More awful sickness

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Hey guys so I'm going to camp tomorrow at 3:00 and won't be back til Saturday, so I can't update this week. I might update on the weekend but I don't know, but I'm going to camp next week too and three days of the week after, sorry!
Love y'all and I hope you like the chapter!


I woke up with the Doctor still rubbing my back but he looked very tired.

"How are you feeling?" He asked with concern.
"Do you want anything to eat or drink?"
"Maybe some water, but I don't think eating will help." I answered.
"Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes." He said standing up. I nodded and he left the room.

My stomach hurt very badly, I guessed it was just cause I was sick and threw up for an hour.

The Doctor walked back in the bathroom with a water bottle and some crackers.
"Here you go," he said handing me the water. "I brought some crackers too just in case you got hungry." He smiled.
"Thank you." I said after taking a sip of water, it made my stomach hurt a little more, but I knew I needed to put something in my body.

"Do you want to stay here or go into your room or go into my room?" He asked.
"I don't care, but I'm kinda tired so probably someone's room, but I don't care who's."
"Okay, we'll go to your room and I'll stay with you in case you need me." He said helping me up.

I git dizzy like I did before but just ignored it. We got to the door and the Doctor opened it and helped me to my bed.

I sat down and he handed me some medicine.
"Take this, it should help with your stomach and head. I'm going to check your temperature in a few minutes."
"Okay, thank you." I said after swallowing the pills.
"Now, get some rest, I'll stay here if you want me to, but if not I'll just check on you every once and a while."
"Stay, please. I don't want to be alone." I said grabbing his hand with a worried look on my face.
"Okay, I'll stay." He smiled.

I laid down and closed my eyes falling asleep very quickly.

-Doctor's POV

She laid down and was asleep in two minutes tops.

I stood up and got the thermometer-the kind that goes on your forehead so I wouldn't wake her up-and took her temperature. It was 102.8°, so it had gone down but I was still worried.

I started wondering what was wrong with her and why she was so sick.
She seemed okay until she got rammed by the Bontrace but then after she had been in the TARDIS for awhile she kept getting sicker and sicker.
I decided I would talk to her about it later. I started rubbing her back like I had before.

After awhile Isabella woke up and whispered something to me but I couldn't hear her.
"What?" I whispered.
"I feel like I'm going to throw up again." She whispered a little louder.
"Oh." I said as I picked her up and brought her to the bathroom as quickly as I could without running. She sat down beside the toilet and threw up again.
I could feel the concern spread across my face as she threw up for the second time.
"I'll be back, Izzy, okay?" I said. She nodded and I went to go grab her water.

Once I got back she was laying on the floor looking miserable.
"Isabella, you should drink something. You're dehydrated from throwing up so much, it's not good for you." I handed her the water and she took a few sips before laying down again.

I sat beside her holding her hand and stroking her back with the other hand.
She started crying a little and I felt really bad for her. She sat up and curled herself in a ball on my lap, I held her and rubbed her back some more. She kept crying but a little less than before.

Eventually she fell asleep so I put her in my bedroom on my bed and fell asleep beside her.

-Isabella's POV

I started crying in his arms in the bathroom after I threw up again. He was rubbing my back to try and calm me but it didn't help much, but I didn't mind it either.

I soon quit crying and fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up in a different room, it was very cool. The walls were covered in circular Gallifreyan and it had different constellations in the background.

I started to roll over when I felt someone in bed beside me. I turned my head to see the Doctor sleeping there.
I rolled over to face him and rested my head on his chest and fell back asleep.


I woke up again and the Doctor was awake beside me. I still had my head on his chest and his hand on my back.
"Morning." He said moving a piece of hair off my face.
"Morning." I said sleepily rubbing my eyes.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"A lot better, thanks."
"Good, tell me if it gets worse, okay?"
"K." I smiled.
I drank some water and laid my head down on the Doctor again.

"Do you think you can come with me to the consul room? I want to scan you to see what's wrong." the Doctor asked.
"Yeah." I smiled.
I sat up and there was this piercing pain in my lower right abdomen.
I hissed in pain and the Doctor looked worried.

"What is it, Isabella?"
"There's just this horrible pain in my stomach." I said and then groaned a little.
"Okay, let's get you scanned and then I'll bring you back to bed." He said and then picked me up.
"Okay." I said yelping in pain a little as he picked me up.

"Sorry!" He apologized and carried me to the consul room.

He laid me in the floor and pressed some buttons and flipped some switches.
"Uh oh." He said.
"What is it, Doctor?" I asked getting worried.


Hey hey! So here is another chapter but it's probably my last before I go to camp, so I might update next weekend but no promises! Sorry that it will be so long but there isn't much I can do about it, sorry!
Love y'all!

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