Killer Blow

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~Nagisa's POV~
I froze. How could Reaper have turned her against me? I thought, horrified. The gun barrel was inches from my face, and I could tell it was loaded with real bullets.

"Good job, Akara. " I heard a voice from the shadow of the school-house say, "Don't forget, he's the reason you're here. He condemned you to this low-life class, a place in which you don't belong. " Akara grit her teeth, anger flaring in her eyes. There must be a way to stop her. Something. I scoured my brain. I don't have any weapons and she does. How could I get around her? That's when it hit me. The same way Bitch-Sensei caught me off guard that first day!

~Akara's POV~
When will this nightmare end? I just want to wake up. Do I have to shoot Nagisa to wake up? I grit my teeth. The bruises all over my arms and legs stung. The man had told me that it's just a simulation, to make sure Nagisa will die when he tries to save me... But do I really believe him? What if this isn't a simulation at all? Questions racked my brain and made my head feel light.

~Nagisa's POV~
She looked distant, so I took that as my chance to lean in. My lips collided with hers, and I felt her stiffen under me. The French kiss, a good tactic when trying to get out of a sticky situation. Bitch-Sensei taught me that.

~Akara's POV~
1 hit. 2 hit. 3 hit.
4 hit.
5 hit.
6 hit.
8 hit.

10 hit.

15 hit.

20 hit.
21 hit. 22 hit. 23 hit. 24 hit. 25 hit. 26 hit. 27 hit.

30 hit. BANG.

~Nagisa's POV~
Before I could pull away, I heard a loud gunshot. I knew the bullet hadn't hit me, but I felt Akara start to go limp in my arms. I pulled away, to find Akara's stomach stained with blood. Anger surged through me. "What have you done?!" I yelled, trying to fight back tears. My heartbeat was out of whack, and I knew one wrong move and I could end up like Akara.

"It was all part of the plan, Akara knew that. "
Akara's face was becoming more and more pale by the second.
I honestly didn't believe him. "I don't believe you. " I said, almost growling. That's when a bullet came out of seemingly no-where and almost hit Reaper. "I see you didn't come alone. " He said, I could see his grin glinting in the moonlight. He quickly spun on his heel, throwing a knife in my direction then taking off. The knife barely missed my face.

"Akara?!" My words were slurred with sobs, and I got on my knees next to her. Korosensei was suddenly by my side, eyes narrowed. He disappeared for a moment but then was back with a bunch of first-aid stuff. He immediately went to work, covering the wound and trying to take out the bullet. Akara was screaming when he tried to take out the bullet and I had to hold down her arms. "It barely missed her spine." Korosensei said, after he was done. Akara had stopped screaming by then, and she seemed relaxed. Her eyes drooped and I noticed bunches of small bruises on her arms and legs. "Nagisa, do you want me to sew up that cut on your face? Or just a bandage?" I was taken aback by his words. I didn't remember getting injured but when I put my hand to my cheek, there was a warm, wet liquid coming from my face. I looked at my hand, and it was definitely blood. "Just a bandage will do. Thank you, Korosensei. " I said with a sigh and he had cleaned my wound, bandaging it. He just nodded. My whole class seemed to emerge from the shadows and I said," Where they there the whole time?" "Yeah. " My face immediately turned red as I realized Karma had his phone in his hand. "Nagisa-kun! Guess what I've got! " Karma said, deviously. "YOU DIDN'T! KARMA!" I said, jumping on him, trying to grab the phone.

~Akara's POV~
My stomach burned. I've never felt a pain so bad in my life. I sat up, to see my whole class, including Nagisa. Everyone stopped to look at me, even Karma and Nagisa who were fighting over Karma's phone. "What were you thinking?! You could've killed Nagisa!" All of them said, except Nagisa and Karma who bust out laughing. "I-uh-Er- Well, you see... Reaper convinced me it was just a simulation, and so if I killed Nagisa in the simulation I would wake up. I had done a few already, so I didn't know the difference between real and not real. But I do now. " I said hurriedly, making Karma laugh even harder. Nagisa's face went hard though. "That was good thinking of Nagisa to kiss you, don't you think?" Karma said, which made Nagisa turn the color of Karma's hair. "Karma!" "You're the one that did it, not me!" "Still!" "Nagisa-kun, you're embarrassed too easily. " "KARMA!" Then they went at it again, fighting and struggling. Though I could tell Karma wasn't really trying that hard. I chuckled.  "Uh, about that, how did you know that would work?" Nagisa and Karma stopped, Nagisa answering," I didn't. I just tried it. Hoping for the best. Luckily, it worked out pretty well since both of us are alive. " I nodded. I didn't want to ask: "Did it mean anything to you?" In front of everyone. But then I realized, I said that out loud. "I-Er... Bye!" I said, my face also turning the color of Karma's hair for a moment. I scrambled to get up, but suddenly Karma and Nagisa were both holding me down. "You're going to hurt yourself worse! Stop that!" Nagisa said, as I struggled against them. I finally gave up, going limp in their grip. Nagisa leaned down next to my ear and whispered," It did mean something. Everything you're involved with means something to me. " I shiver went down my spine at his words, but I felt happy. I then, somehow, drifted off to sleep. Next thing I knew, I was being carried by Karma with Nagisa walking beside my head. "How come you get to carry her?" I heard Nagisa whine quietly, while I pretended to still be asleep. "Because you'd drop her, moron. " "No I wouldn't. " "She weighs as much as you do. " "That's not much. " "Pssftt. Nagisa, when it comes to carrying you own weight, you'd fall over. You might be a pest, but you aren't an ant. " "KARMA!" I felt Karma flinch away from Nagisa, who I'm guessing tried to punch him in the arm. "Nagisa-kun, don't take things so personally. " "Hmph. " I wanted to laugh. Nagisa was acting like a child. No wonder bullies were attracted to him. I felt someone start playing with my hair as we walked, which was probably almost touching the ground. I figured it was Nagisa, since I could feel both of Karma's arms under me. Not even he could carry me with one arm. I fell asleep again.

~Nagisa's POV~
Akara was sleeping, which made her look really peaceful. I could still remember the painful screams and the angry flash in her eyes. I started to braid her hair, which I really didn't know how to do. I ended up just twisting it so it looked like a big blue rope. I laughed slightly then let her hair down again. Karma kept stealing glances at me, curious of what I was doing.
"Do you not know how to braid?"
"No. "
"Really? Saying as though you're like, half--"
"Karma. Don't. Finish. That. Sentence. "
"Karma Akabane. "
"Girl. "
"I'm a boy, Karma. " I had a disgusted look on my face.
Karma bit back a laugh.
"Your mother doesn't think so. "
I saw Akara stir in Karma's arms. We were almost to the apartment but it felt like it was taking forever.

Finally we reached the building, and headed up to my Apartment. Karma ended up putting Akara on my bed, so I was stuck on the couch.

I swear I heard," Goodnight, Nagisa. " Come from my room.

((1386 words!! YAY))

Falling in Love With a Killer- Shiota NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now