The Doctor and his box

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I ran down the hall and followed the noise. It quit making the noise after a while so I just had to guess. I turned a corner and there it was, a wooden, blue, police box. I walked up to it slowly as if it would explode or something, I rested my hand on the door and could feel it, as if it were alive, but it couldn't even be here, that's impossible.

After some thought I grabbed the the door handle and slowly opened the door.
I peeked my head through and it looked exactly like it did in my dreams, like EXACTLY the same.
I walked all the way into the ship and looked around hoping to see the doctor in there, but I didn't see anything.
I walked around the room looking at everything still wondering how it was even here.
All of a sodden I had this really bad headache, but not a migraine.
"Ah," I yelped.
"Excuse me, but who are you?" Someone said behind me.
I turned around, my head still hurting.
"Oh my gosh." I said nearly falling over.
"Woah, carful, Izzy." He said. Wait, how did he know my name?
They were just dreams, how could the Doctor know me, let alone even exist!

"Oh, hm, how do you, um, know my name?" I said nervously, I mean, how do I know he won't kill me for breaking into his ship?
"Oh, well, that's complicated, I'll explain later." He answered sounding unsure.
"Um, why are you here? I thought you were just someone in my, um, never mind." I said realizing he would think I was nuts if I told him I dreamt about him.
"In your what?" He said sounding concerned.
"Oh, um, my dreams, I dream about you and your space ship."
"Hmm, tell me about these dreams."
He sounded interested, but I haven't told anyone other than my sister Violet.
"Oh, well I haven't really told anyone other than my sister, everyone else will think I've gone crazy."
"I don't think you've gone crazy, Isabella." He said smiling at me.

"Well I've been having these, um, dreams. They're about me traveling with you as your companion, I suppose.
And we go through time and space in this ship." I said gesturing to the room around us. "They seem so realistic, even after I wake up I feel like it happened. But that's impossible, right?" I finished and he just sat there staring at me.
"Weeelll, yeah, impossible. That absolutely never happened." He said, though he seemed doubtful.
"Yeah, I thought so." I said relieved.
Just then we heard a scream coming from the school. The Doctor ran out of the ship and and started running tears the scream, I followed closely behind him.

We got to the art room, the one I was in not too long ago, and we saw an angel, it was just some statue, no biggy.
I looked at the doctor and he looked terrified, he was just staring at it.
"Doctor, what's wrong? What is it?" I said starting to get worried.
"It's a weeping angel, they can only move when no one is looking at them.
You can't even blink. Now tell me, is anyone else in the room?"
"No, but if no one is here, then who screamed?" I asked.
"I don't know, but if the Angels touch you then you get teleported back in time. The Angels feed off of time energy, so when you get teleported back then they get the time energy from you."

"Oh, well classes just let out a few minutes ago, so no one would be in the room except-" I quit talk realizing that the only person there would be Mrs. Thomas, the art teacher.
"Doctor, you need to get her back, right now!" I yelled.
"I can't, it's too late."
"You have a time machine for goodness sakes! Just go back in time and get her!"
"I can't, the TARDIS won't let me, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can't do." He said looking at me and smiling apologetically.
"Wait, doctor, your not looking at the Angel..." I said.
"Neither are you."

We both quickly looked back and the Angel was only a few inches from my face about to touch my arm, it had its mouth open and had sharp teeth.
"Doctor, what do I do?" I said terrified.
"Just back away, but don't blink, don't look away, just keep your eyes on it." He said looking around us to find something the get rid of it with.
All of a sudden it disappeared, just poof, gone.
"Doctor, where did it go?"
"It teleported back to its ship."
"But why?"
"Not sure, but it's gone, that's all that matters."

Just then my head started hurting again, even more than before.
"Izzy, what's wrong?" The Doctor asked.
I just stared into space, not even realizing he said anything.
"Isabella, what's wrong?" He asked again putting his hands on my shoulders looking at me in the eyes.
I snapped out of it, smiling at him.
"Nothing, I'm good." I said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm fantastic."

We went to the principal's office to tell him what happened.
He didn't believe us, but later he realized Mrs. Thomas didn't come back.
"I guess we'll need a new Art teacher." He said.
"Yeah, good luck!" The doctor said and we left.
"May I go back to see the TARDIS again, please?" I asked him.
"Yeah, just for a few minutes though." He answered winking at me.


Hey guys! So I just wanted to thank you guys for reading my story! If you want me to update I need at least 3 votes, that way I know people want my story to be updated. Thanks, hope you like it!
Love y'all!

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