Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 ~ Watchtower view

Barbara's pov

I stomped down the stairs banging my foot as hard as I could as I walked.

"Babs wait!"

I heard a too familiar voice behind me.

I kept walking.

Dick somehow appeared in front of me.

"Babs I would choose you ok! I would choose you!"

I look into his eyes. Almost getting lost in them. I think. For a second. Is he being honest.

I....somehow...believe him...

I look at him for a moment.

Then I jump up into his arms. I see him smile.

I kiss him he kisses me back. He keeps kissing me never ever letting me go again.

I only fought with him to make him prove he loved me and it worked.

I then landed back on my feet after being thrown up into the air.

He kissed me forehead softly.

Both our buzzers beeped.

beep, beep, beep

I heard Jason from upstairs his buzzer must have beeped to. And Damian.

I walk down to the bat cave. Tim is sitting down beside Jason, Damian and Selina.

We all knew Selina was with Bruce. We couldn't wait for a wedding.

Bruce looked at us all. The door to the cave then burst open.

Zatanna walked in she looked evil. But she wasn't obviously.

She sat down.

Bruce finally began speaking.

"So.. Their has been many fires, kidnaps and people shot in this week.. We need people such as you and the young justice to stop all this..and quick!...Joker, Bane, Two face, Harley Quinn, Penguin and Ivy are responsible it will be very dangerous as they have joined a group together with many other villains too"

We all froze and stared at him.

He then continued.

"Tim and Damian you are on main street .... Zatanna you take the Alley its small so you should be ok... Barbara, Dick you take Harper street remember that is one of the worst so beware!... Jason you can take roofs cover as much as you can"

We all set out.

Selina stayed seated looking up at Bruce I turned to see what he would do.

"I want to help" she said.

"No it to dangerous" Bruce said walking away from her.

"Oh pleas I would be on that team with those villains if I wasn't hear"

The worst part was we knew she wasn't lying.

"You can come with me" He said half smiling. She followed. I kept walking following Dick.

He looked back at me and grinned slipping his hand into mine

I rested my head on his shoulder.

Tims POV

I arrived at the main street. I didn't like getting stuck with Damian.

We didn't exactly love each other.

More like love/Hate but more Hate.

I stood on top of one of the roofs I was ready to pounce. Damian was beside me.

He kept a serious face but stared down into the street watching the street with one hundred per cent. 

Bruce's POV

I stood in my normal posture I always stood in.

Selina was belt down next time wearing her cat costume.

She was watching the road.

I smiled

"Good work"

"I didn't do anything yet" she giggled. Making a purr noise at the same time.

"At least you are focused" I half grinned still keeping my eyes on the street.

I saw her grin.

Both of us stared waiting for something to happen.

But nothing did.

Barbara's pov

Me and dick had for he busiest street but it was too quiet not even a car not a person either.

It was night but theirs always something happening.

But tonight nothing.

I turned to dick when Bang!!


Ahhhhh cliffhanger alert. I know this chapter is short very sorry. New update very very soon.

HArley Q∆INN

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