Lies, lies, lies

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~Akara's POV~

My eyes widened.
I gulped as vile tried to escape my lips.
There were children, hanging from the ceiling, slumped against the wall, blood dripping from their noses and eyes.
I put a hand over my mouth right before I started throwing up.
This was too much. These kids weren't even 5 yet.
Who the hell would do something like this?!

Once I finally managed to regain my composure, I shuddered and slowly made my way around the hanging bodies towards the back room.

I prepared myself for the worse.

I didn't prepare myself for...

There was a young man, 23ish, staring at me with cold, hard, purple eyes. He was covered in blood--shirtless-- and had a body in front of him.
It was torn open, the inner stomach fully exposed. The small intestine was ripped out, while the big one was limply hanging over the ribcage. The man was holding the heart in his hand, metal claws attached to his hand by a jet-black glove.

My eyes widened, trying not to throw up everywhere.

"Who are you?" The man said, glaring at me coldly.
"A-Akara..." I said, my fear getting the best of me. I shouldn't have said that.
"Well, Akara, you're interrupting my meal. So piss off. " He growled, snarling like some kind of wild animal.
He was covered in weird swirled-eye tattoos. It was petrifying.
"N-No. " I said back, starting to redeem myself. My hands shakily fumbled for my gun-- but before I could grab it, he was behind me, easily pulling it from my shaking hands.
"I don't recommend you do that. " He said softly, his voice starting to sound more crazed.
My breathing was shallow and uneven as I nodded weakly.
"W-Who are you?"
"You want-t t-to know my name? I guess it-ts only n-nat-tural to ask your k-killer's name." He said, starting to stutter more and more as his voice started slipping into an insane sounding craze," My name."
"The skin-stealer..."
"Don't forget that," A crazy grin spread across his face," You crazy assassin girl!"
He laughed and was back in front of me, giggling and staring at me-- insane.

"Seker Phoa..." I murmured softly-- not noticing as Seker started pacing around me.
"Hm... You don't smell as good as my pretty boy~ But I guess you'll do. " Seker murmured eerily.
"W-What do you mean?" I said weakly.
"Oh, I'm going to eat you, of course. I'm a cannibal, after all~" Seker purred and then called," Jayn~ My love~!"

Then suddenly, a boy-- probably the same age as Seker-- scampered out. He was smaller than Seker, by a long shot, and had huge blue eyes and dark blue hair.
"Yes, Seker?" He said softly.
Jayn was missing an eye, and his voice was odd... Like he had trouble speaking...
"Your voice is like honey, my pretty boy~ But I need you to go get some rope for me, so this girl doesn't run. I promise to get you some dinner later~" Seker cooed gently to the boy, who nodded and scampered away again.
"W-Why are you doing this?!" I demanded, starting to look for a way out.
"Ah, you see, my father turned me into this monster I am. But I don't care anymore~! I have everything I've ever wanted! I have my love, Jayn~ That's all I need. "
"He seems terrified of you! What is--"
"Shut up, you fool!" Seker snapped, making me flinch.
Jayn came back with the rope, handing it to Seker.

In about 5 minutes, I was struggling to escape, Seker chasing me through the preschool.
I was breathing heavily.
I need to get away... I need to get back home... I--
"Found you!" Seker's voice said, his face only inches away from mine.
I shrieked and scrambled in the opposite direction.
"You can't escape! So, why try?" He giggled, still chasing me.
"I can't die here!" I cried, running into a wall as I turned and skidded. I managed to get back to my feet quickly, still running.
I can't stop...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die!
I was crying, starting to trip over myself as I ran.

I don't remember if Seker gave up, or if I managed to escape. Because when I got out of the school, I dead sprinted out of there.

When I got far enough away, I passed out, not able to continue further.

When I awoke again, I was back in the preschool, tied down to a makeshift operating table.
Jayn was doing something beside me, glancing at me every so often. But there was a look of scorn on his face when he looked at me.
Seker came in a few seconds later, saying," Are the preparations ready, my pretty boy?"
"Yes, Seker~" Jayn said, cheerfully skipping over to him and kissing him on the lips. Seker smiled and sent me a glare before saying," Alright, Akara~ We have a little plan for you. We're going to use you as bait to kill Raku. "
"No!" I screamed, trying to struggle out of the bonds.
"You can't get away. Don't even try. " Jayn said, glaring at me.
"Anyways, I'm going to gag her now, Jayn. You can go hide now. " He smiled at the smaller male before revealing my phone-- which he had taken from me. He called Raku, Jayn scurrying off. He came over to me and put a gag in my mouth, making me sputter and cough.
"Ah, Raku!" Seker said evilly," If you ever want to see your precious student Akara ever again, you'll have to come get her. " He picked up a scalpel and put it to my chest, putting the phone near my mouth as I started screaming. The scalpel cut my jumpsuit, revealing the soft flesh underneath. It was a small cut, but it made me squirm and scream. He hung up the phone, but not before I heard Raku scream," AKARA!"

((^3^ Enjoy?

Falling in Love With a Killer- Shiota NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now