Chapter 35

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Chapter 4 ~ We've got a whole lot of history

Barbara's POV

I snuggled up to my pillow but met a hard surface. My eyes opened. I saw Dicks face.
"Dick!!" I yelled jumping out of my bed. Dicks eyes opened and he was just as shocked as I was. He fell out of the bed.
"What have I done!" I cried. I grabbed my clothes from the floor and ran to the bathroom.

"Babs? Look I know this might be a mistake you--" I cut Dick off.
" me! Isn't it a mistake to you too?!" I said as I threw up in the toilet.
"You said you loved me Babs... Last night!" Dick said.
"I was DRUNK!!!" I screamed at him as I got dressed. I ran out of the bathroom and into the bedroom again.

"Dick? Don't you regret it" I asked. Dick looked guilty.
"..No...I'm glad it happened" dick said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Dick you have a girlfriend!" I yelled.
"Babs your going to wake all of my family" Dick said. I realized I was in Wayne manor. Well this wasn't going to end well.

"I've got to get home" I cried grabbing my handbag.
"So you don't remember yesterday?" Dick said sounding hurt.
"I do....and I did mean it but...I didn't want know..sleep with you" I said standing by the door. I was wearing my dress as I had no other clothes.

"Well they are going to know we slept together if you leave with messy hair and yesterday's dress? How about you get some of my clothes. I have a pair of black jeans" dick said going to the wardrobe "here's a blink182 t-shirt" he handed me the jeans and shirt "I've got a black coat here and convers, and some of your old makeups in their" dick said pointing to a small box.
"You kept my makeup?" I said surprised. Dick blushed "Not all of it..." He said shyly. I was surprised, very surprised.

I run into the bathroom and put some makeup on and brush my hair. I turn and see dick he's only wearing a pair of boxers. I bit my lip.
"Maybe I shouldn't regret last night" i whisper to myself. But then I snap out of it. I grab my handbag and left the room. Praying I don't meet anyone.

I stopped at the top of the stairs and look down to make sure the coasts clear.
"Hiding are we?" I turn as quick as I can and see Jason standing their.
"" I stutter.

"I knew dick would do you" Jason said.
"Do me?" I said kind of angrily.
"Yeah like sleep with you" he said
"How do you know what I did?" I say "I could have been here to visit Bruce about Batgirl stuff" Jason rolls his eyes.
"Your wearing his clothes"he says almost laughing. I blush the color of my hair. Then I gulp loudly.

"I've got to go" I say and run down the stairs but Jason follows me.
"Where you going barbie?" Jason says finding this amusing. I run outside and I realize my cars not here. Great!

I turn to see Jason sniggering. Could my day get any worse. Then it starts to lash rain. And in a few seconds I'm soaked.

Jason laughs harder. I walk toward the door.
"Jason this isn't funny I'm all wet" I say.
"Eww gross" he says I blush harder.
"Not that sort of wet!" I say walking to the porch. I stand in the small shelter of the porch for a minute beside a giddy Jason.

I feel his hand on my bum and I squeak.
"Stop that!" I yell.
"Stop what?" He says then I realize that he's to far over to have reached me. I turn back and feel a hand on my bum again.
"Omg Jason this isn't funny!" I say.
"I'm not doing anything?!" he says.
"Yes you are" I say but then I feel something on my bum again only this time I'm facing Jason so I couldn't be him. I slowly turn and see the joker himself. Then he burst out laughing. Jason pulls me towards him.
"Pervert!" He yells at the joker. Joker pulls out a gun and tries to shoot Jason. I stand behind him.
Jason jumps and ducks not knowing I was behind him and the bullet hits my chest. I stand in shock and Jason doesn't realize.

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