The explanation

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So I'm going to write as much as I can now so I can finish this book as soon as possible. Hope you like it, love y'all!


I pushed open the door and walked inside, to my surprise, it was big, like really really really big.

I gasped and dropped the purse I was holding, it clattered on the floor a little, but I didn't care.

I turned around to see John smiling big.

I ran to the outside and ran around the whole thing, not sure if it was a prank or something.

"But... It's- it's bigger...." I didn't finish my sentence, I just walked up to the middle of the room where there was a big glass tube thing with buttons and leavers and switched around it.

I looked back at him, but just as I did so, I got the huge headache and a wave of nauseousness. I fell to my knees and held my head in my hands, hoping it would help a little.

John ran over to me and tried to get me to look at him, but I refused. I ran outside and threw up on the grass, he ran out beside me and put his hand on my back, rubbing little circles.

"You okay?" He asked, I nodded and looked at him. 

He handed me a mint, I laughed a little before putting it in my mouth. 

I walked back into the blue box and sat on some steps.
"What is this?" I asked.
"It's a time machine and space ship, it's called the TARDIS. He sat next to me.

"Why did I get sick?" I asked.
"Because you're remembering." He answered.

"Remembering what?"
"You use to travel with me, then it got  too dangerous and you started to get angry with power, so I erased your memories and brought you home.
Then you started having dreams about the adventures we went on. One day you found my ship in your school. I didn't know if I should let you stay with me, but you had gotten older and I thought it would be okay." He stopped and looked at me, I was confused.

"We started traveling together again, but you got these headaches, like the one you just had but way worse.
It was cause you were remembering.
In your sleep you would mumble about things that we did before I erased your memory, but you'd forget about them after you woke up, most of the time." He paused again, waiting for me to say something, but I was thinking about what he was telling me.

"The headaches didn't last long, so I didn't worry about them, but you kept getting hurt while we were traveling, it was too dangerous. I didn't know what to do. One time, we were somewhere and I'm not sure what happened, but I left you alone in a hallway for only a few minutes, but when I came back you looked miserable, you were sitting down with your head in your knees while humming some song. I kept calling for you and trying to get you to say something to me, but you couldn't hear me. I shook you and talked to you, I didn't everything I could to get you to answer me, but you just stared at me blankly. After a few minutes you started to go unconscious, I kept tapping your cheek and saying your name, telling you to stay with me. But after only a few seconds you were out, I couldn't get you to wake up, I didn't know what to do. I knew that once you woke up you wouldn't let me take you back home, you loved it too much." He paused again, he looked at me with pity, but while he was telling me this, I remembered my dream. The whole thing, I even had written it down. But I was going to wait to tell him until he finished his story.

He went on. "I thought about it for hours, trying to come up with something, but all I could think of was to erase your memories again. I felt bad while doing it, but I knew it was best.
After I did that, I brought you home to about the time you would have gotten home from school the day you came with me. No one was home, so I put you in your bed. I put some water and cookies on you side table and left. I knew there was nothing else to do, but I started worrying about you, so I started working here, I knew you came here sometimes for breakfast cause you told me. So when you walked in this morning, I was really happy to see that you were okay." He paused again, I looked at him with confusion, but quickly took it off my face.

"You're name's the Doctor, right?"
"Yup, you remembered!" He said excitedly, but that's not what I was worried about.

"Why did you say it was John Smith?"
"Because I didn't know if I wanted you to remember me yet, but once you asked if you knew me, I knew you already started to remember and there was no use in trying to hide it." I nodded, it made sense.

"Last night I had a dream, it was what you said happened, how I went unconscious and you couldn't get me to wake up, I wrote it all down in a note book, at least what I remembered. Do you want to see it?" I asked.

"Yes, where is it?"
"In my room, you can come with me to pick it up if you want." I said hoping he would come with me.

"Okay, let's go!" We walked out of the TARDIS and to my house, it only took a couple minutes.

"Dad, I'm home!" I yelled once I got in the house.
"Okay! Thank you!" He yelled back.

We ran up to my room and the Doctor sat on my bed while I grabbed my book off of the nightstand.

"There you go, that's the dream I had, I think it was all the adventures we did, but I don't know if it was from the first time we traveled together, or the last." I told him and handed him the notebook.

He looked through it and looked very intrigued.
"This is very interesting, is this the order it was in when you dreamt it?" He asked looking up from the book, I nodded and he went back to reading.

"It's very particular, like you have every detail in here, I don't think anything is missing, at least not from what I remember. But it's cool to read from your pint of view, this is cool, Izzy." He said.

I sat down beside him and leaned my head on his shoulder, I don't know why cause I only just met this man, but he made me feel safe.

"Doctor?" I said.
"Hm?" He answered.
"Can I travel with you again, I know it's been bad in the past, but I promise to be good." I asked. I was nervous he would say no, seeing as he already had to wipe my memories twice.

"How about we talk to your father, okay? If he say yes, then I will say yes, but if he says no then you have to stay here, deal?"
I sighed. "Deal." He smiled and we went downstairs to go see me dad.

"Dad! Can I talk to you for a minute?!" I yelled not knowing which room he was in.

"Of corse, everything alright?" He said as he came into the living room where we were standing.
He stopped and looked surprised.

"Who are you?" He asked kind of sassily.
"I'm the Doctor." He said.
"Doctor who?" He asked, the Doctor smiled and giggled like a little kid.
"Just the Doctor, nothing else." He answered my father.

"Okay..." My dad said.
"What do you need, Isabella?" He asked me ignoring the Doctor.

"Well, um, I wanted to ask you if I could, um..." I stopped cause I didn't know how to tell him that I wanted to travel through time and space with an alien that he's never met.

"She would like to show you something." The Doctor told him. My dad looked at me as if to ask if this was true, I nodded and lead him to where the TARDIS was parked.


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