Sick day

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Yay, more chapters!!!!
Love y'all!

I woke up who knows how much later and my head didn't hurt anymore, that was a huge relief. I sat up and stared at the room I was in, I never really looked around to see what it looked like, I was a bit distracted.

I looked around and saw the walls were a blue-purple color with little white stars. There was a closet on the left wall and the door to the hallway was right across from where my bed was. There was another door beside that door which I assume is a bathroom. There was a big mirror covering the whole right wall. The floor was black carpet and the ceiling was white. My bed had galaxy blankets and the rest was black.

I heard a knock on the door and then the Doctor walked in.
"How are you feeling?" He asked putting his hand on my head check my temperature. "You have a bit of a fever, but nothing big."
"A lot better. How long has it been?" I asked.
"Two days." He said smiling at me with a little concern.
"Oh, how long until I can get out of bed?"
"Probably another week or two at least. But don't worry, it won't be too long."

"Okay. Do you mind getting me something to eat, I'm starving!" I asked. I hadn't really thought about food until now, but now that I had thought about it I realised how hungry I really was.

"Oh, of corse! What would you like?" He asked also realizing I hadn't eaten.
"Anything, but something quick, please." I said and smiled at him. He nodded and walked out the door.


He came back about ten minutes later with pancakes and bacon and some orange juice, though I already knew what he was making about five minutes ago cause I could smell it.

"Thank you." I said smiling slightly.
"You're welcome! But what's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing, just tired." I said then taking a bite of my pancake.
"Okay, how is it?" He said referring to the pancakes.
"Fantastic!" I said crunching on the bacon.
"Great, I'll leave you to it, I'll be back in a little bit." He said smiling and walking out.

I finished eating the meal within three minutes. I set the plate beside the bed and laid back down.
I tried to stay awake but it was no use, I kept blinking but then realising I hadn't opened my eyes yet so I would open them and then it would repeat.

I finally gave up and closed my eyes quickly falling into a deep sleep.

( A/N I won't change the POV very much, but I feel it's necessary for some instances.)

-Doctor's POV

I was sitting in the consul room playing with some of the wires fixing little things and messing with others.

After awhile I decided to go check on Isabella. I walked down the hall to her bedroom door, I knocked but she didn't answer so I slowly and quietly opened the door. She was laying there sound asleep hugging a stuffed giraffe I got her while she was unconscious last month.

I walked over to the chair I sat in for the past three months and sat down and held her hand.
I moved a piece of hair off her face and felt her forehead again to see if her temperature had gone down, it hadn't.
If anything it had gotten worse and I was starting to worry.
I checked her temperature with a thermometer and it said 102°, I sighed and grabbed some Tylenol and set it on her night stand so I wouldn't forget to give it to her when she woke up.

I kissed her forehead and leaned back
And fell asleep holding her hand.

-Isabella's POV

I woke up to find the Doctor sleeping beside me again.

I was really cold but not the kind where the air is cold, more like when you're sick and you have chills.

I grabbed my blankets and pulled them up closer trying to warm up, but it didn't help too much.

I held onto the Doctors hand tightly, maybe too tight cause he started to wake up.
"No, go back to sleep, I'm fine." I whispered while lightly rubbing his hand.
"Wha, Izzy? Why are you awake?" He said sleepily.
"I just got cold, but I'm okay." I said squeezing his hand again.
"Cold? It's hot in here. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked starting to wake up more.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I said as he took my temperature, he looked at it and looked concerned.
"What is it, Doctor?" I asked worried.
"You're temperature is high, it's 103.2°, you're pretty sick, Izzy. We need to get you to the infirmary." He said sitting me up. He then proceeded to pick me up bride style. My head started getting dizzy and I felt like I was going to throw up.
"Doctor." I said worrying that I might throw up on him.
"What is it, Isabella?" He said worried as he carried me to the infirmary.
"I'm gonna puke." I said trying really hard not to while talking. As soon as he heard me he ran me to a bathroom and I threw up in the toilet. He held my hair back for me and he started rubbing my back in little circles as I threw up again.

"You okay?" He asked sounding panicked. I nodded my head while laying on the floor closing my eyes.

We stayed in the bathroom for probably an hour with me throwing up many other times. I don't even know how I could throw up so many times, I had hardly eaten anything for three months! After a few more minutes I was asleep on the floor with the Doctor rubbing my back, hushing me, and whispering things in my ear.


Hey, I know that was kind of just a filler chapter but I didn't want to rush through everything, so there you go.
Love y'all!

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