Chapter 23

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New update! This update is not a continue of the last its about Selina and Bruce and also is about baby name

Chapter 23 ~ Mommas gonna buy you a diamond ring

Selina's pov

I hated hospitals. I really did.

They were are..the same..every room looked the same.
Bruce was standing beside me. He was drinking his coffee.

I wasn't supposed to drink coffee so they gave me water.


A nurse walked into the room. I sat up. I was hoping she was going to say you can go home. But no.

"Your daughter is ready to see you" she pushed in a small cot.

Their in the cot lay a little beautiful baby girl.

I forgot about all my last thoughts.

She was beautiful.

Bruce stood over my shoulder. He put on hand on my shoulder I could see him smiling.

The nurse picked her up and gently placed her in my arms.

I sat back.

Bruce came closer.

Both of us stared at our little angle.

"Do you have a name for her?" The nurse asked.

"Not yet" I answered.

"What about.." Bruce began he then started thinking.

"Lexa?" I asked.

"No" Bruce said.


"No" Bruce looked at me.




"Hmm no" He considered.


"No.....wait what about Helena?"

I smiled "hmm...actually its...its not that bad...its ...its perfect"

Bruce snuggled up close to me. He wrapped one arm around me and smiled. He kissed my neck and we both looked down at our little angle.

"Welcome to the world, Helena Wayne" I said cuddling her.

I looked up at Bruce and kissed his nose softly.

Damian walked in.

He frowned when he looked at the baby.

"Is it a boy? Or girl?"

Bruce smirked.


Damian smiled. He was sick of boys. Their was him, Dick, Jason, Tim and Dad. That's five. And Alfred too.

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