Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 ~ Part of me

Tims pov

I felt awkward.

All I could think about was how bad Zatanna must feel.

She miss read the signals no big deal.

I understand that all the girls want me but I am in love with Stephanie brown and that will never change.

I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey-" I hear a quiet voice.

Nobody else is in the room. Zatanna is sitting in a chair in the corner eating her food.

"Hey" I answer.

"Look- about yesterday.."

"No big deal you miss read the signals nothing happened"

Zatanna smiled.

"Few I was worried" she then said

I smiled and kept eating my cereal. Dick walked into the room. He looked a mess. Barbara stormed in after him. She shoved past him shouldering him ( with the shoulder that wasn't broken) she grabbed a slice of toast and left the room.

"What's up?" I ask

"Ugh-Nothing" Dick replies.


"Its just- me and Babs haven't been the same since--Well---Something --Anyway- it doesn't matter"

"Oh---ok" I say feeling a sense of awkwardness.

He half smiled and left the room.

Ring, Ring, Ring

I picked up my phone .




"Hey I've missed you so much!"

"Yeah I've missed you to"

"I'm sorry, I emailed Bruce and I told him I would tell you over the phone "


"I have to stay out here for another month"

"What! But that's like ages"

"I know-- but--sorry"

"Ok--its fine I have to go now but bye steph"

"Ok bye I love you"

"Love you too"

We hang up our phones

I sigh. Seriously that's two months away from steph. How will I survive?

Barbara's POV

I sat on the bed. I stared at the wall I was thinking...think hard.

I loved dick..but..

When we were young things were different life was easy.

The Bruce and Dick had a fight and for almost three years things were awkward.

Three years is a very long time. And if they have another fight what am I supposed to do?

I can't choose between the love of my life and my me that's a simple choice. I would choose dick over my job any day.

But....I know he wouldn't do the same.

Why should I bother if he won't.

The door opens.

Dick walks in.



"Please just listen..why are we even fighting...I don't even know what we are fighting about"

"We are fighting because" I stand up and look him in the eye." You and Bruce had a argument all those years took three full years to make up..if you two gave another argument... You will make me choose between my job and my love life...I would choose my love life every time...but the problem would choose your job"

I saw dick frown and hang his head. He knew I was right as always.


"No!" I snap "don't even try defend yourself"

"Let me explain what I'd do"

"Really! Its not even worth explaining!"

"I won't get in a fight anyway so how should it matter"

"It matters! It matters because it should prove if you love me more than your job which clearly isn't true"

Damian's POV

I stood outside the old ash door with a glass cup up against the door.

I was listening to every word.

Even though I could hear it down stairs. I still wanted to listen closer.

I heard the stairs creek. I turned and saw Jason walking up the stairs casually.

"What are you even doing?" Jason asks making a weird face.

"They are having a fight I want to listen!"

"I know they are having a fight you can hear them a mile away- but seriously personal space"

Jason walked into the room beside theirs which was his bedroom. His bedroom was beside dicks. Mine was the next floor up. Tim was beside me.

I stayed listening. I couldn't really make out the words because it was so loud I was almost def.

Barbara swug open the door and have me such a look..I thought I was dead.


Hope you like this chapter its a bit short soz but hope you like it anyway.

HArley Q∆INN

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