Chapter 9

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I only realized now I haven't mentioned a lot about Cassandra and Jason sorry guys

Chapter 9 ~ The one that got away

Jason's POV

Beep, beep

I open my eyes and hit the alarm.

I stretched my legs out then I realize they're is someone beside me. Its Cass. She always sleeps In my bed. I wonder why ;)

I did love cass-- but things were complicated. Her parents were always away and she went with them sometimes.

It wasn't all bad. Space reasons but I missed her.

I missed her laugh, smile and her voice.

I turned to face her she kissed my nose.

"Morning" I smile but frown when I remember Alfred.

Cass seems to know what I was thinking of.

She took my hand. "He will be ok" I smiled at cass and got up.

I quickly got dressed and she did too.

I walked down with her to the kitchen.

Stephanie passed us a plate. She got up early ever morning.

Really early.

Tim walked in.

Grabbed a beer and had a drink. I got one to.

Then dick came in. Breakfast was quite it was a okay breakfast. (I've had better)

Stephanie's phone buzzed she left the room.

She came back in tears.

Tim ran to her.

"Sorry guys but my parents have fallen very sick worse than before I have to go visit them"

She turned and left the kitchen to pack her stuff.

We all looked at each other. Why was everyone sick??

She came down with a suitcase and handbag. Bruce came out to say goodbye.

She hugged Barbara whispering something in her ear.

She then hugged Dick. Then Cass. Then me. Then Bruce. Then Damian. Then she hugged Tim and kissed him over and over.

The taxi beeped and they broke apart.

"Goodbye!" Everyone called as the taxi drove away. Everyone waved.

Even me that was a first.

So steph was gone now. Barbara had a broken arm. Tim was heart broken because he missed Stephanie. Ok this house needs some cheering up.

I leave the house for a walk. I need the fresh air.

I hear a voice call for me. I turn to see Cass. I kiss her but she pushes me away.


"Who's Erin? And who is Jemma?"

Oh no.

"I can explain"

Cass starts crying.

"I loved you, cared for you and you went behind back with two girls"

I couldn't deni it she was right. They were only one nights when Cass was away cause I was lonely.

Now I really regret them.

"Cass please"

I place my hand on her shoulder she flinches and pushes me away.

"Don't even touch me" she yells walking back in towards Wayne manor.

I run toward the road hoping something would kill me now.

I run as far away as Wayne manor as I can.

Zatanas POV

Deep breathes I keep repeating in my head.

I arrive at the huge mansion.

The car pulls up directly outside the door.

I get out and pay the taxi driver.

I get my bags from the boot and stumble up to the door.

Knock, Knock, Knock

I wait a moment to see if anyone is coming.

A young man answers the door.

His hair is dark, he's tall, and oh my god he's handsome.

"H-Hi" I stutter


"I'm Zatanna, I'm staying here for a couple of weeks"

"Oh yeah bruce told me about you, I'm Richard, but you can call me Dick"

"Ok hey Dick"

I walked inside Bruce was coming down the stairs I knew what he looked like because I had met him.

"Hello Zatanna" he greeted with a friendly hug.

"Your room is up the stairs, take a right and the door says 13"

I smile and begin to walk up the stairs.

I walk down the small hall and towards the room 13.

I open the door. White walls, double bed, white curtains it was a bit plain but it was nice.

I threw my bag down onto the bed. Took a deep breathe and lay back. I stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes then I sat back up again.

I guess I was lucky to be staying in a mansion but for some reason I missed home...

Sorry this chapter is soooo short new update soon. The next chapter will be longer

HArley Q∆INN

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