Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 ~ My mind is a safe and if I keep it then we all get rich

Cassandra Cains POV

The house had been quiet since everyone heard the news of Barbara's death. Bruce and jim had decided to have her wake at Jim house but after the funeral everyone goes to Wayne manor. Alfred is waiting in he car for us all.

"Are you ready?" Jason asks coming up behind me. I turn and smile briefly.

"Yes, I know you knew Barbara better than I did you've known her since you moved here... This must be hard" I say hugging him. He hugs me back gently and kisses the top of my head.

"Thanks but its dick I'm more worried about.." Jason said he looked upset and lost. It made me feel like crying but I had to stay strong for him and the family. I was the eldest girl now apart from Selina but she was never like the daughter she was the mother of our family babs was the big sister, dick the big brother. It didn't matter that we weren't real sisters technically none of us were real sisters or brothers.

"Guys do I look ok?" I heard someone say. I rose my head to see Stephanie coming down the stairs beside Tim. Tim was wearing a black suit with a white shirt under neath. He had a Dickie bow and a red rose in his pocket.

"You look Great" i smiled. Jason smiled too and Tim and Stephanie came down the stairs and joined us. We left for the limo. Bruce left for the house with dick in the mourning and Kate was helping with the food. The four of them made their way out to the car.

"Hey Alfie" Jason said getting in but it was.t in his usual happy sarcastic voice it was a sad lost voice.

"Hello master Todd" alfred replied he granted us a quick smile, then turned the keys of the car and drove off. Alfred pulled up outside Jim's house. Their was cars everywhere. Alfred got out and opened our doors.

"Thanks Alfred" Stephanie smiled. She was wearing a tight black pencil skirt that stopped at her knees, she was wearing a thin black cardigan and a black polo shirt underneath. I was wearing a black strapless dress. I had heels on and a black jacket over my dress. While both the boys wore black suits.

"I will just park the car, then I will join you" Alfred said. Then he turned and got back in the car as the four of us made our way to the door. Jason sighed the book at the door with all our names. Then we walked inside the house was full of people. I didn't know any of them most were her school friends, other police guards and their family, her family and neighbours. They slid past the crowd of people standing and chatting in the hall and made their way to the sitting room. Their was a open coffin in the middle of the room. Barbara's skin was pale and she was wearing her favorite outfit the one she wore almost everyday but she still loved it. She wasn't smiling and her eyes were shut tight. This room wasn't as busy one or two people standing and looking at her and then the rest sitting in the chairs by the walls. I looked to see if I knew anyone. Bruce was sitting in one of the chairs so was dick, Artemis and wally. Jim was but that was obvious.

We walled up to her coffin. I put my hand on hers with her gently put on top of each other. She looked peaceful. The house was loud in the halls from the people but this room was much more quieter and peaceful. Jason stared down at her face. While Stephanie leaned her head on Tims shoulder. We all stared at her for a while we didn't want to leave her their. I turned my head and saw Bruce looking at us. He stood up and walked over to us and whispered.

"Is Alfred outside?" He asked sounding a bit concerned.

"He's parking the car" Stephanie replied blankly.

"Ok one of you can have my seat I'm gong to go stand at the door and meet and greet some people" bruce said "go get something to eat in the kitchen Kate is cooking and theirs plenty of food"

"Ok thanks" Jason said giving a quick smile he walked over to dick and sat down. I watched as Bruce left the room Stephanie and Tim moves to the corner of the room and just stood their sobbing quietly. I left for the kitchen to help Kate. I slipped past the growing crowd and into the kitchen. Kate was drying some dishes and talking to a woman beside her.

"Hey Kate" I said approaching her. Kate turned her head and gave a small smile.

"Hey Cass" she said "this is Lauren" she pointed at the woman beside her who was around her age.

"Hi I'm Lauren, I'm Barbara's second cousin" she said she gave me a smile. I returned her the smile and walked over to the table and sat down. Their was loads of people sitting at the table talking and I heard words as I went into my own thought, most of the words were 'she was to young' or 'she was a bright girl' or "its so sad' I looked up at them. One of the girls looked up at me.

"Hi their I'm Khloe! I live down the road I used to come up hear when I was younger and me and Barbara would play all day in the garden" she smiled.

"Hi I'm Cassandra Cain, I'm Bruce Wayne's daughter Barbara always stayed over at our house I was pretty close to her" I said. I wanted to cry so much. The second girl looked down and then spoke.

"My names Jenny, I'm Barbara's first cousin" she smiled. The whole table was looking down and soon everyone was joining the conversation.

"I'm Poppy, my husband is a police guard, Barbara would always come down to the station after work and he would make her tea"

"Hey I'm Tanya, Barbara is my first cousin, I'm jeans daughter, jeans Jim's sister"

"Hello, I'm Karen I live next door Barbara would often come over to my place and I would always make cookies with her"

I smiled as everyone knew her in a different way until I got to the end of the table. Their was a older woman sitting their. She looked a lot like Barbara. I though she was Jim's sister jean or his sister carol but no...her name was Barbara she was Barbara's mother.

Thanks for reading I was at a wake today so I was describing what it was like here apart from the end that was just the usual family stuff.

By the way I made up the people at the table apart from her mother Barbara. If you don't know that Barbara Gordon's mothers name is also Barbara then where have you been!!!! Also I made up Jim' sisters jean and carol.

New update very very sooooon XCX

HArley Q∆INN

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