My first trip

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Hey guys, so I haven't gotten any votes except from _whovians_are_cool_
But it's my birthday so I thought you guys should get an update today, but you guys need to vote or I won't update anymore.
I need at least 3 votes for the next update.

Love y'all!


We headed back to the TARDIS and the doctor started asking about my dreams again, great.
"So, what else about these dreams?"
"Well, like last night I had a dream where we were fighting these robot things, I think they were cyberbots or something like that. But we were fighting them and then you died and then I almost died but then I woke up. But it's no big deal, I promise." I said hoping he wouldn't think I was crazy and needed help.

"Well, that's interesting, and I think you're talking about Cybermen. Were they silver and did they say 'DELETE'?"
"Um, yeah, I think so." I answered as we walked up to the TARDIS.

The Doctor opened the door and we stepped inside.
"So, now what?" I asked.
"Weelll, we could go on an adventure, like in your dreams, but I won't die this time." He answered winking at me.
"Um, sure!"
"Well then, Allons-y! Where do you want to go?"
"Somewhere in the future, preferably, but I don't really care." I answered.
"Okay, here we go!" He said and he started dancing around the controls pressing buttons and pulling levers putting it on random.

The TARDIS started shaking and I fell to the ground, The Doctor started laughing at me.
"Shut up!" I said jokingly.
I got up and we both started laughing, we walked over to the door and the Doctor stuck his head out the door peeking at what was outside, he then motioned for me to come out.

I stepped outside and was in awe, we were on a difference planet with pretty, purple grass and a very lovely sunset.
I think it had two Suns, but maybe more, that was all I saw.
There was crystal clear water and I saw some green fish in the water, it looked as though we were on a beach, but without a lot of sand, but it was gorgeous.

"So, what do you think?" The doctor asked.
"It's beautiful!, but where are we?" "Gaflatane, planet of the Fragoes. Very kind creatures, but shy too." He said.
"They sound wonderful." I smiled.

We walked to the water, took our shoes and socks off, and sat at the edge with our feet dangling in the water, it was warm, but I don't think I would want to swim in it for very long.

Just then we heard a high pitched scream, it was so high pitched it hurt my ears. The Doctor and I cringed, putting our hands on our ears.
The scream stopped and the Doctor and I bolted towards where the scream came from, barefoot, holding our shoes in our hands.

Just then we heard another high pitched scream, my ears were ringing so loudly I couldn't hear what the doctor was saying.

We got to a tall, wooden, cabin like building as the screaming stopped again. We stepped inside and saw a pool of blood, or what I assumed was blood, though it was a blue-purple color.
"Doctor? What happened?" I asked in a worried tone.
"I don't know yet." He answered running up to the blood.
"This is Fragoe blood, I just don't know what happened." He said looking around to see where everyone went.

We ran to a door and opened it, inside we saw a dead Fragoe.
"Oh my gosh, they just threw him in a closet!" I said.
"Yeah, but where did the person who killed him go?"
"Maybe through that hallway?" I said pointing to an open hallway that lead to another room.
We ran in and saw some thing with green fuzz all over it and it looked kinda like a gorilla, just green.

"What is it, Doctor?" I whispered.
"It's called a Bontrace." He whispered.
"They're not the nicest creatures, but they can be persuaded. They're one of the enemies of the Fragoe, but what do they want?" He said.

Just then the Bontrace looked at us with bright orange eyes and it charged towards us. The Doctor grabbed me and pulled me to the side and placed me behind a plant.
He started to try to talk to the Bontrace, but I wasn't listening cause my head started throbbing again.
It was like a head ache, but I was also dizzy from it like I might pass out, and it gets worse every time it happens.

" Izzy, move!" I heard the Doctor say, but it was like I was paralyzed.
I felt someone grab my arm and quickly drag me out of the way, but I couldn't really see what was going on, black spots were blocking my vision.

"Izzy, what's wrong?" The Doctor asks me. I don't answer.
"Isabella, what's wrong? Why aren't you answering me?" He asks again. The black spots start to fade away and I can see him looking me in the eye, behind him I see the Bontrace charging up behind him.
"Doctor, look out!" I yell as I dive to the side. He dove the opposite way and the Bontrace runs into the wall putting a big hole in it.

The Doctor stands up and goes over to it.
"What do you want, why are you killing people?" The Doctor asks it.
It starts saying stuff in some language, but I don't know what he was saying.
As he was talking I started to be able to understand what he was saying, but he was in the middle of a sentence.

"And I just want them to quit!" He says in a ruff voice.
"I get it, but you can't go and kill people so they stop, that just makes them even madder and they'll do it more!" The Doctor said, but I don't know what they're talking about.

The Bontrace looks over at me while I was trying to stand up. I got up and he charged at me again!
"IZZY!" I heard the Doctor say before the Bontrace rammed right into me and everything went black.


Again, I need at least 3 votes before I update again. Sorry, but you'll have to wait till I get enough votes. Just press that little star at the bottom and poof, done! ;)
Love y'all!

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