The noise

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I woke up at 5:48, only an hour after Violet woke me up. I decided that I should probably get up, even though I still had 12 minutes until the time I normally get up.

I got out of bed and got into the shower, it was a nice steamy, hot shower. I got out and brushed my tangled, frizzy, brown mess of hair.
I got changed into a band tee, dark grey jeans, red converse, and a red beanie hat.

When I got out of the bathroom Violet was up, lazily walking to the bathroom door.
"Hey, sleepy." I said jokingly.
"Hey..." She groaned.
She walked into the bathroom and closed the door.
I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.

When I got to the kitchen my dad was in there toasting a bagel for himself.
"Morning, sweetie pie." He said smiling at me.
"You're happy this morning."
"Yeah, it happens occasionally." I said nudging him.
I opened the fridge and grabbed a strawberry yogurt and an apple.
I walked into the living room and turned on supernatural, it was the one where they first meet Castiel.

Violet came downstairs so I quickly changed the channel to looney toons.
"Hurry up, Violet, We need to leave in about 15 minutes." I said.
"I'm hurrying, just need to grab some breakfast." She answered.
She came into the living room and I saw her interesting outfit. She had on a red and white polka dotted shirt, pink zebra print tights, a denim skirt, and blue flip flops.
"Are you going to school in that?" My dad asked her when he came into the living room.

"Duh, dad." She said.
"It's, um, interesting!" I said smiling.
"See, Dad, Isabella knows it's cool!"
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know." He answered winking at me.
They say down on the couch for a few minutes until it was time to leave for the bus.
"Alright squad, time to go to school." Dad said, we both groaned.
I got up, grabbed my backpack and my lunch that I packed the night before, and headed out the door with Violet.
We walked down the sidewalk to the bus stop and got on the bus.

My first class is math, my least favorite subject, although I don't really like anything other than art and Spanish.
I survived through math and history, though I suck at them both. I'm in 10th grade and I don't even know things I learned in 6th grade. It's really bad and I'm failing in science, I have a B in history, and a C in math.
My dad took my laptop away, he let me keep my phone in case of emergencies, but I'm not suppose to use it unless I need to.

I've been having trouble ever since my mom died 3 years ago.
It was really hard letting it go and I wasn't focusing on my school, my dad didn't know how to help me, my mom was the one who would help me with homework. I have dyslexia and so did my mom, so she knew how to help me.
But my dad doesn't know what I'm going through, it's hard.

The bell rang for lunch and I ran to the cafeteria so I could sit at the table I always sit at with my friends.
My friend Ginger got there first, like she always does.
"Beat you!" She said.
"I'll get you next time!" I said, even though I probably won't.
I opened my lunch bag and started eating my PB and J as my friends Alex and Jules (short for Juliet) sat down beside us. We finished our lunch and headed to our lockers to get our books for the next class, was art, Alex had art with me and Jules and Ginger had French.
We headed up to the art room and sat in our normal spots.

Our art teacher gave us time to paint/draw whatever we wanted, I finished my other painting of some trees and a hill with a sunset a few days ago.
So I started a new one today, I started my drawing space, like what I see in my dreams. Next I painted the small, blue police box, it's the one that The Doctor uses as his time machine in the dreams.
"What's that, Izzy?" My teacher asked.
"It's a dream I had, nothing special." I said hoping she wouldn't ask anything about the dreams.
"It's very nice, but what's the blue box?"
"A space ship, it's bigger on the inside." I said unsure of what she would think.
"Very different and creative, I like it."
She said, I was pretty surprised.
"Thank you, I haven't finished yet." I said, she nodded and walk away.

I was just about to finish when I heard it, the sound. It was from my dreams, but they were just dreams, they couldn't be here.
"Mrs. Thomas, may I use the restroom?" I asked in a hurry. I
"Yes, but come back quickly."
"Thank you!" I said as I ran out of the room.


Hey guys, so this is my first fanfiction, but I hope you like it!
If there are any grammar/spelling problems please tell me so I can fix them.
Also if you want me to keep updating please like the chapter so I know you guys are enjoying the story.
Love y'all!

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