I love him and I hate when he is sad.

Selina's POV

I put my black dress on and do my hair and makeup. I walk toward the mirror. I smile.

I'm off I say to my 43 cats.

I arrive at the huge mansion on the outskirts of town.

Its packed with people everywhere.

I see Bruce greeting people they are all kinds up I skip everyone and run to him. I pull him away I hear annoyed voices but I don't care.

"How's Alfred?"

"Not great"

I give him a reassuring smile.

"It will be ok you know"

He smiles " thanks Selina"

Jason walks out of the kitchen.

"I-- I want to see him" he stuttered. Bruce looked at him

"I don't know if you should"

"I--I want to"

"Ok" Bruce stepped out if the way of the door allowing him to pass. Jason stared for a moment before walking into the room.

"Poor kid" I say Bruce nods. I take his hand and go into a private room. He doesn't stop me so I keep walking. I close the door.

I kiss him.

"How I've longed to do that for weeks"

I saw him half smile he put both his hands on my face. Kissing me.

"Sorry Bruce but I have to go" I say realizing the time.

He look's at me "don't go" he whispers.

I smile to myself.

"Ok" I whisper back.

Barbara POV

I stay seated on Dicks lap. Still crying. Dick puts both his hands on my face. He wipes away the tear with his thumbs.

We both rest pur foreheads on each others.

"He's not dead" dick whispers.

"I know" I whisper back "but he is so weak"

No one bothered to tease us. They were all to sad.

Even Dick was.

"Can we see him" I whisper.

"Yep" he whispers back as we both get up he wraps his arm around me and we rest our heads against each others.

The door opened. The tears became worse.

chapter 8 is complete hope you all liked it. New update soon.

HArley Q∆INN

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