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I woke up on the couch downstairs, then remembered what happened with my life and how sucky it was. I sat up and saw everyone laying on the floor or on a chair or the coffee table *cough Doctor cough* from last night. After I explained that I had forgotten everything that we had done together for the past ten years he started freaking out and didn't know what to do or how to fix it. I kept telling him it was fine and that I would probably remember any day now, but he didn't believe me. I started asking questions about my past life but he wouldn't answer very many, said that I needed to remember on my own, it was frustrating.

After that we ate dinner cause we forgot about lunch while we were talking. We had pizza and watched the Avengers movies. I fell asleep first, so I don't know how they all ended up like that, but somehow, they did.

I sat up and kicked the Doctor's leg, he quickly sat up and then glared at me. I giggled and stood up, nudging his leg with my foot again.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bagel, put some Nutella on it and went back into the living room, plopping onto the couch.

"You aren't going to toast that?" The Doctor asked me.

"No? I hate toasted bagels." I said and took a bite. He looked at me strangely but quickly looked away when he saw me looking at him too.

"Why are you acting so weird around me? Did I do something bad before I got hit or something? Cause I'm sorry if I did." He looked at me and smiled sweetly.

"No, you didn't. It's just you don't remember all the stuff we did together, we got pretty close and now I feel like we aren't close at all. But once you remember I'm sure everything will be fine." I slightly smiled, but it was just so he didn't worry. I actually felt like I might cry, cause what if I didn't remember? What then? Would I still travel with him? Would I still be his friend? I wasn't sure, and that made me worry. But I tried my best to hide it.

"Do you want some coffee or something?" I asked him.

"Sure, coffee sounds good. I'll help you." So we went into the kitchen and made coffee. Once the smell started to spread around the house, Violet woke up and came into the kitchen.

"Is that coffee I smell?" She asked peeking her head through the door.

"Yes, would you like some?" I asked, she nodded and I handed her a mug.

"Thank you!" She said and walked back into the living room.

"So, how do I get my memories back? You said I had to do it on my own, but how? I've tried remembering something, but nothing comes up." I asked him.

"Well, we can go places we went and try to jog your memory, things like that, it might help." He said.

"Do you think I'll remember? I mean I might remember some stuff, but what if I can't remember other stuff? I don't want holes in my memory." I asked, I was really worried.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out, okay? Don't worry." He said with a sweet smile.

I ran over and gave him a hug, he hugged back straight away.

"I missed you so much." I said into his shoulder.

"I missed you too, Izzy." He replied, I looked up at his face, his magical green eyes were sparkling, I wish I had pretty eyes like that. Mine are just brown.

"What?" He asked, still smiling.

"Nothing, just looking at you. You're eyes are so-"

"Old?" He cut me off, I shook my head.

"Pretty." I said, he smiled and I kissed him on the cheek.

"Let's go fix my memory." I said and so we walked to the TARDIS, hand in hand.

I told Violet where we were going and that we'd be back soon, she gave me a hug and said she'd tell father.

"Be carful!" She said as I closed the door. I cracked it open and looked at her.

"Aren't I always?" I said and shut it.

I walked over to the Doctor, who was already setting coordinates into the time machine.

"Where are we going?" I asked, he looked over his shoulder and smiled slyly.

"It's a surprise." And pulled down the lever making the entire ship shake like always, but this time I didn't fall! Wow! What an achievement!

I walked to the doors and opened them to see we were in a fair ground.

"The fair?" I asked, he smiled and nodded.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"You'll figure it out." He said and we started walking around.

We rode some rides, ate cotton candy, popcorn, and lemonade, played a couple games, but I still didn't remember. I knew he was waiting for me to say that I remembered everything, how I knew exactly what happened and hug him, but I never did.  As the time passed, his excitement slowly faded, mine did too.

We were on the Ferris wheel when he started talking.

"You don't remember a thing, do you?" I cringed and looked at him, shaking my head.

"I'm so sorry, I wish I did. At least tell me when I came here with you. How long ago it was, why we came, what we did, something."

"This was the first trip we went in after you got stung, it was a year after the incident." I looked at him, he was looking the opposite way, staring down at the fair below us.

"I'm sorry." I said and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault." He said, but still didn't look at me.

After that we were silent the whole time, I felt horribly about what was happening and how I didn't remember anything.

We walked back to the TARDIS, the Doctor went through the doors first, I stopped, looking at the clear sky filled with stars that was above me. Then I saw a shooting star, but before I could make a wish, it came back to me.

We had been at my old house, I was sitting on the couch playing with my fingers. He had been trying to get me to come back with him for some time now, but I was scared, I thought something bad was going to happen to me, that another near death experience was going to occur.

He eventually convinced me, so I went, but I was on edge the whole time, until I saw a shooting star. I saw a shooting star while laying on the grass with him by my side, holding my hand the whole time. I don't know why it calmed me so much, but it eased my anxiety. After that, I had fun. We did everything without a problem. I remembered that day perfectly, like it had just happened. I still had ten years to remember, but at least one day was checked off the list.

I ran into the TARDIS and jumped on the Doctor, hugging him.

"What?" He asked, still sounding bummed.

"I remember." I whispered.


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