Asher and the Doctor collide

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"Hm? Boyfriend, no. No boyfriend. Well, maybe a boyfriend. Just a kind of boyfriend. Well... Yeah, I have a boyfriend... But come on, it's been three years!" I said, he just stared at me.

"But, what about me?" He asked, making this super pouty face. I did feel a little guilty, just a little though.

"It had been three years! Also he was my only friend, I didn't plan on having any sort of relationship with him, it just kind of happened. He was the only one that believed me."

"Well then, let's go to your apartment and we can figure this all out." He said, I nodded and lead him to my house, our fingered intertwined.

My place was only a little bit aways. Once we go there, I opened the door and showed him around the house. It was pretty small, but it was just me living here.

"So, what's your 'boyfriend's' name?" He asked, I rolled my eyes.


"Asher? Is he on fire or something?" He really is a child, isn't he?

"No, he's not on fire!" I said and hit his arm. "Anyways, what do we do about this mess?" I asked, he thought fora moment.

"No idea." Wow, helpful. "How long has it been? Three years?" I nodded, wait.

"Holy crap that means I'm 27!" I yelled. He laughed.

"Yeah, it does."

"But I was just 14 like last year, I swear my life is completely screwed up." He laughed again.

"Right, cause you forgot ten years of you life and then this happened, so yeah, good fun."

"But seriously, what do we do? It's too late to save my younger self, she was defiantly taken into the past by now. But we need at least figure out why or how I was put into the past."

"I don't know! I have no idea what to do, Izzy. It just doesn't make sense!" He said, he was getting more frustrated by the second and I knew he needed to be calmed down.

I walked over to him, cupped his face in  my hands and crashed my lips onto his. Gosh I missed this.

At first he was tense and didn't kiss back, but then he relaxed and started kissing me too, he grabbed my waist and brought my body closer to his.

"What are you doing?!?" I heard someone yell, I immediately separated from the Doctor and saw Asher standing in the doorway with a Rose in his hands, crap.

"Asher, uhm, hi.... I swear I can explain, I'm so sorry, uhm..." I stuttered. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I fought to keep them back, I couldn't cry right now.

"Who are you?!?" He yelled coming closer to the Doctor, he looked like he might just snap both of our necks.

"Calm down, Asher, this is the Doctor." I said, stepping between the two men, he frowned and looked at me bewildered. 

"Wait, the Doctor? As in the one with a spaceship that's bigger on the inside and meets aliens?!" He asked. I nodded.

"Unfortunately." The Doctor frowned and nudged me, I just laughed.

"Woah..." He said whilst staring at the Timelord with big eyes. "But wait, why on earth were you kissing him? I thought we had something..." He said, his face instantly dropping into sadness.

"We do, but he was freaking out and I was excited to see him again, it was nothing, I promise." The Doctor frowned again.

"But what about m-"

"Anyway!" I cut him off. "We should just figure out what happened to me, okay? Please, just get along." They both sighed and nodded.

We were sitting on the couch, trying to figure out what was happening. It wasn't really getting anywhere.

"So you have no idea? Zero, zip, zilch, nada?!" Asher asked the Doctor, he was starting to get annoyed. "I thought you said he would know what to do, that he knew what was happening." He said to me, I shrugged.

"Well actually I said that I thought he might have an idea, it's not like I promised he would know what to do."

"I think I might have an idea, I think you were teleported, though I don't know by whom, why, or how, so I guess that wasn't helpful at all." He said. Wow, good job, Doctor.

"Yeah, that's really helpful, bravo!" I said sarcastically, he pouted a little. "But I still don't get the whole test thing, like what's the point?" He shrugged.

"Lots of people hate me, so maybe someone is trying to make me miserable." He said nonchalantly, that made my heart shatter into a million pieces. Why would anyone hate him?

"Well, whoever it is, they're gonna pay." Asher said.

"Calm down, Ash, if I hadn't gone back in time you probably wouldn't have met me, so it's a little good, right?" I said, he smirked.

"Yeah, I guess." He said and poked me in my side, I poked his nose and he kissed my lips. I gladly kissed back, forgetting the Doctor was still sitting there.

He cleared his throat loudly and I broke the kiss and looked at him.


"What do you mean 'what?'? We still need to figure this out." He said, annoyance all over his face.
I knew he was actually just jealous, but I pretended I didn't notice even though everyone that ever existed could have noticed.

"Right, sorry. Now, um, what do we do?" I asked.

"I don't know!"

"You always know! This is your job, to know what to do next or at least act like you know!"

"Well since I always do it maybe it's your turn." He said, I rolled my eyes while Asher was just sitting there awkwardly and listening to our fake argument.

"Whatever, lets just figure this out and get out of here." I said, he agreed.

"So, what do we know? First we ended up here, then we separated, what happened while you were away from me?" He asked. But how am I suppose to remember? It was three years ago!

"Um, let's see, first I found this street filled with shops and stands and stuff, some lady stopped me and showed me her cool boxes, she gave me one for free, then you were acting all strange and I came to look for you, then I heard you talking to future me that I didn't know was future me at the time then you were being all weird when she left and you sent me away then I got a headache and then poof I was here." I said, then gasped for breath when I realized I needed oxygen to live.

"Wait, back up a little, what kind of box?" He asked, he looked worried, why was he worried?"

"I forget what they were called but the lady said that they showed you a memory of the past or of the future, why?" I asked, his eyes widened.

"Mind boxes."

"Yeah, that's what she called them! But why does it matter?" He turned to me, grabbing my shoulders with his hands.

"Did you open it?" He asked sternly.

"Why does it mat-"

"Did you open it, Isabella?!" He interrupted. He was scaring me, why was this such a big deal?


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