Chapter 26

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Going to do this chapter same style as the last one so hope you enjoy then the next will be different style.

Chapter 26 ~ never coming home

Harley's POV

Is sat up in the bed. My blonde hair going out in every direction. I frowned. I pushed it out of my face. I was wearing a pink vest and pair of grey pyjama shorts. I held up a mirror. I looked at my face. My blue eyes reflected off the light. I threw my legs around and onto the cold floor. I flinched as the cold traveled up my back. I stood up and yawned stretching my arms out. I walked towards the mirror in my room. It was a long mirror. I could see from my feet to my head. I stared at myself. Today was a new day. A new start. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a jumper. I brushed my messy hair. I slapped on some pale pink lip gloss and tied my hair into a pony tail. I waked towards my door. I took a long deep deep breathe and opened it. I walked down the hall and towards the kitchen. Alfred was cooking something and Tim was having some toast his eyes were red. He had probably been crying. Cassandra was sitting in the lounge area having he breakfast while watching TV.
"What can I get you miss Quinn?"
"Quinn?" Tim asked.
"Just a tea" I replied and sat down.
"Certainly" Alfred said walking towards the kitchen and making her some tea. I smiled. Tim looked up at me with a disgusted face. Cass turned her head. Both of them took a good look. I stayed put and waited for my tea. (Remember new day new start stuff) Alfred placed a cup of tea in front of me.
"Here you are miss Quinn"
Tim got up and left the room. I wasn't the Harley Quinn that stole and killed innocent. I was now a civilian. I could help the bats. But they would never trust me. I finished my tea and walked over to the front door. My car wasn't here. Neither was the hyenas. I needed my baby's.

I needed to start over. But how? I needed to make my name a good one. Then a idea popped into my head. I could go to the prison release Ivy and she would help...but no Ivy wasn't a good person. I was now. I could try get a job?! Perfect! That would get me a good name. Right?,
"Bruce?" I said walking over to the stairs were he was.
"Yes?" He replied.
"Can you give me a job?" I asked.
"Yeah um you can help Alfred clean the kitchen?"
"No! A real job" I rolled my eyes.
"Really?" He asked. I stared into his eyes. He knew I wasn't joking.
"Ok I can try" He replied.
"I want to choose it!" I demanded just so he knew it. I wasn't going to settle for car washing or stacking shelves.
"I want to be something to of with medicine or love"
Bruce raised a eyebrow.
"Yeah.. Its is dreamy"
"Um...ok. I'll see what I can do"
I smiled as he walked off towards his bat cave. I'm sure it wouldn't be a easy road form here on but I would get their.

Layer that day

I could myself sitting in the lounge watching soap operas. Now my life must be sad. I heard a noise behind me and jumped. I turned quickly. Selina stood their I smiled at her. She half smiled back.
"What happened Harley?"
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Why are you here?"
"Because I'm sick of the joker and want a normal life"
Selina raised a eyebrow. Ok she was like Bruce is soooo many ways.
"Really?" she then said.
"Yes" I replied with a smile.
I turned my Heda back to the TV. I took a quick glance up to sew what Selina was doing. She was staring at the TV. Her eyes wide open. She looked back down at me.
"When did you watch soap operas?"
"Your right" I smirked. I changed the channel to The big bang theory. And for the next three hours me and my best friend Selina laughed so hard we couldn't breathe.

Dicks pov

Jim had arrived at the hospital. A few minutes ago he had been here all night so I made him go home and get some rest but he was back now. He sat in the chair and kept his eyes on Barbara. I snuck into the room. I sat down and watched him. He looked across at me and sighed.
"She's only a kid in my eyes, she hasn't lived yet. She hasn't had her dreams come true not the important ones...not all of them"
"What are her dreams?"
"Didn't she ever tell you?"
"Its not my place to say" Jim looked down. I nodded. I knew I couldn't make him say anything. Their was complete silence in the room for a few minutes all you could hear was the sound of Babs heart monitor. Beep...beep...beep...
But just as Jim sent to speak the monitor beeps became much much faster. To fast. Beep..beep,beep,beepbeepbeepbeep!!!!!!.
Jim jumped from his seat and call for a nurse.
The nurses pushed us out of the way. They ran to Barbara as fast as they could. Tears began t roll down my face.
"Charging!" One nurse yelled.
"All clear!"
In watched as Barbara's body was throw into the air and back down to the bed.

Jim was crying. I could hear him. I didn't want to watch this. I ran for the door. Tim was standing their.
"Is she ok?...Steph is ok by the way she survived and woke up this mourning..I'm glad to be honest...I'm so glad" I pushed past him.
I kept walking. I couldn't watch Barbara die. I couldn't. I went into the bathroom locked the cubicle door and curled up into a ball and cried.
I knew when I go back their was a chance Barbara could be dead...I couldn't never go back... I could never see my Babs dead...



Next update will be about dick and Barbara Stephanie and Tim and Harley. Hope you enjoy xx

HArley Q∆INN

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