Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 ~ We were supposed to be 'forever'

Tims POV

Stephanie cried into my shoulder as we liked at the peaceful girl in the coffin. She was definitely beautiful but not as beautiful as Stephanie. I looked down at Stephanie as she sobbed.

"Do you want something to eat?" I asked nudging her gently she looked up with red bulging eyes.

"Yeah, thank you" she said softly. I held her hand and we left the sitting room. I looked over at dick as we left. He had been here since 6am and it was now 6pm. He probably hadn't eaten anything. Me and Stephanie entered the kitchen. Cassandra was sitting at a table with some other girls, while Kate was talking to someone while drying dishes. We walked over to kate.

"Hey Kate" I said almost shyly. She looked over at me and Stephanie and gave us a smile.

"Are you two hungry I've made muffins" Kate said handing us the plate "theirs tea and coffee if you want"

"Yes please, I'll just have a tea thanks" I said and Stephanie nodded. Kate turned and got two cups.

"Hear you go" she said handing us the drinks" both me and Stephanie gave her a quick smile.

"Kate will you stay with steph I'm going to bring dick something to eat" I say. Kate smiles and gives Stephanie a hug.

I take a cupcake and get a slice of lemon drizzle cake. I put them on a small side plate and then walk back to the hall, I slid past the crowd and into the sitting room. Some of the people are drinking tea and eating things, some aren't. I walk up to Jason and dick.

"Hi guys" I say standing in front of them "I brought you something to eat" I say handing Jason the plate. I smile and leave the room.

Jason's POV

"Dick want some?" I say picking up the lemon drizzle cake and handing it to him.

"No I'm not hungry" he says blankly.

"If you don't eat you will get like weak and babs wouldn't want that" I say hoping this will change his mind but he just shrugs it off.

"She wouldn't care" dick says staring at her. I look up at dick who just stares at her.

"Yes. She would you were her best friend she loved you" I say trying to comfort him. A tear rolls down is face.

"She hated me" he sobs. I stare blankly at him.

"That's not true" I say putting my hand on his back. But he moves a bit so I put my hand back down.

"We went to a disco, we both got so drunk. Then the next morning I woke up in.the same bed as her, I told her that I didn't think it was a mistake but she was told me it was the biggest mistake ever, I had fallen in love with her all over again and I shouldn't have but I did and I couldn't tell her" dick said tears rolled down his face and I just stared blankly at him.

"Barbie was my half sister but she was more like a mum to me" I said sadly looking over at her pale face.

"I can't let her go" dick sobbed I patted his back. I don't want to let her go either but I knew how dick felt about her. She was his first love and I was afraid his last..

The hours past people shook our hands and left and slowly (very slowly) people left and the house was soon almost empty. Their was only me, dick, jim, tim, steph, Bruce, Kate, Cass, Barbara's mum, a few cousins, Damian (was somewhere), Selina and her grandma Holly.

"Its time" a man said coming inti the room. None of us wanted this to happen. None of us wanted to close her coffin but it wasn't like we had much of a choice. Everyone stood up and kissed her head softly first was Stephanie who then burst to tears, then Tim, Damian, Bruce, selina and Kate then they left the room. Cass stood up next and softly kissed her forehead and left the room holding back tears. Barbara's grandma holly walked up next a and kissed her forehead and held her hand for a minute then she left the room. I walked up with dick next their was only three people left in the room. Jim, dick and me. I kissed her forehead and looked at my big sister for a minute. I felt my eyes water up but I stood back and let dick say goodbye. He stared for a minute and tears rolled down his face. Then he bent over and gently kissed her lips. When he was finished he turned to me.

"We we're supposed to be forever" he whispered. I looked over at Barbara who just lay their "please wake up Babs I need you"

When I heard Dick say this I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I held tears rolling down my face. I saw Jim sit in the corner. He stood up an walked over to his daughter. He kissed her forehead and tears fell from his face. I turned to dick and he looked up at me. He nodded and both of us left the room. Jim stayed another five minutes. When we left the room the rest of the family were in the hall. Bruce hugged dick. I walked over to Cassandra.

"Dicks not taking this well..." I said to Cass. She gave me a quick smile and then made a very concerned face.

"I'm sure he will be fine, he just needs time to take this all in" cass said trying to comfort me. I smiled.

"Yeah I hope so" i say giving Cass a hug. I see Kate behind us looking a bit jealous but right now I don't care. sister is dead

To be continued...comment ideas for other chapters please and sit tight new update soon!!!!

HArley Q∆INN XxX

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