The child

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I woke up in my bedroom on the TARDIS again. My chest still hurt a little but I wasn't shaking anymore and me head felt better.

I sat up and looked to see if the Doctor was there, he wasn't.

I stood up and waked to the console room, hoping we could actually go on an adventure this time.

I got in the room and didn't see the Doctor in there, so I went to where I thought his room was.

I walked down the hall a little bit past my room and found the room I thought was his. I knocked on the wood and waited. I could hear someone walking over to the door.

"Hello?" The Doctor said.

"Hey." I answered. "May I come in?"

"Yeah." he opened the door and I sat on his bed.

"Are you feeling okay now?"

"Yeah, thanks." I replied.
"Are you okay?" I asked, he seemed off, like he was thinking about something or something was bothering him.

"Yeah, just a little tired, but I'm okay." He smiled at me, I returned the gesture.

"It's weird, I know so much now, like I know about you and where you come from, what we did together, all your companions, what all your faces looked like. It's so much information in such little time, I don't know what to do."
I said, a little confused.
"There's nothing for me to ask you, nothing I can think of that I need to know, but it still feels like I just met you."

He nodded, thinking about what I just said. "Let's go on an adventure, it's boring just sitting here, don't you think?" He said hopping off the bed and holding his hand out for me to take. I smiled at him, staring at his green eyes that looked like crescent moons, they shimmered, but looked like they had seen the whole universe, the entire existence, but they also looked new, like they were just born.

I smiled at him again and took his hand, jumping off the bed like he had.
We walked to the console room, he started flipping switched and whatnot and I just sat on the console, watching him work.

I smiled, he was so adorable while he was flying.

Wait, did I just think that? Why would I think that? I don't like him, I mean, don't get me wrong, he's nice and a good friend but I don't like him like him. He's just a friend, that's it. A good friend that just has a cute face... wait! No, I didn't mean that, just an okay face, a non ugly face.

I was taken out of my thought by the Doctor shaking my shoulders. I looked at him and realized I was on the ground.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, you just fell onto the ground and weren't answering me, so I thought something was wrong." He told me.

"Nope, I'm fine." I replied smiling at his pretty face. Wait, I mean his average looking face.

I stood up and we headed for the doors, I guess he already landed.
We walked into a forest, it was beautiful. Until I saw someone chasing a little boy, he was screaming and the person chasing him was holding a gun.

"Doctor, what's happening?" I asked in a worried tone.

"Not sure." He said running after the two people, I followed.

He caught up to them and the Doctor stepped between the two.

"Stop!" He yelled, they stopped and I went over to the little boy. He looked to be around 6-7, he had dark blue hair and piercing green eyes, they reminded me of the Doctors, just less old. I kneeled beside him and gave him a friendly smile.

"What are you doing, chasing this little child? And why are you holding a gun?" He asked the man.

"He stole stuff from my shop!" He yelled angrily.

The Doctor turned to the little boy.
"What did you steal?"

"Food, for my mother and sister." He said sadly. I looked at him and smiled sweetly again, this time he smiled back, but it was a sad smile.

"Why did you steal it?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"We're poor and don't have enough money to keep our house and buy food. My mother is sick and same with my sister, they can hardly do anything. I just wanted to help, that's all." He said looking ashamed.

"I'll pay for the food, just don't steal anything else, okay?" The Doctor told him, a smile spread across the boy's face.

"Now, bring me to your shop, and I'll pay. Just be snappy and don't chase anyone while holding a gun, I hate guns." He said, the man nodded and we started walking to where the shop was.

We walked through the woods until we came upon a small village at the end of the forest. He lead us through the village and to a little store, it was cute.

We walked in and the Doctor handed the man a card, which he apparently had in his tweed jacket.
The man took it and scanned it. He then handed it back and we left the store.

"What's your name?" I asked the little boy once we got outside.

"Zander, ma'am." He said shyly.

"Nice to meet you Zander." I said.

"Here." The Doctor handed him the card that he had used to pay for the food. Zander's face lotion with joy, he grabbed the card slowly and looked at it.

"You can buy food for your family now without stealing, but don't lose it." The Doctor said smiling.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I'll never forget you guys!" He said, hugging us both. "Um... what were your names again? I don't know if you told me." He asked sheepishly.

"I'm Isabella, that's the Doctor." I smiled.

"Well, thank you guys!" He smiled and ran off.

I looked back at the Doctor, who was still watching the boy run to his home.

I was thinking about one of the memories I had of the two of us, well, it was more of a vision I had while getting my memories back. It was from the future, I didn't know if I should tell him it happened.

I shook I off and focused back on the Doctor, who was now staring at me.
I smiled and grabbed his hand. He smiled back and we started walking back to the TARDIS.

I stepped in with the Doctor following me, still holding my hand.
We got to the control panel and he stopped, so I did too.

"Are you okay? You seem, off." He asked me, I had no idea what he was talking about, I felt fine.

"Of corse, I'm great! Why?"

He looked skeptical.
"Oh, I don't know, but I'm glad you're okay." He smiled and I smiled back.

"Now!" He said seeming to snap out of it. "Where do you want to go next? That was a pretty short adventure."

"Anywhere you want." I said, sitting on the console again. He smiled slightly and got to work again.

The TARDIS shook and I skipped to the doors and went outside.


Wow, another chapter! Hope you liked it. Sorry, my life is pretty boring at the moment, but if anything interesting happens I'll tell you!
Love y'all!

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