Going home

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I woke up to the door closing. I opened my eyes and saw the nurse, he was looking at a clipboard.

"What time is it?" I asked him, he jumped, looking a me surprised.

"Oh, I didn't know you were awake. It's um, 9:25." He said looking at his watch.

"Can I leave yet?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, you can get changed back into your clothes, then we'll have only a couple things for you to do and then you can leave." He said smiling and handing me a bag with the clothes I apparently was wearing when I came.

"Thank you so much." I said, he nodded, smiled, and left so I could change.

I walked into the small bathroom, nearly falling over at first, but got my balance pretty quickly.

I took out a pair of black and white striped jeans, a black crop top, a white ball cap, and some white high top converse (and my undergarments). I quickly got changed and came out of the bathroom.

I sat on the edge of my bed and put on my shoes. The nurse came in just and I had finished tying my shoes.

"Okay, ready? We just have two eye tests and a physical test, and if it all goes well then you can leave." I nodded and he lead me to a different room.
It looked like a normal room in a medical clinic.

He had me sit on a chair, then he washed his hands. He grabbed the tool with the little light at the end.

"Just follow the light with your eyes, but don't move your head, okay?" I nodded and we started.

It moved left, right, up, down, everywhere! After a little bit we were done.

"Good, now I need you to stand up and stand on the ground over here." I did as he said and stood where he had pointed to.

"Now I need you to walk over here in a straight line with your feet touching heel-to-toe, understand?" I nodded and did as he said. He wrote a few things down and then had me sit back down.
We then did the normal eye test, with the little thingy that goes over one eye and you say the letters that are on the chart.

"E, R, C, P, D, S." I said.

"Next line."

"O, D, W, Q, C, H, Y."

"And last line."

"G, O, P, M, S, F, E, C."

"Good, perfect." I smiled and stood up.

"You can leave now, I'll show you to your father, he'll have to sign a couple things, then you can be on your way." I smiled and hugged him, he tensed up at first, but then relaxed and hugged me back.

"Thank you." I whispered and hugging him tighter.

"You're welcome, Isabella. It was my pleasure." I let go and smiled at him before we headed to where my dad was waiting.

We got to the waiting room and he was already signing papers and doing all the adult stuff.

"Hey." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Hey, pumpkin." He smiled at me and finished up the paper work.

I went back over to the nurse and thanked him one last time.

"Thanks, again." I said, he laughed a little before answering.

"You're welcome."

"Um, what was your name again?"

"Oh, right, Rory, my name's Rory."

"Well, Rory, I appreciate all you did for me, and I'm sure my father does too."
He smiled and left to go do other nurse-y things.

My dad walked over and held my hand as we walked to the car.

We got home in only a couple minutes, but when we got out, it wasn't my house.

"Um, where are we?" I asked confused. He smacked himself in the forehead in realization.

"I forgot you didn't know, we moved once you turned 18." I looked n I at the house and back at him.

"Why is it so small?"

"You lived at your collage, but we you're staying here for a little bit before going back." I nodded and headed for the door. Then I realized I hadn't seen violet for like, 10 years, or at least I couldn't remember seeing her.

I ran into the house and called for her.
"VIOLET!" I heard footsteps upstairs and then down the steps. She ran up to me and flew into my arms, nearly knocking me onto the floor.

"Izzy, I missed you so much, I've been so worried." She said, we stayed like that for a few minutes before sitting on the couch in a living room that I have never seen, but just went with it.

"So, um, you're old, like you're about seventeen, right?" She looked confused, but nodded slowly.

"Yeah... Why?"

"Well, see, I kind of don't remember anything since I was fourteen, not sure why, just kind of happened. Any ways, just making sure I did the math right and all that jazz." I answered and looked back at her, she looked like she might cry and my dad had his head in his hands.

"Izzy, you don't tell people those kinds of things like that..." He said. Whoops.

"Oh, sorry." I said looking at the floor.

"It's okay, but what's the last thing you remember of me?" I sighed and thought for a minute.

"Well, we went to school, on the bus, you were in second grade maybe? You were wearing this crazy outfit with a whole bunch of patterns and colors." I said laughing, she laughed a little sadly and put a hand on my knee.

"It was the day after I had one of those crazy dreams, you woke me up from it cause I was screaming and didn't want me to wake up dad." She laughed again.

"I remember that happening many times, but I now which time you're talking about, cause you left that day, I remember you were missing from school after your art teacher went missing."
I nodded, remembering my art teacher.

"Yeah, but could you tell me something?" I asked, she nodded.

"Anything, what is it?" She asked looking a little worried.

"Was I a good sister? The past ten years I mean. Did I play with you, help you with homework, teach you how to make pancakes? Did I do sisterly things with you? Cause if I didn't, then I am so sorry." She looked at me and smiled, giving me a big hug again.

"Yes, you were the best sister I could have ever had. We painted each other's nails, played barbies, made smoothies together, you helped me with all my homework. Don't you ever apologize for that, cause I couldn't have had a better sister." By the time she finished a tear had escaped my eye and spreads down my cheek. She wiped it away with her thumb and smiled sweetly at me, I smiled back and looked at my dad.
He was smiling at us, but I could tell he was a little sad.

"Anyway!" I said clapping my hands together. "I'm starving, let's go get some food, shall we?"

"Sounds good! Where do you want to go?" My dad asked us, I shrugged cause I had no idea what any of the restaurant were called anymore.

"How about Denny's? Izzy always loved Denny's." Violet said, a smiled spread across my face and I nodded many times.

"Denny's it is!" And with that we got in the car and went to Denny's.


Woah, two chapters in one day! Aren't you guys lucky? Sorry, my life is pretty boring, my apologies. I hope you guys don't have a boring life... Anyways, good luck with life and I hope your summer is amazing!!!!
Love y'all!!!!!!!!!!!

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