Chapter 21

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This chapter is a a bit sad but hope you like it anyway.

Chapter 21 ~ I'll trade all my tomorrow's for just one yesterday.

Barbara's pov

I opened my eyes.

Dick wasn't in my bed.

He had fell asleep beside me last night. I was positive.

Maybe he had gone to early breakfast.

I closed my eyes and cuddled my pillow.

I took a quick glance at the clock.

8.00am dick normally never got up early.

I rolled my eyes. (Probably on some early training session)

I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the clock.


I slept longer than I thought.

I turned to see if dick was back.

But he wasn't...

I sat up.

Where was that boy?

I got up and walked to the dresser table. I sat down and picked up my comb.

I quickly brushed my messy hair and starred at my ugly face for a minute. Why did dick even like me anyway??

I got up and walked to the closet.

I picked out a neon pink crop top and neon orange short shorts.(that means really short). I tied my hair up into high pic tails.

And put my neon yellow socks on and neon pink trainers.

I opened my room door.

Their was nobody in the halls.


Maybe they were down stairs.

I took the long stairs that led straight to ground floor.

I arrived at the bottom almost out of breathe.

My room was on the fifth floor so it was a long stairs walk.

I walked into the kitchen.

Their was nobody their....not even Alfred.

I began to panic. Something was wrong.....really wrong....

I ran up to the front door and opened it to check if their cars were here.

They were?

I saw a note on the ground.

I picked it up and as I did a huge cage fell from the roof and landed on me.

A gas filled the air around my and I felt myself loose consciousness.

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