Chapter 20

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This chapter is about Selina and Bruce so hope you all enjoy x

Chapter 20 ~ Bundle of joy

Bruce's POV

I sat in the arm chair. Alfred had poured me a mug of coffee.

I sat reading the latest news in the newspaper.

I looked up and saw Selina.

She walked in slowly and quietly closing the door I smiled as she walks towards me.

"Bruce..?" Selina said.

"Yeah" I raised my head.

"Can we go somewhere tonight?" She asked.

"Ok" I said putting my newspaper down a small bit so I could see her clearly.

She stood their. She was 33 weeks. Not long left to go.

"I'm not very romantic?"I said making a slight face.

She frowned.

"Try" she then smirked and came and sat down beside me.

"You know we never go out?" I said. Raiding a eyebrow. Selina rolled her eyes.

"That's exactly why!" She gave me a slight punch in the shoulder. "Bruce!" She said smiling up at me.

"What! What is it! Is it the baby??" I said jumping from my seat.

"No! Put you hand hear" Selina said. She took my hand into hers and placed it on her Stomach.

"Do you feel that?" She said softly.

I nodded and smiled.

I felt the baby kick and he was probably doing summer saults in their.

Selina kissed my lips softly. She then pushed me away quickly.

She placed both her hands on her stomach and yelled.

Oh no!

"Is it the baby?" I said.

"No sure! Yes of course its the baby!!!" Selina screamed.

She placed both her hands on Ber stomach and her breathing became heavy.

I called for Alfred.

He ran alongside Dick and Barbara.

They all helped Selina up the stairs.

They were almost at the door when Selina stopped again.

She yelled load.

She turned and looked at Barbara.

"Don't ever have kids!" She yelled. Barbara smirked trying not to laugh.

We finally made it to the front door.

Me and Selina sat in the back and she lay her head on my shoulder and squished my hand in hers.

"I can't do this!!!" She screamed.

Alfred speeded down the road as fast as possible.

We arrived at a small hospital outside of town. Their would he no paparazzi out here.

Selina didn't care as long as she got inside.

Means Alfred helped her up the steps of the hospital and into the baby unit.

The midwife ran to Selina, another grabbed a wheelchair and sat her down they pushed her into a room.

I waked in alongside her.

She was still holding my hand all this time.

I think she thought it was a stress ball because she was squeezing it so tight.

I didn't mind. I just wanted her to have this baby so she wouldn't be in pain and to have a new son or daughter.

Then another thought raced through my mind.... Son or daughter.

I don't know. I think I want another girl because they aren't as......they don't give out as much. Mainly.

But if it was a boy I would have a new Robin another partner in crime.

I don't mind either way.

One nurse pushed both Selina's legs out.

"Hey!!!!!" She screamed. Kicking the nurses nose.

"Sorry" the nurse said rubbing her nose.

She then pushed both her legs aside again.

Selina ignored her.

She just kept breathing fast and yelling.

Next thing I know she said she had to push.

I closed my eyes.

I heard everyone yell push and Selina scream louder.

I opened my eyes to see lots of burses looking in the middle of Selina's legs.

I frowned.

"Push" the first nurse yelled. "Your almost their" the second one yelled.

"All the nurses kept giving her motivation quotes on how to push. But Selina just didn't listen she was doing great in my opinion.

I had never seen anyone give birth and ot was a experience I didn't want to repeat.

The sound of baby cries came.

I looked at one nurse who had wrapped the baby in a white cotton blanket.

"Here you go, a healthy baby girl" The nurse smiled.

She handed the baby to Selina who was sweating from her head to toe and was still breathing fast but she was smiling.

She handed me my new baby. A little angle she would be.

She had a light brown shade of hair and her eyes were green. She was perfect.


Sorry this chapter is so so so short. New update sooooooooonnnnnnn. Haven't had a lot of writing time I have exams coming up sorry. I will try to make new updates whenever I can thanks.

HArley Q∆INN

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