Chapter 25

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New update hope you all like it. Focusing on... (This was a tough one by the way ((BTW)) needed to write about someone I hadn't wrote a lot about then I thought of Damian and I said YESS!!!and obviously I wanted a female so I said the amazing Harley Quinn) Damian and Harley Quinn.

Chapter 25 ~ Thug life

((Aka ~ These lyrics do not belong to me))

Nobody's pov

-I don't know if I can yell any louder. Harley walked up to the kitchen. She saw her puddin at the table. He was working on some new plan to kill batman.

-how many times have I kicked you out of here. She stood and stared for a minute. She loved what she did but their was a line. She wasn't 22 anymore. She was 28. She didn't want to do the same thing every day for the rest of her life. She wanted to settle down and have a family, to just be happy.

-have I said something insulting. She walked over to the table.
"Not now Harley!"
"Then when!"
The joker looked up.
"How long are we going to do this for! I love what I do but I can't take it any more!"
The jokers eyes widened. He stood up suddenly. His hands turned to fists and his eyes were bulging.
"Calm down puddin! I'm sure we can agree if you think about it"
But it only made things worse.

-I can be so mean when I want to be.  The joker shoved Harley against a wall causing her to land on her face first on the ground. She sat up and rubbed her nose turning again to face the joker.
"Don't call me that!" The joker yelled grabbing her by the neck.
"What have I done!?"
"You want to leave! And nobody leaves the joker!"
"But mista J!"

-I am capable of nearly anything. Harley felt her head bleed. He grabbed her by the neck. Holding her up against a wall. Then he flung her across the room.
"You don't know how it feels to be left alone!" The joker screamed at her.
Harley began to get really scared. She stumbled but tried to get up and run.
"Harls now where do you think your going?" The joker said in a soft voice. Harley stopped thinking it was all over. That he was agreeing with what she had said or he was saying he forgives her but she had to stay.

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