My time is closing

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-Doctor's POV

I parked the TARDIS in space and we sat on the edge with our feet dangling into space.

We both just sat in silence.
She put her head on my shoulder and I grabbed her hand. I could feel her heartbeat in her hand, it was an amazing feeling and I wasn't sure why.

We sat like that for a very long time without moving a muscle.
She yawn and I squeezed her hand.
"Time for bed, sleepy." I told her, she groaned and shook her head no.
"I'm not tired." She said with another yawn.

"Yes, you are." I said and stood up.
I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room. Her head was resting on my chest and her arms wrapped around my neck.

I laid her on her bed and started walking towards the door, but she stopped me.

"Stay, please?" She softly said.
I turned around and headed back to the bed. I took my jacket and bow tie off and then laid down in her bed beside her.

"Okay, but you have to go to sleep."
She nodded slightly and then put her head on my chest, I put my arm around her shoulders before we both fell asleep.

-Izzy's POV

I woke up in an empty bed, no Doctor.
Of corse he would leave me, not like I'm important or anything. I sighed and got up. I dragged myself to the bathroom.
I took a quick shower before getting changed into some black shorts, a blue flowy tank top with white polka dots, and my white tennis shoes.

I combed my mess of hair and put it in a tight ponytail, a few pieces falling out onto my face.

I walked to the console room to see the Doctor facing the opposite way. I snuck up on him and hugged him from behind. He jumped a little before hugging me back. He turned around and smiled big at me.

"Ready for an adventure? I've already parked her." He said patting the control panel. I smiled and nodded, he grabbed my hand and we ran to the doors. He had me open them and we stepped out into a beautiful field of daisies.

I walked out into the flowers with the Doctor following close behind still holding my hand.

"It's beautiful!" I said excitedly.

"I know." I giggled.
"I thought we could have a picnic here for lunch." He said, I smiled big again.

"That would be great!" I answered.

He started pulling me more into the flowers, I gladly went along with it.

We played around, hiding from each other, running/dancing around. The Doctor kept tripping and falling, I kept laughing at him, it was great fun.

After awhile he went back to the TARDIS and grabbed the picnic stuff. He came out and we set it up. I put the blanket on the ground and he got out some of the food.

We sat down and started making sandwiches. I had ham with mayo, he had fish and put custard on it, ew!
We started eating, talking, and giggling at each other's clumsiness. I dropped my sandwich and had to make a new one cause it was covered in dirt, he spilled water all over himself and had to change his pants.

Once we both finished we brought the basket back in the TARDIS but left the blanket out so we could sit on it.

We laid on the blanket, hand in hand, staring at the sky.



"How long will you keep me?" I asked. I had been thinking about it for a very long time.

"As long as I can." He said, I smiled and looked over at him, he was smiling too.

"You know, I'll stay as long as you want me to, cause I don't ever want to leave you." He looked at me again and smiled bigger.

We sat there for awhile but then I felt a stinking pain in my thigh and looked down to see a bee stung me.


"What is it?" The Doctor asked worriedly. He sat up and looked at it.

"I got stung! Who does that?!" I said upset.

All of a sudden my chest felt tight and I was having trouble breathing.

"Isabella?" He said, but I didn't answer. I was more concerned with my breathing. I looked down and saw the part where I got stung was puffing up and I was getting this weird red rash all over me.

I was wheezing and gasping for breath, trying to get oxygen in my lungs but it wasn't working.

"What's happening, Izzy? Are you allergic to bees?" He asked, no dip, Doctor! But I didn't answer, I was gasping for breath and my vision was going all wonky.

There where white splotches everywhere and my eyes were going in and out of focus.

The Doctor kept trying to talk to me but by this time I could hardly breath at all, let alone speak.
I got a wave of dizziness and collapsed back onto the blanket, my eyes rolling into the back of my head.

Flashes of white kept happening between flashes of seeing the Doctor sitting beside me and looking at me in the eyes. It looked like he was speaking but I could only hear the ringing in my ears, he kept tapping my cheek with his hand but it didn't really do anything.

Another flash of white and then I saw the Doctor carrying me somewhere, another flash and then I was laying on the TARDIS floor.

And then there was more white, but it didn't go away. The ringing got louder, but that was all that was going on, just white and loud ringing in my ears.


Happy Independence Day!!!! I hope your Fourth of July is amazing!!!!!! Y'all are so fantastic, I just wanted to thank you all, so thank you!!!!
Love y'all!!!!!!

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