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((Please listen to the video while you read!! It'll make sense, I promise. Hopefully. Let's just say it has to do with Karma and Akara ;P ))

~Akara's POV~
"A-Akara, what are you doing?" Nagisa said, after I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Nothing. " I mumbled, smiling into his shoulder. "I think you're doing something. Like breathing or--" He started and I cut him off with a kiss. "Akara, what is your obsession with attacking my lips?" "Hm... I wouldn't call it attacking your lips... I'd call it showing affection. " I responded. That made him smile. "I see..." He mumbled, touching our noses, "Is it my turn to 'show affection'?" "Who said we were taking turns? Go ahead. " I muttered, my heart rate was accelerating and I knew Nagisa probably could feel it. He cocked a grin then gently pressed his lips against mine. I had a feeling he was teasing me at first, seeing how I would react. "Nag...isa... Stop...messing...with...me.."I mumbled through the kiss. Nagisa's eyes lit up with happiness. So he WAS messing with me...ugh.

~Nagisa's POV~
I was just getting started kissing her. I slid my tongue into her mouth, and her eyes widened. I closed my eyes, deepening the kiss even more. My hands went in the back of her shirt, her hands ending up in my hair. She wiggled the hair-ties out with her fingers, letting my hair down on my shoulders. Her hands didn't stop as they ran through my hair. "Mmm-mm..." Akara tried to say something, but wasn't able to since our lips were locked together.

I heard my phone ringing from behind me. I moaned. I pulled away from Akara, who looked hurt that I stopped the kiss. "Sorry. " I said, then answered my phone. "Hello?" "Ah! Nagisa! " It was Karma. "What do you want?" "Well, you see, I was wondering if you knew where Akara was?" "Huh? Why?" I said, glancing at Akara; who was still sitting on my lap while I leaned back. "Well, she wasn't at her apartment so I was worried. " "Yeah, I know where she is. " "Okay. Are you in your apartment? I've been knocking for the past 5 minutes. " "Oh sorry. The door is unlocked. " I said, gesturing for Akara to get off my lap. Karma hung up and I heard the door open and close. Akara scrambled off my lap, sitting on the edge of the bed like our make-out session never happened. "Hey guys. " Karma said, smirking. "Hey, Karma-kun. " I said, watching him sit down next to Akara. Jealousy washed over me. He kissed Akara on the top of her head. That sent sparks through my body. I clenched my jaw. He thinks of her like a little sister. Like a little sister. I told myself over and over again, trying not to pounce on my red-headed friend. "You look stiff, Nagisa. What happened?" Karma said, glancing at Akara and me. "Uh....nothing. " Akara mumbled, but her cheeks were tinged pink. "I honestly don't believe that. " Karma said, putting an arm around Akara's shoulder. "T-that... We played video games. " Akara muttered, looking highly uncomfortable. I snaked my hand around her waist, pulling her closer to me. Karma's arm dropped and he looked at me furiously. I shot him a smile. Akara relaxed, crawling into my lap to get away from Karma. "Akara-chan, are you scared of me?" Karma asked, frowning. "No. " "Then how come you won't sit by me?" "Because...because... Nagisa doesn't like it. " "So Nagisa controls you now?" Karma said, and I rolled my eyes. "I'm sitting right here, you know. " I mumbled and Akara squeezed my hand. "No, but I don't like hurting his feelings. " Akara looked up at me with her big blue eyes.   "And you like hurting mine?" Karma said, making Akara frown. "Well... I guess not." She mumbled. "Then come sit by me. " He said, patting the space between us. Akara reluctantly sat down between us.

~Akara's POV~
I didn't want to be any closer to Karma. He was making me uncomfortable. I felt like I was being fought over. Nagisa's hand immediately wrapped around my waist, like a shield to protect me from Karma. Karma's arm was around my shoulders, like he was trying to keep Nagisa from pulling me back to him. Their glares went around me and were focused at each other. I felt like I was being torn in two. My heart couldn't seem to make a decision. Karma was like an older brother to me. But Nagisa was my boyfriend.
I stood up, turning to face them and I crossed my arms over my chest. "You two need to stop this right now. " I said, frowning. "Stop what?" Karma was the first to answer, snaking his arm around my stomach while standing behind me. I felt my heart skip a beat. Nagisa was mad now. He pushed Karma off of me, putting both arms around my waist and pulling me close to his chest. My heart sped up as I caught the smell of him. Raspberries and cinnamon. It calmed me down but sped up my heart rate.

~Nagisa's POV~
I was so mad at Karma. I knew he was trying to get under my skin... Or was he? Did he really feel for Akara? I couldn't believe it. Plus, Akara was mine now. Mine and mine only. I could feel her heart racing against my chest. Karma's eyes darkened. He looked at me with rage and excitement. I knew that look. I put Akara on the bed, facing Karma. Bloodlust ran through my veins, being encouraged by my rage. I clenched my fists. Karma came at me, his fists flying through the air where my head used to be. I dodged his attacks, hitting him in the stomach. He just smiled, landing a blow to the side of my head. Pain shot through my ear. "Stop! Please!" Akara cried, while Karma continued trying to punch me. He turned to look at Akara, who was staring at me with wide eyes. I took this distraction to my advantage, slugging Karma in the chin with my fist. He glanced at me and smiled. "You try way too hard, Nagisa-Kun. Turn Akara over to someone who can actually protect her. " Karma said, putting his hand around my throat. He lifted me up, so my feet were swinging in the air. I couldn't breathe. "N-never..." I managed to choke out, before swinging my legs up and started choking Karma. I knew he would last longer than me. "Stop!" Akara said, trying to push Karma and me away from each other. She was crying. I let go, my body going limp. Karma let go of me, and I fell to the ground coughing and sputtering. He pulled her into an embrace. "Shh..." He cooed. I had never seen him let down his guard before. I was jealous. REALLY jealous. Akara is my girlfriend.

I knew my feelings for Akara. I also knew her feelings for Nagisa. I couldn't hurt her. Maybe I did love her more than a big brother should've, but I wasn't actually related to her. And I knew I would never be anything more to Akara.

((1195 WORDS!!! This chapter was inspired by ApocalypticStorm !! Thanks for the feedback. I hope you guys enjoyed this eventful chapter!! -Author-chan))

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