More dreams

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Gosh I'm too impatient, okay so I still only got one vote but like 8 views so I don't know, but I'm posting anyway because I felt like it. I have four other chapters written but I'm not going to post them all at once. Please tell people about my story so they will read it, that would be cool. Thanks guys!
Love y'all!
P. S. Go read _whovians_are_cool's story, it's amazing and I think you all would love it.


I was in the TARDIS with the Doctor, we were playing hide and seek.
"Doctor! Where are you?!?" I yelled hoping he would answer, even though I knew he wouldn't.

I was in the console room. We had made a rule about not leaving that room, otherwise I would get lost.
I had been looking for ten minutes and I was starting to get sick of not being able to find him.
"Doctor, please. You better still be in this room." I said trying to sound annoyed. I wasn't doing a very good job.

I went under the console down the steps looking around hoping to see him. I don't know how he was so good at this game, every time I hid he found me within two minutes, I took more like twenty every time.

I found this little door looking thing in the floor and walked over to it.
I grabbed the edges pulling it up finding a room underneath.
I jumped down the dark hole in hopes of finding the doctor.

I walked around even though it was pitch black.
I felt something metal and started poking at it. I saw a blue circle light before I heard the thing say "EXTERMINATE!" And I fell to the ground unconscious.

I jolted up sweating like nuts gasping for breath. I was in a bed in the TARDIS it looked like.
The doctor was in a chair beside my bed holding my hand.
It looked like he hadn't moved in days, which was very possible.

He started moving and waking up. I laid back down and squeezed his hand.
"Izzy?" He said rubbing his eyes letting go of my hand.
"That's me." I said my voice cracking a little, I sounded as though I lost my voice.
"But, how? It's been months. I thought you....." He trailed off looking at the floor.

"Months?! How many?" I asked realising what had happened what I had thought been not too long ago.
"Um... Yeah... It's been a really long time, like three months. You weren't doing so well last week, your heart rate started slowing down a lot and you were sweating like crazy. I thought you might not make it, I didn't know what to do or what was wrong." He said quieting down the more he talked and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Three months?! But how? It was like a few minutes ago." I said feeling tears coming to my eyes, I was scared that there was something terribly wrong with me.
"I'll explain later, Isabella. You need to rest." He said standing up.
"I think I've rested quite enough, thank you very much!" I said my voice still sounding awful.
"No, you need to sleep, your body has been through a lot." He said walking towards the door.

"Doctor?" I said.
"Yes, Izzy?"
"What happened? After the Bontrace hit me."
"I'll tell you later, now you need to sleep." He said, and with that he walked out of the room and closed the door.

I was scared, I mean, three months! That was really long and I kept thinking about what he did for all that time. Did he just sit in my room hoping I would wake up or did he go on adventures without me and come back after awhile to check on me?
It was so much to take in and process in just a few minutes.

My head started hurting again and it was making it hard to sleep. I was starting to wonder if I should tell the Doctor, he would probably know why they were happening or how to get rid of it. This time it felt as though my head might explode, and it started hurting to just move my eyes.
Tears started running down my face as I tried to forget about the pain and sleep. I couldn't do anything about it other than try to ignore it.
I heard the Doctors footsteps in the hallway and I started wondering how long it had actually been. Maybe he was just walking by.

My head was still killing me when I heard the door nob being turned so I laid my head down and tried to pretend I was sleeping.
I heard the Doctor's footsteps getting closer to me and I was trying really hard to not move or open my eyes. There were still tears on my face and I wasn't sure if they were still coming out of my eyes or if I just hadn't wiped them all off my face.

"Izzy, I know you're awake." He said grabbing my hand and rubbing it in circles with his thumb.
I opened my eyes and realised that I was, in fact, still crying.
"What's wrong, Izzy?" He said with concern.
"Nothing I-" I said as he cut me off.
"No, don't say that you're fine, you keep saying that and I know it's not true. Now tell me, what's bothering you?" He said looking into my eyes trying to figure it out before I answered him.
"It's just, well, I get these headaches all the time now. It started when I first met you, and a few other times. But it's okay, I'll be fine." I said as more tears came down my cheeks again.

"I knew this would happen..." He said quietly. I don't think he wanted me to hear it, but I did.
"What do you mean you knew it would happen? How could you know that? I just met you a few months ago." I said worry taking over my voice.
"I'm sorry, Izzy, but I can't tell you yet, we'll talk later. I know you didn't get any sleep yet, will you be okay? Is your head still hurting?"
"Yeah, it still hurts, but it'll be fine. I'm sure it will go away soon enough." I said smiling at him.

"Alright, but tell me if it gets worse, okay?"
"Okay." I said.
"I promise."
He nodded, stood up, and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.


Yay you read another chapter!!!! Good for you! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
Love y'all!!!!

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