Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 ~ please don't leave me

Bruce's POV

I walked in the door of Wayne manor to see Dick eating..which he never did this early.
"Dick?" I asked worried that something had happened.
"Yep" he said while hanging his head over the big bowl of popcorn.
"Are you ok?" I asked.
"Nope" he said still hanging his head.
"Whats wrong?"
"Girls" he replied
"Girl-s?" I raised a eyebrow
"Yep...Me and Babs are over... She finished it" he said not looking at me.
"I'm sorry dick" I said trying to comfort him.
"Its ok" he said but I knew he didn't mean it he was a mess. My own son a mess that's not good.
I patted his shoulder and walked up the stairs to Helena and Selina.

I told Selina about what had happened. He wouldn't tell us what happened. He wouldn't tell us the full story. Just bits of it. When I was up late that night with Helena I could hear him crying in his room. Every night he would cry for three months straight. Then it stopped he became leader of young justice and it helped him get over Barbara. When he did. Barbara and Dick started talking again. She would never speak of what happened but she still remained friends with dick. Dick told her he was sorry and he knew she could never forgive him for what he had done. She said he was right she couldn't forgive him but she would try. And it didn't mean they couldn't be friends even best friends. He agreed and they are best friends now.

Selina told me to get Alfred to buy pink balloons and pink plates and cups. It was Helena's fourth year on the planet. They do grow up so fast. Selina was still as shocked as I was.
"Alfred I need pink balloons, cups and plates"
"Certainly master Bruce, I may guess its for Helena's fourth birthday on Sunday?"
I nodded. He smiled and off to work he went. The doors burst open and I heard a scream or was it a loud loud LOUD sigh if relieve.
"Hello" cane a voice I had not heard before. I came down the stairs to see a blonde haired girl. It wasn't Harley she had a voice you couldn't forget.
"Umm...can I help you" I asked.
"Oh sorry!" She giggled " I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Elizabeth I am here about a job"
"Job" I asked still unsure about what she was talking about.
"The butler" she smiled.
"I have a Butler" I sighed. Alfred came from around the hall.
"Are you here to be my new sidekick butler" Alfred smiled.
"Yes sir" she giggled raised a hand to her forehead.
"Good!" Alfred smiled

Alfred so had to explain everything. I said d to myself. But it would have to wait. The world awaits.

Dicks POV

Everyone wanted to know what happened between me and Barbara. But the truth was I didn't want to tell anyone. It was to hard to explain. But this us what happened

Me and Babs were the happiest couple on earth everyone wanted to love someone like we loved each other. Then one night the joker attacked are home. I was out on mission. But Babs wasn't she was alone in the house. The joker rang the doorbell. She answered not knowing who it was. The joker shot her in the side. She was dead.. I mourned her for one and half years ((after I quit as Robin because I was so upset)) I realized Barbara was never dead. She had faked it. That the shot would not have killed her only snapped her spinal cord causing her to become paralyzed. She returned after four years. I realized that she had spent that time away in study and learning about the world. But I couldn't forgive her. It took a few months but soon I couldn't deni that I was still in love with her. I couldn't stop myself from wanting to kiss her. So I did. We got back together I forgives her. Then when she was in her wheelchair still paralyzed from waist down. It wasn't easy Babs couldn't do anything. It was knowing she may never be able to have kids. I was by her side but one night I met another girl called Zatanna I kissed her and slept with her. I told her it was a mistake but she cast a spell on me to make me love her. But I told her after two months I couldn't do it. I didn't need her to cast a spell on me to prove I loved Zatanna but not as much as babs. Then Babs found out Luther was offering her the chance to move her legs again. She took the opportunity and got the use of her legs back. She was so happy. And so was I but I was guilty. She got pregnant a while later. We had a baby girl. We named her Angelica. But one night the joker attacked Wayne manor. He kidnapped Jason. We had put Angelica (angel) to sleep in her room but Tim and Damian had taken her out of her cot so they could play. Tim was seven Damian was five and Angel was three. They were in the back garden when he attached and their was a small explosion inside causing all of them to fall over Angel fell into the pool and so did Damian. Tim jumped in to save him and dragged Damian out when he went back for angel it was to late she had drowned. Both me and Babs were so sad. We mourned our little girl. We tried to continue our life's but never forgot angel. But then she found out about the affair... And we split up.

But I don't tell anyone what happened not even my dad Bruce. Barbara didn't even tell her dad The Commissioner. Everyone knew about angel but not the affair. Tim blamed himself for her death. But I blamed me. I should have looked after her better..


New update do hope you like it. I got bored and decide to do some drawings please comment and tell me what you think. This is my first fan art but I want to see what you guys think!

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