Who are you?

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Hey, guys, so I'm sorry to say this but I'm starting to really hate this book, I don't like how it's turning out and it's not as much fun to write anymore. I'm going to finish the book, but I might make it shorter than planned. Also it's not going to be a series, just one book. I'm sorry, but it's not very much fun writing it anymore, but I'm still writing other stories so you can read those instead.
Love y'all!!!!!!


I woke up to my alarm and rolled off the bed onto the floor, I didn't like mornings.

I started thinking about the dream I had had, it felt so real, but it was starting to fade with every second.
I grabbed my notebook and wrote down everything I could remember, from the man in the box to all of the adventures we went on, I wrote down all the planet's names that I could remember and wrote down the aliens that lived there.

After I had finished I put the notebook on my side table and went to go take a shower.

It was a Saturday so I got to take as long as I wanted, or at least until I ran out of hot water.

I got out of the shower 45 minutes later, wrapping myself in a big, fluffy towel. I stared at myself in the mirror wondering why weird things kept happening to me.

I walked out of the bathroom and got changed into some maroon jeans, a grey shirt with a black cross, and some black converse. (Picture above, minus the hair, purse, and glasses.)

I walked downstairs and flopped on the couch, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.

I turned on the news and laid there not really paying attention.

After awhile of listening to people complaining about the world, I got bored and decided to get some breakfast. I yelled to my dad that I was walking to the local diner, grabbed my purse and phone, and walked out of the house.

It was a nice day, a little chilly, but it was comfortably chilly.

I walked down the street and took a left, a right, and another right before I came to the diner.

I walked in the doors and sat at a table waiting for a waiter or waitress to bring me a menu.

I sat there texting my dad telling him I would be back in an hour or so, he replied saying that was fine.

I waited a few more minutes before a strange looking waiter came and brought me a menu, he looked to be in his twenties, he was wearing suspenders, a tweed jacket and a... Bowtie? Is he really wearing a bowtie?
He looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place him, I knew him, but I didn't know why.

"Thank you, er..."
"John, John Smith." He said.
"Right, thank you John." I said smiling, he nodded and walked away.

I didn't think I knew a John Smith, but I definitely knew this man's face, and I had seen that jacket and bowtie from somewhere, but I let it go and looked at my menu.

After a few minutes he came back and asked me what I wanted to drink.
"Water, please." I told him.
"Right, and would you like to order your meal now, or do you need a few minutes?" He asked.
"Um, a few minutes please." I said, he nodded again a left to get my water.

After he came back I knew what I wanted. 
"Here's your water, Izzy." He said handing me the cold cup.

"Thank you." I smiled.
"Are you ready to order?" He asked, I nodded and looked at my menu one more time to make sure I knew what to say.

"I'd like the eggs with a biscuit, scrambled, please." I told him.
"Okay, that should be ready in a few minutes." He told me.

I grabbed my phone and started looking at Tumblr while I waited.
He came back and placed the food in front of me.

He started walking away but I yelled, "wait!" He turned around and walked back to me.
"Do I know you?" I asked, I realized that sounded a little rude, but I needed to know.

"Nope, new face." He said, I was confused, but went with it.
"But I swear I've seen you before, you look so familiar, but I'm not sure why." I told him, he frowned a little.

"I'll talk to you after you finish your food, but I have to get back to work." He said, and with that he left.

I ate my food, but wasn't really paying attention to anything other than the strange man.
Once I was finished I went to the counter to pay, left a tip on the table, and then asked the lady at the counter if I could see John Smith.

"Of corse! I'll go get him." She said.

I stood there waiting until he finally came out, he looked at me and smiled.
"Isabella!" He said and walked over to me.

"Let's go outside." He said and grabbed my hand leading me out the door.

We sat on a bench in the park across the street from the diner and sat the in silence for a few minutes before he spoke.

"So, you probably have some questions, right?" I nodded and tried to think of a good one to start with.

"How do you know my name?" I asked. I hadn't told him, but he knew my full name and my nickname, and only my family called me Isabella, everyone else called me Izzy.

"Well, because I know you, very well actually." He said.
"Okay, who are you? Cause I know you, I have defiantly seen that face before, but where?"

He sighed. "I'm going to show you something, but you can't freak out, you've seen it before, but you forgot." He said, he grabbed me hand and walked me over to a blue box with the words 'police public call box' on it.

"It's just an old police box, what so special about it?" I asked.

"Walk inside." He said, he unlocked it with a silver key and I pushed it open.


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