Tagged thingy

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Okay, so, um, I got tagged by __Whovians_are_cool_ to do this thing where you post 15 facts about yourself, so here it goes.

1. I'm 14, born May 17, 2002.

2. I live in Ohio(it sucks, but whatever)

3. I love drawing(but only with a pencil, that's as far as my talent goes.)

4. I love Doctor who and Sherlock, as you probably know if you have even glanced at my account.

5. I'm extremely sarcastic and stubborn, which you also probably know if you have spoken to me for more than thirty seconds

6. I hate bananas, not kidding, they are my least favorite food. Once I drank a smoothie that had a banana in it and spit it out and nearly died. (Okay, that might be a little dramatic, but only the dying part)

7. I just realized that I can't think of 15 facts about myself and that this will be more difficult than I thought

8. I'm in love with avengers (mostly just iron man)

9. I have 3 siblings, two brothers and one sister

10. I'm a dancer. (Ballet, tap, jazz, modern, contemporary, pointe, musical theatre, etc.)

11. These facts are crap and I'm really sorry

12. I'm homeschooled (sorry I forgot and should have put that like third)

13. I'm super protective of my sister and glare at her boyfriend all the time while she's not paying attention and he just pretends I don't do it but I know he sees me and it's the best time ever

14. Um... I have red hair?

15. That I have to nominate 13 people but I don't even know 13 people so I have no idea what I am going to do

So there you go! Fifteen crappy facts about my life, Merry Christmas! (Sorry, was that mean? I can't really tell anymore.)

Anyway, if I nominated you than you have to post 15 facts about yourself and then nominate 13 people. Good luck! And here are the 13 people, or at least as many as I can find.














Okay, so that's all I got, whoops. Only 13, but close enough. Oh yeah, I forgot it was 13, thought it was 15 for a second. Haha, I'm so stupid. 🙈
Sorry, I don't know half the people, just read one of their books or something. But I know a few of you! Yay, I'm kind of social! Not really, but we can pretend.

Well, I hope you guys have a good time, LOVE Y'ALL!

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