Chapter 27

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New update!!! Hope you like it. Sorry the story is so bad. Hope you All like this next update;)

Chapter 27 ~ I want to sleep next to you..but that's allll I wanna do right now.

Jason's POV

I walked into the lounge. Damian was asleep on the sofa. I had a bowl of cereal in my hand and a spoon to eat with. I then had a amazing thought. I raised my hand over Damian's face holding my bowl. I tilted it slightly. A drop of milk fell onto Damian's face. Damian jumped. He yelled. I burst out laughing I almost cried. Damian stood and stared at me. He had his arms folded and was making a terrible face. I smirked but as I did my phone beeped.
'Incoming message from 👌Blair😍:Snapchat:'
I smirked harder now. Damian raised a eyebrow.
"I bet that's a message from some girl you like?"
I made a face at him.
"It is...isn't it?" Damian giggled. I pushed past him and left the room. I grabbed a coat and walked outside. The cold air made me jump it was very frostie outside. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and went Snapchat.

Snapchat message

"U coming out later"
"Maybe r u"
"Yeah maybe we could meet"
"K what time"
"3 us that k"
"K see u then"

I put my phone into my pocket and walked over to my new car. I got in and turned the key. The engine started and I rode down the driveway in my new Mazda. I clicked the radio. The weeknd "hills" came on. I knew all the words to the eminem bit. I sang along happy as I could be. I then stopped and the song began to remind me of Cass. I wanted to cry but not from laughing this time. Cass had told everyone she was giving up on boys and now she had feelings for girls. She should have decided that before she broke my heart. Girls?.
I pulled up at the park. Blair was at the swing alone. It was 3.10. I was late as usual. She was going to kill me literally. I ran over to her.
"Hey" I waved and smiled.
"Your late!" She said her nose squinted up it made me want to laugh.
"Sorry" I smirked "I'm here now..miss me" I smirked again. Blair blushed bright red. This made me smirk some more.
"What are you smirking about?"
"You" I said without thinking only Ina dreamy voice.
"Jason" she pushed me off her.
"Oops sorry" I felt my checks blush. She out the loose hairs on her head behind her ear.

"Can we talk?" I asked.
"Yeah..about what" she smiled
"This" I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"This?" She asked.
"Us" I half smiled.
"Blair I've had a crush on you since forever. I love you more than Cass and I loved her with all my heart" I admitted I closed my eyes. I knew she was going to get mad and tell me I wasn't her friend anymore.
"Well...I kind of like you to" she said softly. I opened my eyes.
"Really?" I asked shocked.
"I said it I didn't I?" She said sarcastically. I leaned in and kissed her I felt her try push me away but I held her arms and kept going. She stopped trying to push me away. I stopped and looked into her eyes.

I walked her home that evening. I knew she wasn't one for jumping into things I knew she liked to go slow but I didn't. I wanted to sleep with Blair that night. But I knew she would never do that. I kissed her check at the door and she blushed.
"You parents went on a short holiday so I'm home alone for three full days"
My heart filled was she asking me in...really? As long as I had know Blair she and told me about her space and security. I came in and closed the door. I kissed her passionately. I knew I had to take it slow or I would upset her. I took my coat off then I slowly took hers off her eyes never leaving mine. I walked her up the stairs. I could see her looking a bit worried. This was a bog step for her. I was well used to it but she was a virgin. She was to scared to have sex with her boyfriend so he left her. I understood Blair so I would never do that. I lay her onto the bed gently. I pulled her skirt down. Then I lightly pulled her underwear but she stopped my hand.
"No" she whispered. I stopped and kissed her lips again. Then after another five minutes of kissing I pulled at her underwear again. This time she held her hands up. I pulled then down. I threw then across the room. I took my trousers off and t shirt. She took hers off she was now only wearing her bra. I untied it and she stared into her eyes.

"Blair trust me..your the love of my life" she nodded I threw off my boxers.
"Jason wait" she said. I looked up. "I'm not ready" she cried pushing away from me. She grabbed her blanket to cover herself.
"I understand" I said.

I lay down next to her...

I kissed the side of her head..soon i then fell asleep.


HArley Q∆INN

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