Back in time

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I skipped out of the TARDIS and found myself in a cemetery, grave stones everywhere.

I turned back around and looked at the Doctor with a confused look on my face.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"Umm, not sure. I set it on random, I guess this is where the TARDIS wanted us to go." He answered and started looking around.

I noticed that the grass was really long as if no one had mowed at all that summer, it seemed strange.
I started walking around and looking for something to tell us why we were there, it just seemed like an ordinary abandoned cemetery, nothing special.

"So, what do we do?" I asked.

"Don't know, I'll figure it out though." He said, so I sat on the ground and played with the long grass.

I found a worm and named it Jeffery, it was wiggling on my palm when I heard a stick snap behind me. I turned around but didn't see anything, so I went back to playing with Jeffery.

I then felt something touch my shoulder and then felt like I was spinning and being thrown across the cemetery.

I opened my eyes which I did not realize I had closed. I looked around, my head spinning making me feel nauseous, and I noticed I had moved. I was now in a city, laying on the sidewalk, and looking like a homeless hobo.

I also came to realize that it was earlier in time, somewhere around the 40s or 50s. I stood up and started walking around the city.
I looked so out of place, but I just wanted to figure out how to get back to the Doctor and how I even got here.

I ran into a girl with curly, brown-ish blonde hair, she was pretty, and I thought I had seen her before.
She looked to be in her late 40s or early 50s.

"Sorry." I said shyly.

"Oh, no worries. But, what are you wearing?" She asked confused.

"Oh, sorry, I was, um... in a play. This was my costume!" I lied. "But I'm looking for someone, do you know where a man named John Smith is?" I asked, I remembered he always used that as his fake name.

"Well, my friend goes by the name John Smith sometimes, be he's very hard to find and I don't think he is the same person you're looking for." She answered and giving me a kind smile, I returned the gesture and started walking away.

"Wait!" She said. "Does he go by a different name?" She asked, I turned towards her and walked in front of her.

"Yeah, the Doctor. Why?" I asked, I was hoping she knew him, but that was unlikely.

"I thought you might say that, now, how do you know him?" She asked.

"Complicated, but I travel with him. We were in a cemetery and then poof, here I am." I told her, she looked shocked and scared.

"Weeping angels, or lonely assassins, that's how you got here. Do you know what they are?" She asked.

"Yeah, one was at my school once, but what did it do?"

"Sent you back in time, they feed off of time energy." She answered, I nodded and we started walking down the sidewalk.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"River, you?"

"Isabella." She nodded.

We walked down the street and sat on a bench in a park.

"Am I going to be able to get back?" I asked. She thought for a moment.

"Well, I don't know for sure. It will be extremely difficult to get you back with the Doctor. His TARDIS will have a hard time coming to this place and time, but I'm sure we can figure it out.
But don't worry, we'll figure it out." She gave me a smile and I looked at my feet praying that he would come get me.

"River, how did you get here? Did the Doctor bring you here? Or are you from this time and place?" I asked her.

She showed my a thing on her wrist, it looked like a weird watch.
"With this, it's a vortex manipulator."

"Oh, well can you take me back with it?" I asked.

"Do you know where you were and what year, month, and date it was?" She asked, I sighed and shook my head.

"Didn't think so. But I could send a messages to the Doctor, telling him where you are." I smiled excitedly.

"Yeah, do that." I said and she started pressing buttons on her vortex thingy.

-Doctor's POV

I looked at Izzy, but she had gone. In her place was a stone Angel.

"No no no no no no!!!" I yelled and ran to the TARDIS. I closed the door and ran around the console, trying to find her. I didn't know where she was and I knew I couldn't land the TARDIS in the time and place she was.

I started pressing buttons and flipping switches hoping to find a trace of her, I just hoped she was okay, wherever she was.

I heard a ping and something popped up on the screen of the console.

'New York City, 1947, April 18th, Washington square park.
She's with me, don't worry.'
I let out a sigh of relief, I was so happy she was with River, that meant she was safe. At least safer than if she were alone.

I set the coordinates and tried to land the ship. It was having so much trouble and I wasn't sure if she would be able to land.

She shook and shook and I fell over once, but got up right away. She materialized in and out of New York, I pressed some buttons and flipped one last switch and the she landed. I jumped up with excitement and ran out the doors.

I looked around for Izzy. I saw her sitting on a bench next to River, whom I had only met the once. I ran over and swung Izzy around in circles while hugging her.

"I'm so sorry, Isabella, I should have noticed the Angels before then. I'm so so sorry!" I said, She laughed and looked up at me, a smile spread across her face.

"I forgive you, but you have to make me coffee." I laughed and agreed.

She walked over to River and gave her a hug.
"Thanks, you were so nice." She  thanked her.

"Of corse. Any friend of the Doctor's is a friend of mine." She smiled and looked back at me.

"I'm going to the TARDIS, come when you're ready." She told me. She walked into the TARDIS and closed the doors behind her.

"Nice to see you, Doctor." River said with a grin on her face.

"You too, River." I smiled back at her.

"You still don't know who I am, do you?"

"No." I sighed. "But I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough." She laughed.

"I better be off, and I'm sure you have things you need to do." I told her.

"Until next time, Doctor."

"Don't wait up."

"Goodbye, sweetie." And with that she walked away. I got in the TARDIS and closed the doors, letting out a sigh as I did so.

"Who is she, Doctor?" Izzy asked.

"Not sure yet, we keep meeting in the wrong order, she knows everything about me and I don't have the faintest idea of who she is." I walked over to her and gave her a hug, I could feel her relax in my arms, and I did the same.

I think I might love her, I haven't loved anyone since, well, you know. But she's so young, and human, and I couldn't do that to her. I pushed the thought away and kissed the top of her head.


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